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Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden


Jan 9, 2009
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Chinese navy sees off Indian sub

Chinese warships sent to fight piracy in waters off Somalia were stalked by an Indian attack submarine and the two sides became locked in a tense standoff for at least half an hour, mainland media reported yesterday.

After rounds of manoeuvring during which both sides tried to test for weaknesses in the other's sonar system, the two Chinese warships managed to force the Indian submarine to surface. The Indian vessel left without further confrontation.

The incident was reported by Qingdao Chenbao yesterday and was widely carried by major mainland websites such as Sina.com and QQ. Both Beijing and New Delhi were silent about the matter.

This is the first reported military standoff between China and India since a bitter border war in 1962.

The incident took place on January 15 in waters near the Bab Al-Mandab Strait, which separates Yemen and Djibouti, at the western end of the Gulf of Aden. The Chinese destroyers had picked up an unidentified submarine on their sonar, the report said.

The Chinese navy soon identified it as a 70-metre-long vessel armed with 20 torpedoes. Although the report did not directly specify the model, it provided a file photo of a Kilo-class submarine belonging to the Indian navy, which fit the description.

The submarine tried to evade the Chinese warships by diving deeper. But the warships continued the chase.

The report said the Chinese ships sent an anti-submarine helicopter to help track the submarine, which had tried to jam the Chinese warships' sonar system.

But the two destroyers eventually cornered the submarine and forced it to surface. The report said the submarine had been trailing the Chinese ships since they had entered the Indian Ocean on the way to Somalia.

It said that at one point the Chinese commander even ordered the helicopter to have its anti-submarine torpedoes ready.

The Indian submarine is believed to have been collecting electronic signals and sonar data from the Chinese warships. Such information would be crucial in naval conflicts.

The two destroyers China sent to Somalia are among its most advanced warships. One of the destroyers, Haikou, was commissioned in 2005.

It is rare for mainland media to report such a close encounter between the Chinese navy and foreign warships. Although deemed a provocative and unfriendly gesture, it was not unusual for one country to send submarines to collect other navies' information.

In 2006, a Chinese submarine was detected stalking the US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk near the Japanese island of Okinawa. The Chinese submarine eventually surfaced close to the US battle group.

Chinese Military News Blog ????

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This does not contribute to further positive development.
Fennecus dude when was this yesterday its good to guys confronted them i dont know why they think they are a shoper poawer
Extremely provocative move on the part of India.

There will be consequences.
if we read whole article, it says Submarine was trailing them since they entered Indian Ocean.
that brings up a lot of questions.

Did Submarine trailed undetected for thousands of miles?

if Chinese detected the submarine near Yemen, how did they even know it was trailing them from Malacca?

How is it possible to force a submarine to surface? without using depth charges or torpedoes.

And when they did find them, they dispatched a "ASW chopper with torpedos ready" to flex their little .....(i will not say that :cheesy: :china: )...its a slap on the PLAN's face that they got themselves tailed that far and came to know it only when the sub surfaced.

if you need a map to know where is Malacca , pm me i will provide you
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ha ha ha what funny news "70 meter boat with 20 torpedoes" and jamming the sonar system. Never heard of it.

Chinese sailors were sleeping or what when they were chased thousands of miles. Ha ha ha just trying to save there a$$es.
I haven't seen this news appear elsewhere... lets wait for further developments... the blog mentions the event took place on January 15th.

"The Indian submarine is believed to have been collecting electronic signals and sonar data from the Chinese warships. Such information would be crucial in naval conflicts.

The two destroyers China sent to Somalia are among its most advanced warships. One of the destroyers, Haikou, was commissioned in 2005.

It is rare for mainland media to report such a close encounter between the Chinese navy and foreign warships. Although deemed a provocative and unfriendly gesture, it was not unusual for one country to send submarines to collect other navies' information."

Kudos to the Indian Navy if they managed to employ subs to snoop on the most advanced Chinese warships for several thousand Nm....
But the two destroyers eventually cornered the submarine and forced it to surface. The report said the submarine had been trailing the Chinese ships since they had entered the Indian Ocean on the way to Somalia.

A way to interpret the fact that if it this article is indeed taken to be true, and the event actually took place, then the Indian's did chinese a favour by not intensifying the situation. It has nothing to do with Chinese pressuring them.You would love to look it that way, to boost your morale..but that would only be naive.I bet the Indian sailors aboard that subb would have been laughing their *** off. And by the time the chinese would have realised what was trailing them, wnough data would have been collected.
Why cant it be an Iranian Kilo class?...Iran and India operate the same Kilo class. It could have been Iranians...
I haven't seen this news appear elsewhere... lets wait for further developments... the blog mentions the event took place on January 15th.

"The Indian submarine is believed to have been collecting electronic signals and sonar data from the Chinese warships. Such information would be crucial in naval conflicts.

The two destroyers China sent to Somalia are among its most advanced warships. One of the destroyers, Haikou, was commissioned in 2005.

It is rare for mainland media to report such a close encounter between the Chinese navy and foreign warships. Although deemed a provocative and unfriendly gesture, it was not unusual for one country to send submarines to collect other navies' information."

Kudos to the Indian Navy if they managed to employ subs to snoop on the most advanced Chinese warships for several thousand Nm....

truley agreed with you kechabhai . if they can trailed them for housand of miles then imagine how many chances they got to use torpedos ???????

i think IN succeed in its objectives . its truely a good achievement by IN
India, China face-off in the Indian Ocean
February 04, 2009 12:21 IST
Last Updated: February 04, 2009 12:22 IST

In the first military stand-off between the two Asian giants since 1986, an Indian submarine and two Chinese warships came close to a confrontation in the Bab Al-Mandab Strait, but the situation was resolved when the submarine left the site, the South China Morning Post reported on Wednesday.

The Bab Al-Mandab Strait separates Yemen and Djibouti at the western end of the Gulf of Aden.

Though both the Indian and Chinese governments refused to comment on the matter, the report claimed that on January 15, the two warships, which had been deployed to fight Somali pirates, were followed by the submarine.

The warships forced the submarine to surface after several rounds of manoeuvring, the Hongkong-based newspaper said, adding that the submarine chose to end the stand-off and leave the spot.

The stand-off was triggered off after the Chinese warships detected the presence of a submarine on their sonar, the report stated. The vessel reportedly fitted the description of submarines belonging to the Indian Navy.

When the submarine tried to jam the warships' sonar system, the Chinese navy sent an anti-submarine helicopter to track it, stated the report.

The newspaper claimed that the submarine had been following the warships since they entered the Indian Ocean. The escalating situation prompted the Chinese naval officials to keep its anti-submarine torpedoes ready.

The Indian submarine was reportedly trying to obtain crucial naval data from China's two most advanced warships, claimed the South China Morning Post.

India, China face-off in the Indian Ocean
Some of you people apparently cannot read.

Assuming that this is accurate, China had already detected a submarine shadowing its warships as it passed through the Indian Ocean and discovered those same patterns in the Gulf of Aden. Sounds to me like the PLAN heard them Indian rust buckets from a planet away.

The simple fact that the submarine was discovered was pretty embarrasing to say the least. Compare that the 2006 Kitty Hawk incident when the Chinese sub was completely undetected until it decided to reveal itself within a mere 5 miles to the CV.

And when a Submarine is forced to surface, you can damn well bet that it's considered dead meat.
Some of you people apparently cannot read.

Assuming that this is accurate, China had already detected a submarine shadowing its warships as it passed through the Indian Ocean and discovered those same patterns in the Gulf of Aden. Sounds to me like the PLAN heard them Indian rust buckets from a planet away.

The simple fact that the submarine was discovered was pretty embarrasing to say the least. Compare that the 2006 Kitty Hawk incident when the Chinese sub was completely undetected until it decided to reveal itself within a mere 5 miles to the CV.

And when a Submarine is forced to surface, you can damn well bet that it's considered dead meat.

The news report says that the "indian" sub was trying to jam the sonars of the Chinese ships...is it even possible?...The subs are potential weapons and are really effective so it is not surprising it went undetected.
Some of you people apparently cannot read.

Assuming that this is accurate, China had already detected a submarine shadowing its warships as it passed through the Indian Ocean and discovered those same patterns in the Gulf of Aden. Sounds to me like the PLAN heard them Indian rust buckets from a planet away.

The simple fact that the submarine was discovered was pretty embarrasing to say the least. Compare that the 2006 Kitty Hawk incident when the Chinese sub was completely undetected until it decided to reveal itself within a mere 5 miles to the CV.

And when a Submarine is forced to surface, you can damn well bet that it's considered dead meat.

then why they didnt force sub there ??? in indian ocean . what you saying is totaly rubbish, letme give you a look.

( Self edited )

did you see where indian ocean start or end ( whatever ) ???? from there they got something which says some one is chasing us , right thats what you want to say ????

so they just take thousands of miles to confirm that ,whether its a sub or a shark ( lol ) who is trying to jam there sonars .

as you said to USN A/C , well i can also say that :yahoo: , when we said bye bye to you . then your so called very new warships discovered that ohhh she was chasing us , they got want they want ... oo nooo :china: . better luck next time , whether you force the IN sub to come on surface , the fact is that IN succeed in its objectives . our sub trailed your 2 warships thousand of miles . thats all .

and tell me one thing , in thousand of miles how many chances should IN sub got to fire torpedoes on your new ships .
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IN Sub was trailing Chinese ships for Thousands of Miles OR NOT, Its not the Point but i think soon PLAN will Force IN out of Policing the Piracy in Somali waters.

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