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Chinese want white skin

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El Weirdo

Jul 26, 2011
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I had been upto my throat listening to little chinese claims on Indians want to be white/ fair complexion as Indians suffer from inferiority complex.
This is what I came across... such a hypocritical people can only be found in the `middle kingdon`

Read on --

“What? You like old skin!?!” a young Chinese guy exclaimed to me in English.

“Old,” was the word he used for dark. I’m not sure if this was a language error or if it was a direct translation of some pejorative Chinese term for dark skin, but I answered in the affirmative anyway.

“Yes, I like old skin.”

Of course we were talking about China’s deeply ingrained obsession with white skin. My companion then pointed across to one of his classmates and told me outright that she had dark skin and was not very beautiful. She agreed. I tried to disagree.

“In your country people have lots of different color skins,” he tried to justify my apparent tastelessness, “so you think all color skin is beautiful. Here in China, everybody has yellow skin, so we think white skin is beautiful.” :omghaha:

This was an understatement.

The Chinese — and East Asians in general — have an all out obsession with light colored skin. This isn’t the direct result of Western influence dictated by Hollywood, advertising, hot Caucasian chicks, or anything like this. No, the people here are not trying to look “American;” their goal is to look like fair skinned Chinese people.

White skin is a very long-honed determinant of beauty in China, and spans back to a time long before the first white dude ever set foot in North America. To read through old Chinese literature you’ll find that skin tone is mentioned often and is usually used to reference class or character. In point, skin color is used to show where someone comes from and the type of life they live.

“The feminine ideal during the Han period for women of the court was almost unearthly white, white skin. . .” ran an article in the Global Post. (WTF so this has been continuing since han periods? and they cal us that we suffe from complexity issues ?.loll )

Unlike in the USA, skin tone in China has virtually nothing to do with race. Generally speaking, this is a culture that has been virtually mono-racial for large swaths of it’s history. In the West we use labels like black, white, brown, yellow, red to express race, but skin tone does not divide people up in China in the same way. With the exception the Uighurs in the west, most of the cultural sub-units in China are of Mongoloid stock. So when talking about skin color here it’s mostly a discussion of what shade someone is within the bounds of this broad racial grouping.

“A woman should always have fair skin,” a Chinese lady was quoted as saying in a NY Times article. “Otherwise people will think you’re a peasant.”

“Oh my baby’s skin is so dark, my baby’s skin is so dark,” a concerned Chinese mother spoke. “My baby goes out in the sun so much and plays. I can’t take a picture of her now because her skin is so dark:omghaha:

She didn’t care that her baby had a big bruise under its eye and no hair, she just cared that its skin was dark. "Jeepers- creepers "

Skin whitening products

They have names like Extreme Bright Brightening Gel, White Swan, Snow White, and Fair and Lovely. They are skin whitening products, and it’s estimated that 50% of Chinese people between the ages of 25 and 34 have used them in some form or another. Needless to say, skin lightening in East Asia is a multi-billion dollar per year business.

白富美 White, Rich, and Beautiful

Living and traveling in China is to be brought face to face with the fact that skin tone is a major factor in determining beauty, class, and status. Though there are no hard coded rules here, social preferences err towards individuals with light skin, and the culture’s ingrained outlook that white = rich and dark = poor is continuously self-fulfilled.

It was reported in the NY Times that two thirds of men in Hong Kong prefer fairer skinned women, while half the women who participated in the survey stated that they want their men whiter... lord almighty :P

Social ascension based on qualities of physical attractiveness is not something that is rare in any country in this world, and a culture’s “attractive” genes are ever being pooled upwards.

China is a country that is now obsessed with wealth, power, social ascension, opportunity, and beauty. This entire packaged is often wrapped up in a single symbol:

White skin.

I bluntly questioned a young Chinese woman about her culture’s white skin obsession. “Why do you want white skin?” I asked her.

She deferred to the translating program on her mobile phone, and after punching a few buttons a satisfied look crept over her face. She handed the device to me, and on it was written:

“White skin removes all ugliness.”


So next time a chinese tells you about skin colour just save this link and rub it in their face.

Source - White Skin: A Chinese Obsession - The China Chronicle
@HongWu @ChinaToday @Peaceful Civilian
Whats the truth here aye?
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Why dont U do somthing about it in your country rather than being hypocrites and poking others?
dude you really need to check out Chinese chicks. Our women are not Caucasian, but their skin is pretty close to white naturally.

Besides, you can't read that it started in the Han Dynasty? I was not aware that we had any contact with the West during that period.

Also, white skin means no manual labor under the sun. Hence it's the sign of sophistication, and class.

If you really want to bash Chinese women, say they are bloodsuckers who don't want to sign prenup. Also crazy controlling.



Well bleaching skin and using whiteners is a trait of Indians and Pakistani Punjabis, so look inhouse and neighbours too.
dude you really need to check out Chinese chicks. Our women are not Caucasian, but their skin is pretty close to white naturally.

Besides, you can't read that it started in the Han Dynasty? I was not aware that we had any contact with the West during that period.

Also, white skin means no manual labor under the sun. Hence it's the sign of sophistication, and class.

If you really want to bash Chinese women, say they are bloodsuckers who don't want to sign prenup. Also crazy controlling.




well .... how did U know the pics U posted above of women dont use those stuff.. how naive mate? esp. during a beauty peagent its used more so...
Also 20 girls dont represent 1 + Billion chinese , or do they?

People who live in glass houses.. ....
Why dont U do somthing about it in your country rather than being hypocrites and poking others?

The country with the most obsession for white skin is India, even men use skin whitening product. And the irony is indians are not inherently white, not matter how much you cream you apply, you cannot never be white, LOL. But if you are willing to spend some serious money, you can become a Michael Jackson though.


There is a tan factory right next to where I live(Useless for me as I am brown lol). So do White people want to be dark? Yes sometimes they do. Do dark people want to be a little white? Yes may be some times. It is all natural exotic looks better to the eyes. NO surprises there and so no need for this thread.
well .... how did U know the pics U posted above of women dont use those stuff.. how naive mate? esp. during a beauty peagent its used more so...
Also 20 girls dont represent 1 + Billion chinese , or do they?

People who live in glass houses.. ....

You are right i seen Indian girls use that stuff and they still looked dark as night.
well.. no reactions... hang your heads in shame coz U know its right , and theres no comaback !!!!
yes some Chinese women want white skin but not as many as Indians, just like rape happen in every country but more often in india than the rest of the world
The country with the most obsession for white skin is India, even your male Bollywood actors use and promote skin whitening product. And the irony is indians are not inherently white, not matter how much you cream you apply, you cannot never be white, LOL. But if you are willing to spend some serious money, you can become a Michael Jackson though.

...... fairness creams are Multi - Billion indusustry in china. and U still point at us?

do yourself a favor and read the whole article again..

yes some Chinese women want white skin but not as many as Indians, just like rape happen in every country but more often in india than the rest of the world

hahahhaa.. U guys are soooo predictable I was thinking about toilet and rape posts.. and here with Ur little chinese avatar with a gay thumb licking gif . What is that ? Which team do U bat for?
OoOoOoO check this out.. https://www.facebook.com/fairandlovelypk

what about your chicks... being dark is still better than being a woman and hairy and having mustache :P lllolll
(if you know what i mean ?)

To be fair to him he did imply that Pakistani Punjabis have dark skin, and Indians(Muhajirs in PAkistam), so thats around 75% of Pakistani population almost.
There is a tan factory right next to where I live(Useless for me as I am brown lol). So do White people want to be dark? Yes sometimes they do. Do dark people want to be a little white? Yes may be some times. It is all natural exotic looks better to the eyes. NO surprises there and so no need for this thread.

i knosw it mate.... but your countrymen here on pdf dont want to knnow that.
...... fairness creams are Multi - Billion indusustry in china. and U still point at us?

No Chinese man uses skin whitening product, this is so gay, LOL.

Only Chinese women use those product, but they are naturally very white.


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