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Chinese than you can slander!



New Recruit

Dec 12, 2013
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First of all, Chinese is a peace loving country.

When you say please think of the things you said when China "threat"! Chinese in the rapid development of this without a doubt, in the process of development, some new things to be found. But some countries of these apparently met not objective. This is why? Don't Chinese must accept your request? What are your requirements? Is treading on our freedom and sovereignty! Do you think the air defense identification zone Chinese is not desirable! Then I want to ask you? The first in the world to have air defense identification zone is USA! Japan will air defense identification division to Chinese territory! South Korea is also! I want to ask that what you said Chinese threat? China stroke recognition area including the territory of another country? Don't kid yourself! If the war is not the reason why I think we Chinese! The real reason is the challenge China dignity country!

Besides Japan, I would like to ask the Japanese you still can know shame? Denying history! Forced to take over our territory! Do you think Chinese or Qing Dynasty? Still so weak? So come on! China people's anger will let you call Yamato combustion! We are not afraid of any enemy! We have enough courage and determination!

Chinese is always Kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished., emotion Shigeyoshi country! We love peace, we need peace! But this is not our representation can accept others insult!

Some people and some countries are always afraid of China development! Why? Because you want to see the people in the world are all obey your orders! But you know what everyone wants peace and stability. You always deliberately provoke a dispute, to other people's anger, you are responsible for your own behavior! Are you afraid of Chinese development will threaten your hegemony! You want the slaves throughout the world? But you forget, you have the freedom to pledge, but the people of the world have their own freedom of faith!
Chinese respect every national independence and sovereignty, we respect every religious! We do not exclude any color personnel! Because we know that there is only one earth! We love peace so we stay out of the war! We are humble and polite, because we know that everyone is a father and son and daughter! We attach importance to dignity, because we know that you also have their own. We unite the friendly affection, because we know We are family! We Kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished., because this is our traditional. We are honest and trustworthy, because this is our spiritual heritage. We are pragmatic and hard work, because we love this land.

Pakistan, Russia, Burma, Cuba, Ukraine, North Korea, Laos, Hachakesitan and Africa friends.... each and every one of these brothers and friends, we Chinese heart very grateful to their. Because they are our friends! Many people China, uncivilized, poor quality, some personal ideas, but I believe that every Chinese have friends to a grateful heart!

Finally, Chinese type love peace, but we do not welcome those who always provocative unfriendly person!
India, is an arrogant nation.
We never know what they think! They always want the world to hear their voices! But they apparently did not know their own deficiencies! Regardless of is the attitude or other! In Chinese, Indians are China despised, so many people confuse the people of Pakistan and the indians! Because we love the people of Pakistan, but it is difficult to distinguish between them. India to Chinese image is bad, but we do not hate indians! Because we think they are a great nation, but I think their approach to ridicule! They always think very powerful! We have a think Chinese is still very backward, but they recognized as they are developed! I think "巴铁" (translated into English: Pakistan iron man) is that we have a good partner, and India is hostile! I personally suggest that they need the patience to understand what is the development, not on its own strength to bully our brothers! They always think China is control of Pakistan, and Pakistan is actually China brothers, is mutual, everything is equal! If the brother was bullied, so as to help his brother will be duty bound! Because we are emotional!
India, is an arrogant nation.
We never know what they think! They always want the world to hear their voices! But they apparently did not know their own deficiencies! Regardless of is the attitude or other! In Chinese, Indians are China despised, so many people confuse the people of Pakistan and the indians! Because we love the people of Pakistan, but it is difficult to distinguish between them. India to Chinese image is bad, but we do not hate indians! Because we think they are a great nation, but I think their approach to ridicule! They always think very powerful! We have a think Chinese is still very backward, but they recognized as they are developed! I think "巴铁" (translated into English: Pakistan iron man) is that we have a good partner, and India is hostile! I personally suggest that they need the patience to understand what is the development, not on its own strength to bully our brothers! They always think China is control of Pakistan, and Pakistan is actually China brothers, is mutual, everything is equal! If the brother was bullied, so as to help his brother will be duty bound! Because we are emotional!

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I am happy to know that Chinese despise Indians:)
In fact, not despise you, despise it, because India is really fantastic! In China domestic generally says so! Unless the day India pragmatic! Because Chinese generally doesn't like arrogant people! We like humility,
Yet another thread that will be major circle jerk material for hyper-nationalists. As if PDF didn't have enough of those lol.

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