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Chinese military mobilizing ground troops on the coast?


Sep 20, 2012
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Anyone speaking Chinese can confirm? I used google translate and it pretty much says that China is mobilizing ground troops on the coast to support a possible war with Japan over the Senkaku islands.

ä¸*日要开战? 网爆闽陆军部队异动 - 新唐人电视台 视频节目 新闻视频 环球直击
February 3 to 6, Fujian, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Huzhou, a large troop movements, and nearly 100 vehicles of various types of military vehicles, armored vehicles, artillery filled the entire road, endless, Xiamen even the scene of a traffic jam 10 kilometers.

In addition, on February 3 in Shiyan, Hubei, a large number of tanks, wheeled military base from Shiyan room counties is delivered to the coastal areas.

Integrated these signs and reports, people have come to a startling conclusion: Day might want to go to war.

According to military experts, the Sino-Japanese war in the Diaoyu Islands, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, is the most important logistical base. If the war to expand, at any time, will spread to the provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang.

So... is something big about to go down?
FYI, your link point to a well known falun gong website.
Sorry but the Chinese government is not as nuts as you...even if they are corrupt as hell.

NDTV is pretty reliable if we consider their past reports. The Chinese government will do anything to censor them... only tyrants censor information.
Sorry but the Chinese government is not as nuts as you...even if they are corrupt as hell.

NDTV is pretty reliable if we consider their past reports. The Chinese government will do anything to censor them... only tyrants censor information.

If I was Chinese president I wouldn't censor them.
I would get the MSS to identify EVERY SINGLE Falun Gong supporter and kill every single one of them.
The CPC has been far too nice on Falun Gong.

Just do what the US does with terrorism, find them and ruthlessly kill them even if they wave the white flag. Over the years the CPC has gone soft and everyone from Falun Gong, Tibetan separatist, Hong Kong colonial lovers, Taiwanese independent movement has grown in strength while the CPC has become more and more liberal and appeasing these groups.

Chinese leaders need to get a backbone and not compromise with these groups. The CPC is not what it used to be, it used to be feared and no one dared mess with it during Mao's time, but now it has lost it's fear factor.
CPC need to stop worrying about what others think and get back some of that uncompromising ruthless streak.
The Falun Gong is still a lot more credible than the Chinese government.

Falun Gong funded epoch times had a whole story about coups and collapse in China which were untrue, tanks used on the Diaoyu's ? Sounds like something Kanwa came up with.
If I was Chinese president I wouldn't censor them.
I would get the MSS to identify EVERY SINGLE Falun Gong supporter and kill every single one of them.
The CPC has been far too nice on Falun Gong.

Just do what the US does with terrorism, find them and ruthlessly kill them even if they wave the white flag. Over the years the CPC has gone soft and everyone from Falun Gong, Tibetan separatist, Hong Kong colonial lovers, Taiwanese independent movement has grown in strength while the CPC has become more and more liberal and appeasing these groups.

Chinese leaders need to get a backbone and not compromise with these groups. The CPC is not what it used to be, it used to be feared and no one dared mess with it during Mao's time, but now it has lost it's fear factor.
CPC need to stop worrying about what others think and get back some of that uncompromising ruthless streak.

The grassroot leaders like Hu and Wen are a disaster for our policy.

Look at what they have done in the past 10 years.

The grassroot leaders can become even more corrupt than princelings and yet appeasing to the liberal policy.

We need a strong princeling leader who strongly waves the Maoist flag, even Bo Xilai is corrupt SOB, he is still miles better than those two imbeciles Hu and Wen.
Some people care about how it looks.
Winning is more important.
Nut job like Falun Gong is better to be left in the west.
They are their biggest enemy.
Some people care about how it looks.
Winning is more important.
Nut job like Falun Gong is better to be left in the west.
They are their biggest enemy.

The problem is no westerner wants to practice Falun Gong, yet they want all Chinese people to be brainwashed by Falun Gong.

If there is no China, Falun Gong will be immediately throwing into the trash can by US just like how they did to Bin Laden.
The Falun Gong is still a lot more credible than the Chinese government.

:rofl:The Falun Gong :rofl:

Do you eat medicine and go to Hospital when you sick?

but The Falun Gong do not
The problem is no westerner wants to practice Falun Gong, yet they want all Chinese people to be brainwashed by Falun Gong.

If there is no China, Falun Gong will be immediately throwing into the trash can by US just like how they did to Bin Laden.

When Falung Gong first make the news in the US it was looked upon as a bunch of whackos. Peter Jennings (ABC news anchor at the time) sneered openly. As soon as Falun Gong was banned in China, American media all of a sudden started to refer to it as a "spiritual movement."
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