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Chinese Islamic militants setting up bases in Pak


Feb 12, 2010
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An increasing number of militants of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement fighting for separation of China's Muslim majority Xinjiang province were "fleeing to Pakistan and settling down there for future plots," a state-run newspaper reported on Monday.

"According to latest reports, the ETIM has been in close collaboration with the Taliban and Osama bin Laden," the China Daily said in its lead story on the first anniversary of the bloody riots in Xinjiang capital Urumqi in which an estimated 200 people were killed.

It said an ETIM leader is also reported to be hiding in Pakistan and there are also reports of a "Chinese battalion" made up of about 320 ETIM members in the Taliban forces.

It said a number of ETIM fighters were "fleeing to Pakistan and settling down there for future plots".

"It is not hard for them (ETIM members) to hide in Pakistan. They have similar religious beliefs, appearances and languages as the locals," the report said.

The report about ETIM militants settling down in Pakistan came a day before the visit of Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, who during his week-long stay is expected to firm up the deal with China to finance and build two 650 mw nuclear reactors.

Xinjiang Autonomous province, the home of ethnic Uyghur Muslims of Turkish origin, observed the first anniversary of last years riots in which over 200 people were killed and several hundreds injured.

Chinese troops virtually converted the province into a veritable fortress deploying hundreds of soldiers and over 40,000 surveillance cameras to prevent any recurrence of violence coinciding with the first anniversary

The same Daily earlier carried a report that the Chinese and Pakistani armies are holding anti-terrorism exercises in China and may conduct joint operations in the future against the ETIM militants.

The newspaper speculated that the recent arrest of 10 members of the ETIM was accomplished with the help of the Pakistan army.

Uyghurs of Turkish-origin went on a rampage protesting the increasing settlement of Hans, who constituted over 90 per cent of the majority in mainland Chinese provinces.

The protests were also attributed to some hardline policies pursued by the provincial government including mandatory learning of Chinese.

The Chinese government subsequently introduced the two language policy to give a lift to local Turkic language.

The Chinese-Pak military exercises being held in the close by Ningxia autonomous province, which also has substantial Muslim population focussed on anti-terror training.

Owning to the prevailing environments in our region, there is a need to enhance our cooperation," Lt Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne, chief of the general staff of the Pakistani army was quoted by the Daily as telling soldiers at the opening ceremony of the drill.

The joint exercise is crucial for upgrading troops' capabilities in fighting terrorism together and safeguarding regional peace and security, Lt Gen Wang Guosheng, commander of Lanzhou Military Command, said at the opening ceremony.

This is third such exercises being held by troops of both sides since 2004.

"Our task this time is to conduct anti-terror joint drills in the mountainous border area," Senior Colonel Li Fuhua, director-general of the guiding committee of the Chinese side for the joint drill, said on the sidelines of the exercise

'Chinese Islamic militants setting up bases in Pak'
china should wake up and see whats happenning before these people are radicalised.
china should wake up and see whats happenning before these people are radicalised.

These people are already radicalised. What they want is Xinjiang for themselves - that aint gonna happen.

But Indians should focus on seperatists and insurgents in India and Kashmir before criticising how other countries policies causes radicalism.
These people are already radicalised. What they want is Xinjiang for themselves - that aint gonna happen.

But Indians should focus on seperatists and insurgents in India and Kashmir before criticising how other countries policies causes radicalism.

That not really fair to our indian friend's. No where does it say in this article say china's policies are causing these people to be radice a als.

On a related note, I don't think terrorism will be as big a problem as it is in the west. If nothing for the very pragmatic fact that Chinese security don't have to dance around an over developed sense of legal and individual rights that they do in the west. Britain legal and political system was thrown into fits trying figure out what to do with two pakistani terrorist because they couldn't be deported (something about torture) or jailed without a trial where evidence needed is still top secret.

No such problems if China was in the UK's shoes. Lock'em up and throw away the keys. Torture? A-okay! (I don't know that they would because intelligence from torture is alway shoddy but it wouldn't be a problem)

additionally I believe the co-operation between Pakistan and China is a lot closer and genuine than that of the US and Pakistan. Pakistan is very very crucial for controlling terrorism in the region and abroad. So any terrorism action would be much more successful if Pakistan was made a important partner.
CHINA is world power why would any province want to seperate its not india where all the wealth goes to some provinces
That not really fair to our indian friend's. No where does it say in this article say china's policies are causing these people to be radice a als.

I was replying to this comment:

china should wake up and see whats happenning before these people are radicalised.

It implies that chinese policies are causing Uighurs to become radicallised which is unfair since Uighur nationalism, militancy and seperatism contribute to these tough policies in the first place.
If this news is true then there is another terrorist attack is waiting to happen on thousands of Chinese working on projects across Pakistan.

Some extremists were recently few years ago were accusing Chinese of working as prostitutes in all massage parlours in Pakistani urban areas. Conspiracies against chinese are already flying around in madarassa's. Muslim separatist movement in the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang and Uighur sought refuge in Pakistan’s tribal region after fleeing from Afghanistan in 2001.
I was replying to this comment:

It implies that chinese policies are causing Uighurs to become radicallised which is unfair since Uighur nationalism, militancy and seperatism contribute to these tough policies in the first place.

Well not really i was pointing towards failing state of law in pakistan if pakistan itself cant control what they created how are they gonna help chinese ? any clues i guess none.

Its wise of china to do the right thing which is stay away from terror and terror breeding countries, which could eventually result in unbearable looses to chinese citizens who otherwise would like to spend their lives in peace and harmony.
Chine has no need to wakeup on some indian express news :hitwall: :hitwall: :china::pakistan:

I really understand your frustration - but its not leading you anywhere, one cannot change the ground reality and say all is well.

Thats what happened in pakistan earlier now we are seeing the results - RIP the dead loss of precious lives in pakistan everyday bombings and killings.

Pakistan should decontanminate itself with terrorism the only way it can be done is by isolation.

And as far china goes it should do whats best in its interests for today and future, instead of relying on some old dilly dally friend who shows up every now and then demanding more aid and transmitting loads of other problems into the country.
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If this news is true then there is another terrorist attack is waiting to happen on thousands of Chinese working on projects across Pakistan.

Some extremists were recently few years ago were accusing Chinese of working as prostitutes in all massage parlours in Pakistani urban areas. Conspiracies against chinese are already flying around in madarassa's. Muslim separatist movement in the Chinese provinces of Xinjiang and Uighur sought refuge in Pakistan’s tribal region after fleeing from Afghanistan in 2001.

Acutally its a fact - in ****** area you have all sorts of ethnicities, like uzbeks, algers, saudis, paks, afghans, chechans, so its not difficult for uighers to be part of them and radicalised, if that happens china would be doomed for very long time as this might also spread to tibet and even to general public who had personal losses cuz of personal land loss or death of immediate family members and any other related incident.

Actually this should be taken as a serious big warning bell by chinese planners as china needs to understand its up against many big powers who would like to undermine china.
Indian Media=BS news everyday.

So pakistan media is all great great news ????

We all see now pakistan media of taliban support policy and hate america policy have landed them nowhere but in bombings runs done by talibs created by its own govt ????

Stop being so disconnected to ground realities if you want to close your eyes and ignore then nobody is stopping you, but advising someone to what you belive undermining the ground realities is what i call as bullshyte.

If you want to support your claim come up with a credible news other than rupeenews or Moin Ansari type of news.

Till then let chinese decide whats good for themselves .
CHINA is world power why would any province want to seperate its not india where all the wealth goes to some provinces

China is world power in paper only :pop: you cannot call a world power sitting on US dollars and we all know the intentions of US against china.

The straight logic is no country cannot be a world, To be a world power in real they should have with their own economic/banking/currency/technology which is far ahead and superior to any other existing nations. Tell me if china has all that ???

To you quote all the money going to provinces is going to rich communist party members not to the general public which is still working on 150$ to 250% a month jobs where the rich party members have millions/billions to expend.

I like the way you twist your points but dont twist to an extent where people start disbeliving you. huh
These people are already radicalised. What they want is Xinjiang for themselves - that aint gonna happen.

But Indians should focus on seperatists and insurgents in India and Kashmir before criticising how other countries policies causes radicalism.

If you think these people are already radicalised - well trust me you havent seen anything yet, a further wait is required for the real show to start.
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