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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

This means Indic culture, including Sanskrit and Hinduism only spread to southeast asia after Indians made contact with the Greeks. From Sanskrit the Hindu Cham (now there are both Muslim and Hindu Cham) and Hindu Khmer (Cambodians, who were later entirely converted to Buddhism from Hinduism.) got the word Yavana and then they applied it to the Vietnamese. Yavana got corrupted into Yuon or Youn, with Yavana being used to decrive Vietnam and Youn used to describe Vietnamese and Youn acquired a derogatory meaning.

There goes Enemy's BS theory on Hinduism being in southeast asia since the "cro magnons" invaded.

"History of South-East Asia" by D.G.E. Hall is a good book to read if you want to find out how Indic culture including Sanskrit, Indic alphabets, and Hinduism and Buddhism spread to southeast asia. In fact its a good work for the entire history of the region. It was after the birth of Christ 2,000 years ago when Hinduism, Buddhism and Indic culture and writing started spreading to southeast asia. It wasn't there in really ancient times, like when Alexander the Great was around. There are still animist minorities in mainland southeast asia which were not Hinduized or Buddhisizdd in Vietnam and Laos.

Mauryan Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism single century later after Alexander's death. After that he started to send missionaries across Asia to spread the teaching of Buddha's. With that Indian culture start to spread across Asia. Many writing system of Asia is originated from descendants of Brahmi script. Tibetan Script known to have originated from Siddham Script.

Whenever me or southeast asians tried having civilized discussions online about this with Indians, the Indians just came up with insults on how savage the southeast asians were before Indic civilization was introduced. I hope that doesn't happen here.

Are you talking about Enemy, he insults Indian too and most of us doubt he is even an Indian, his Hindi/Urdu colloquial sounds Pakistani.

It should be a compliment for India...

But I don't know if Indian people should feel proud about it, because you rejected Buddhism. Just like the compliment will not work for the modern Afghans and Pakistanis. I tried before, they unhappy about it.

Well, Buddhism teaching is very good and well respected worldwide. It's not only win the heart of East Asians, but many Westerners too. I just don't understand why it didn't work for South Asians?
It should be a compliment for India...

But I don't know if Indian people should feel proud about it, because you rejected Buddhism. Just like the compliment will not work for the modern Afghans and Pakistanis. I tried before, they unhappy about it.

Well, Buddhism teaching is very good and well respected worldwide. It's not only win the heart of East Asians, but many Westerners too. I just don't understand why it didn't work for South Asians?

Indians don't feel alienated from the four Indian religions. The Buddhism spread across Asia was mix of Buddhism and Hinduism. Many South East Asian countries have their own version of Ramayana. Thailand's national emblem Garuda was originally from Hindu mythology.
I was watching an old video from Sikkim by a British journalist from 1960s where Sikkim's Emperor was fearing constant threat from China and they were even training kids in school how to hide in trenches in the case of Chinese invasion of Sikkim.

And Sikkim was actually invaded by the Indians. Sikkim king get a wrong information.

But the Sikkim's Tsherring22 give a thank to the post above.
And Sikkim was actually invaded by the Indians. Sikkim king get a wrong information.

But the Sikkim's Tsherring22 give a thank to the post above.

Maybe because he knows more about Sikkim than you do.
do buddhists in north east eat beef?i read buddhists in china,thailand,korea eat beef whereas srilankan and cambodian buddhists dont.i know there is no ruling in buddhism which prevents beef eating but as buddhism is a dharmic religion i want to know where you people stand

Sri Lankan Buddhists definitely do eat beef.
And Sikkim was actually invaded by the Indians. Sikkim king get a wrong information.

But the Sikkim's Tsherring22 give a thank to the post above.

Sikkim was a protectorate of India, how can you claim that we invaded sikkim. :lol: Sikkim was a princely state of British India which was not merged into India in 1947 but under the agreement became a protectorate continuing the rule of Chogyals.

He thanked my post because his people voted for integration with India. But since you mention invasion, China invaded Tibet and Xinjiang after they declared independence after the abolision of Qing Dynasty.
And Sikkim was actually invaded by the Indians. Sikkim king get a wrong information.

But the Sikkim's Tsherring22 give a thank to the post above.

Sikkim acceded by a vast majority to India.
Mauryan Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism single century later after Alexander's death. After that he started to send missionaries across Asia to spread the teaching of Buddha's. With that Indian culture start to spread across Asia. Many writing system of Asia is originated from descendants of Brahmi script. Tibetan Script known to have originated from Siddham Script.

Are you talking about Enemy, he insults Indian too and most of us doubt he is even an Indian, his Hindi/Urdu colloquial sounds Pakistani.

No. It was an islamophobic Hindutva fanatic Indian on another forum who did the insulting.

Sikkim was a protectorate of India, how can you claim that we invaded sikkim. :lol: Sikkim was a princely state of British India which was not merged into India in 1947 but under the agreement became a protectorate continuing the rule of Chogyals.

He thanked my post because his people voted for integration with India. But since you mention invasion, China invaded Tibet and Xinjiang after they declared independence after the abolision of Qing Dynasty.

They started invading, not us.

Sino-Tibetan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ili Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sikkim acceded by a vast majority to India.

Don't you think they are being brainwashed?

Since at the time most of them believe China will invade Sikkim propaganda, as China will invade India. While we know the threat was fabricated, because it was India who invaded China during Sino-India war. India was the real threat to Sikkim, not China. And history proven that at the end, Sikkim was annexed to India. I also read a lot of the mongoloid Northeast India's kings was deposed too.

I want to hear Tsherring22's opinion about this. Where's Tsherring22 now?
I highly doubt India "taught" Chinese the art of governing, considering the fact that we entered the age of absolute monarchy before Jesus is even born and the religion comment is true in some sense. China has always been a secular nation, even in the ancient time. So religion doesn't really have much impact on Chinese government, unlike the Arabic and Indian nations.

BTW, these Arabs are merchants. They are used to deal with laborers and other merchants, who are pretty much on the bottom of the social ladder.

Chinese ideology was Confucianism and Legalism, both were developed during Zhou dynasty.

Buddhism was widely accepted in China, because it resemble Daoism. Basically the teaching is very good too, not just acknowledged by Chinese people, but also some of Westerners too.
Don't you think they are being brainwashed?

Since at the time most of them believe China will invade Sikkim propaganda, as China will invade India. While we know the threat was fabricated, because it was India who invaded China during Sino-India war. India was the real threat to Sikkim, not China. And history proven that at the end, Sikkim was annexed to India. I also read a lot of the mongoloid Northeast India's kings was deposed too.

I want to hear Tsherring22's opinion about this. Where's Tsherring22 now?

Then you are fed with false narrative, PLA is notorious for making border incursion, it had been doing so in India and Bhutan. The 1962 war was started by China. PLA was also making incursions in Sikkim. Google Chola incident of 1967 when many PLA troops infiltrated into Sikkim leading tensions and bloodshed for more than a week.

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then you are fed with false narrative, PLA is notorious for making border incursion, it had been doing so in India and Bhutan. The 1962 war was started by China. PLA was also making incursions in Sikkim. Google Chola incident of 1967 when many PLA troops infiltrated into Sikkim leading tensions and bloodshed for more than a week.

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Against Indian troops, not to Sikkimese and Bhutanese.

Beside the whole Sino-India war is about Indian want to grab Tibet, but propagandized as Chinese invasion to India. Which is the lie already take a root and people expanded the false story.

And why Indian troops prefer to retreat to Sikkim and Bhutan?
Against Indian troops, not to Sikkimese and Bhutanese.

Beside the whole Sino-India war is about Indian want to grab Tibet, but propagandized as Chinese invasion to India. Which is the lie already take a root and people expanded the false story.

You are again wrong, Chinese claim territory south of McMahon line in Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. China also had eyes on grabbing Sikkim that's why it refused Sikkim's legal integration into India. Many people in Bhutan who follow Tibetan Buddhism are very much aware of the ways China destruction of their religion in Tibet.

And why Indian troops prefer to retreat to Sikkim and Bhutan?

What do you mean by retreat.
You are again wrong, Chinese claim territory south of McMahon line in Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. China also had eyes on grabbing Sikkim that's why it refused Sikkim's legal integration into India.

McMahon line is a disputed borderline which no side sign an agreement on it, accept McMahon himself. The correct border is the official China-British's India border. Beside, there's no the so called United India before. The border and territory of modern India was created by the British. Is the McMahon line the ancient Bharat borderline? Seeing the local people that mostly are Mongoloid people, South Tibet is never part of India.

Since when China had eye on grabbing Sikkim? I said above, it's a lie propaganda about China invasion to India. While the truth, it's India invasion to China with forward policy. Sikkim believed it and fall into the lie...then they lost their country because of self-ignorant.

Many people in Bhutan who follow Tibetan Buddhism are very much aware of the ways China destruction of their religion in Tibet.

China is communist. Sikkim and Bhutan is probably did the right thing. Yeah, I'm aware what the communist did to Chinese civilization and many East Asian cultures.

Although China is the world biggest Buddhist country, no Buddhist countries in the world have respect to China, because China is basically a communist. Buddhism is just practiced personally by the common people. Although China has a very long history of Buddhism, but modern China Buddhism (after the communist annihilation) is still very young and new. It's Taiwanese and Japanese who reintroduced Buddhism to China in '80. It was a very happy moment, that a lot of young mainlanders enthusiastically want to know and preserve their heritage.

That is why I purpose China to kick communist name out and back again to their root. But I understand if mainlanders fail to understand and see the bigger picture of China position, then refused my offer. The communist propaganda and censorship blinded their eyes. A bunch of foreign worshipers.

What do you mean by retreat.

Retreat after entering Chinese territory. It's just surprising that India launch the attack from Sikkim and Bhutan to Chinese territory. It's no longer about McMahon line, isn't? It's all about whole Tibet.
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