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Chinese & Indians in old Arab travelers' accounts

F*ck off.

Nepal was never a part of India, that is a fact. It was not even a part of British India.

And by the same logic there was no country of India back then either.
Right. Not in a modern nation state.

The Buddha was born in a small kingdom called Kapilavastu, where his father was the king, which was situated on both sides of today's Indian Nepalese border. His actual birthplace, Lumbini, is today in Nepal. Many people, thus, say he was born in Nepal, even if that wasn't the name of the country at the time.

Many people, on the other hand, say he was born in India, because Kapilavastu was one of many small independent kingdoms and republics together making up the Indian subcontinent.

The people of Kapilavastu were part of the Indian cultural sphere, since they were talking Indian languages (Magadhi for everyday use and Vedic Sanskrit for religious use), since they were dominated by Vedic beliefs (the forerunner to modern Hinduism) and so on.
When did I say it was a part of India?

However, you're free to keep it different with propaganda.

I agree we were not united. Bharatvarsha was a region defined by common faith and culture.

Which Nepal shares with us, no matter how many Communist terrorists you fund to eliminate this.

Your faithful mutt Prachanda was kicked out by Nepalis for his audacious attack on Pashupatinath temple.

Populist politics is not a problem for Nepalis. Just don't mess with their faith and culture.

They're mountain dwelling warriors since times immemorial.

Unlike you, they don't submit to foreign (unless you were not taught that Communism was invented by a German Jew called Karl Marx) nonsensical ideologies.

Or for that matter, disband them conveniently in favour of US alliance and state capitalism and call yourself communist. :lol:

I'm not a Communist. :lol: I never believed in such a stupid idea.

However, you guys are ruled by a white European Christian (Sonia).

And you have chosen a Western European language (English) as the de facto official language of India.

Oh and last but not least, you have the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim population in the world. How many Buddhists do you have in India, even though you are one of the largest Muslim countries on Earth?

You guys are Abrahamic in leadership and Abrahamic at your core.
Anyway, I think Buddhism has do a lot of good to China, not just only because the creed is good but also because Chinese sanitize it. Many Buddhist sect could be dangerous and advocate screwing around.


Many places of Tibet including Sikkhim was polluted by sexual Buddhism and everyone are screwing around. Sikkhim is one of the most lose places in the planet where woman spread legs without hesitation.

Before such Buddhism did came to China, but they are 100% incompatible with Chinese culture. These sexual monks and phoney prophets would be lynch by highly ethical Chinese, that sexual Buddhism cannot take root in China. Chinese pick up good things of Buddhism like Zen idea. While Tibetan and Sikkhim pick up the fxxk thing, until Je Tsongkhapa of Gelug started asking Lama to be celibate.

The sexual lama did gave China a lot of harm. In the Mongol dynasty of China, the ruling Mongols are Tibetan Buddhist and Lama has a lot of power. They went screwing many Chinese woman.
I'm not a Communist. :lol: I never believed in such a stupid idea.

However, you guys are ruled by a white European Christian (Sonia).

And you have chosen a Western European language (English) as the de facto official language of India.

Oh and last but not least, you have the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim population in the world. How many Buddhists do you have in India, even though you are one of the largest Muslim countries on Earth?

You guys are Abrahamic in leadership and Abrahamic at your core.

The country of India was created by Britain. Prior to that, India was a geographical expression consists of various kingdoms and empires.

But Indians are brain washed to believe that their country exists as a single unit for over 2000 years. So there is a shock from facts when they realize that their education system brain washed them. Some India in here still refused to accept this fact. Though some now see the truth that Britain created India and they are the ones making progress as an individual.
From my previous knowledge, China had established diplomatic relations with south east Asian nations through sea lanes in ancient times. But we seldom have connections with India even by sea lane, though it's true that Chinese explorer Zhenghe had been to Indian Ocean.

u might have heard about megasthanese,fa-hi-yen and xuanzang
Anyway, I think Buddhism has do a lot of good to China, not just only because the creed is good but also because Chinese sanitize it. Many Buddhist sect could be dangerous and advocate screwing around.


Many places of Tibet including Sikkhim was polluted by sexual Buddhism and everyone are screwing around. Sikkhim is one of the most lose places in the planet where woman spread legs without hesitation.

Before such Buddhism did came to China, but they are 100% incompatible with Chinese culture. These sexual monks and phoney prophets would be lynch by highly ethical Chinese, that sexual Buddhism cannot take root in China. Chinese pick up good things of Buddhism like Zen idea. While Tibetan and Sikkhim pick up the fxxk thing, until Je Tsongkhapa of Gelug started asking Lama to be celibate.

The sexual lama did gave China a lot of harm. In the Mongol dynasty of China, the ruling Mongols are Tibetan Buddhist and Lama has a lot of power. They went screwing many Chinese woman.

Buddhism has evil side too.

u might have heard about megasthanese,fa-hi-yen and xuanzang

Yes, every one in China knows xuanzang
The "0's " are perfect,,

Dwarka 32,000 year old city found under the sea.flv - YouTube

Dwarka Discovery under Sea by Discovery Science Part 1 - YouTube

Also yes i agree to some extent some edication was guarded ( JEALOUSE Nahhhh ,,thats but obvious)but not all,,,coz then the students & scholars from China,tibet,mongol Greece, and Persia used to come to Nalanda ,till a chutiya cald Bhaktiyar khilji burnt it,,I am sure u may be knowing it ,,Its readily available ,,just google it.


I think you got an extra 0 in your date and no, India and Arabic nations were not secular by any stretch of imagination. This, in particular, can be observed in the fact that the religion caste in India and the religious leader hold immense amount of power in the ruling the nation----this is even true today, abide to a lesser extent.

The direct impact of this situation is that education was often jealously guarded from the commoners. However, in China's case, because China becomes an absolute monarchy very early in its history, the Emperors pushed for spreading the education among the commoners so to stripping power away from nobles. This was definitely not the situation in India or Arabic nations.

This actually brought up a pretty interesting point. When the Arabic merchants visited China and India, who would they actually meet? Well, in China, they will most likely deal with merchants and visit local temples/mosques. In Arabic culture, these people are often the most well educated individuals in the society, but the same is not true in Chinese culture. In 9th century, Muslim had a pretty weak presence in China and mosques would have a rather narrow focus, mostly on religious teachings, rather than being a center of learning like it would be in the Arabic cultures. In comparison, by 9th century, Arabic forces had already had its way into North India. Their presence over there is significantly stronger and the society will be centered around these temples.
Chinese must admit we did import religion from India. Buddhism is Dharmic religion, and that is Indian's stuff.

Nevertheless we also export something better back to them.


We pay back India with Maoism. While Maoism is too toxic for China'a own consumption, this is exactly the stuff India need. By studying Maoism, the Hindu Nepal made great achievement. The erstwhile monarchy was being kick out by Maoist.

Today, Maoists are fighting the high caste Indians. Only Maoist can give real change to India. This is really dramatic karma.

In India the popular maoists forgot the ideology due to lack of support and are now infamous for extortion's and kidnappings. Tanks to China i.e. if u really want to accept the credit then great :tup:

Though Mao himself would commit suicide if he saw how his ideals are being practiced in India.
Its just a buddhist version of kamasutra :)

Anyway, I think Buddhism has do a lot of good to China, not just only because the creed is good but also because Chinese sanitize it. Many Buddhist sect could be dangerous and advocate screwing around.


Many places of Tibet including Sikkhim was polluted by sexual Buddhism and everyone are screwing around. Sikkhim is one of the most lose places in the planet where woman spread legs without hesitation.

Before such Buddhism did came to China, but they are 100% incompatible with Chinese culture. These sexual monks and phoney prophets would be lynch by highly ethical Chinese, that sexual Buddhism cannot take root in China. Chinese pick up good things of Buddhism like Zen idea. While Tibetan and Sikkhim pick up the fxxk thing, until Je Tsongkhapa of Gelug started asking Lama to be celibate.

The sexual lama did gave China a lot of harm. In the Mongol dynasty of China, the ruling Mongols are Tibetan Buddhist and Lama has a lot of power. They went screwing many Chinese woman.
The country of India was created by Britain. Prior to that, India was a geographical expression consists of various kingdoms and empires.

But Indians are brain washed to believe that their country exists as a single unit for over 2000 years. So there is a shock from facts when they realize that their education system brain washed them. Some India in here still refused to accept this fact. Though some now see the truth that Britain created India and they are the ones making progress as an individual.

Most Indians who disagree are those who have not only read modern history books but are also well versed with the vedas, puranas and Bagavat Gita.

If you really need to look at history u should start at the very roots. Instead you start from the middle and come to your current conclusion.
There was no Nepal at that time and it was under the kingdom of Pataliputra at that time.

Siddhartha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Mahabodhi temple in Gaya city of Bihar today which is India.

Lumbini was just his birthplace in the kingdom.

You ought to understand the history of Nepal, friend.

See we are different countries but are indistinguishable (except that we're supposed to be secoolar while Nepalis are proud of their faith and culture).

The first true Nepal came up as an empire in the Himalayas after king Prithvi Narayan Veer Vikram Shah Dev united all the warring mahajapanadas as a single state.

Equally, there was no country known as India back then.
Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

Another of your shameless fabricated quotes, they are all over the internet. No a diplomat used a militaristic metaphor, words like, "conquered" and "dominated" in describing the relationship between Buddhism, India and China. Only someone who has a chip over his shoulder would write in such manner. 1962?
Proven me wrong, give me a non-indian source?

Here's another one:
Will Durant, American historian: "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".

An American writer calling india "mother India"? Which westerner doesn't know democracy came from Greece and mother of European language is Greek/latin?
Have some shame Indians!
Another of your shameless fabricated quotes, they are all over the internet. No a diplomat used a militaristic metaphor, words like, "conquered" and "dominated" in describing the relationship between Buddhism, India and China. Only someone who has a chip over his shoulder would write in such manner. 1962?
Proven me wrong, give me a non-indian source?

Here's another one: An American writer calling india "mother India"? Which westerner doesn't know democracy came from Greece and mother of European language is Greek/latin?

Will Durant, American historian: "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".

Have some shame Indians!

Proud Indian

India Conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to... - Hu Shih at BrainyQuote
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