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Chinese incursions Caught on Camera!

I saw this report last night. But what the actual report said and what the heading said were two entirely different things! They showed pictures of both armies displaying banners warning the other about incursion and this border is a demarkated one leaving the actual reports of incursion open for debate.
Infact the Indian Army personnel who was interviewed said that the incidents were lower this year. The Chinese facilities can be viewed with concern but instead of being paranoid, construction of better facilities for our armed forces should be of priority. It was a relatively simple report, but I get the feeling NDTV tried to over sensationalize it!
I dont know what the news was in that. Good news that the only attack i saw was posters being put up on both sides. lol
we should be more worried about the hilly jungle lands that inhabit Arunachal and the border with china.

LOl such open killing fields are a big disaster in terms of launching an offensive.
Great for defense ...very bad for offense

AKsai chin was left alone for that very same reason.
Not a single incursion was caught on camera.

But we do see incursions a lot. The reason why it is not really seen is that people live very scarcely near forward areas and it is impossible to man entire Himalayan belt. PLA's meddlesome attitude is only emboldened by the fact that we have a jerweed for a PM and a callous vermin for his remote control.
But we do see incursions a lot. The reason why it is not really seen is that people live very scarcely near forward areas and it is impossible to man entire Himalayan belt. PLA's meddlesome attitude is only emboldened by the fact that we have a jerweed for a PM and a callous vermin for his remote control.
wtf!? didn't you hear the colonel? less incursions and no clashes. Nothing is happening beside the PLA building more permanent settlements. the reporter is reporting on NOTHING! and giving it a fancy title. what bs!.
better reporting from Aljezzra
even better reporting
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