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Chinese fury at US adoption revelations


Aug 15, 2013
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China's adoption agency said it was "shocked and furious" about a report that revealed how US parents use the Internet to abandon unwanted children adopted from abroad, including China.

The Reuters investigation found parents used message boards and forums on Yahoo and Facebook to send unwanted children to virtual strangers with little or no government scrutiny, sometimes illegally.

"We are very shocked and furious," the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption said yesterday. "This is an irresponsible act."

The adoption center, commissioned by the government to govern overseas adoptions, said it "attaches great importance" to the report.

"As for the cases involving the adopted children from China, we are actively investigating and verifying and are awaiting a further understanding of the situation," it said.

The adoption agency said it is concerned about the lack of US government regulation that was revealed and would be holding talks with "relevant agencies" in the United States.

The agency requires families adopting Chinese children to provide feedback six times in the first five years. It now plans to demand feedback until the child turns 18.

In the report "The Child Exchange" 5,029 posts from a five-year period on a Yahoo message board were analyzed. On average, a child was advertised once a week in a practice called "re-homing." Most were aged from six to 14 and had been adopted from countries such as China, Russia, Ethiopia and Ukraine.

Chinese fury at US adoption revelations- China.org.cn

We can't even take care of our own children and export our children like cheap toys to westerners that treat Chinese children like trash. No superpower exports it's children to other countries. Just shameful. It's time we banned adoption of Chinese children by foreigners like Russia banned Americans from adopting Russian children due to MASSIVE abuse of those children by evil Yankees.

We need a CPC with a backbone like Vladimir Putin. The current CPC thugs will sell our babies for money. Absolutely disgusting. These young children are the future of China why are we giving them to foreigners? Makes me want to vomit.

CPC is incredibly corrupt.

Stop exporting our babies you dumb corrupt CPC losers!
Russia can say no to America for large part because their economy isn't huge like ours. They are not as connected and they are resource based.

We can't say things to Americans the same way Americans can't say things to us. America and us are pretty much world powers in terms of economics.

We are connected in a million different ways so, we must be careful in our approach.

Besides, being Chinese you should know the saying. Stopping a flood is not as good as diverting it.

Never restrict, but make changes.
Russia can say no to America for large part because their economy isn't huge like ours. They are not as connected and they are resource based.

We can't say things to Americans the same way Americans can't say things to us. America and us are pretty much world powers in terms of economics.

We are connected in a million different ways so, we must be careful in our approach.

Besides, being Chinese you should know the saying. Stopping a flood is not as good as diverting it.

Never restrict, but make changes.

Your post doesn't even make sense.

So you believe because Russia doesn't have a bigger economy as us that they don't need to export their babies? Idiot!

We are being humiliated.
Westerners adopts and abuse our babies, uses our women to have sex, make fun of our men for the size of our body parts and use us as slave labour for western corporations. If this is not humiliation, then what is?

And you want to kiss up to these disgusting Yankees and other western countries?

I for one will never kiss their arse. I have honour, pride and dignity and will NEVER bow down and worship these foreign trash that look down on China, Chinese people, Chinese systems and Chinese culture.

You be a slave if you want!
Your post doesn't even make sense.

So you believe because Russia doesn't have a bigger economy as us that they don't need to export their babies? Idiot!

We are being humiliated.
Westerners adopts and abuse our babies, uses our women to have sex, make fun of our men for the size of our body parts and use us as slave labour for western corporations. If this is not humiliation, then what is?

And you want to kiss up to these disgusting Yankees and other western countries?

I for one will never kiss their arse. I have honour, pride and dignity and will NEVER bow down and worship these foreign trash that look down on China, Chinese people, Chinese systems and Chinese culture.

You be a slave if you want!

It is you that still have that mentality of Western superiority.

We and the US may not be total equals, but it's also not a US vietnam situation.

Less and less of our women and men are marring Americans/Europeans, due to the knowledge that they are not rich, culturally different, and also we are richer now.

In fact more and more Western/Eastern Europeans are marrying our men and vice versa and settling in China.

You think the US doesn't have problems with us?

Losing jobs, some unnecessarily, copyrights, abusing their systems and stuff of that nature. But they can't say anything, or at least do anything. Doing something will upset the balance and result in bigger problems.

It's marriage of convenience, the US and China. There will be bumps and bruises along the way, but the marriage must go on. You don't end a marriage that would destroy your life and career because your spouse spilled milk on your shirt.
It is you that still have that mentality of Western superiority.

We and the US may not be total equals, but it's also not a US vietnam situation.

Less and less of our women and men are marring Americans/Europeans, due to the knowledge that they are not rich, culturally different, and also we are richer now.

In fact more and more Western/Eastern Europeans are marrying our men and vice versa and settling in China.

You think the US doesn't have problems with us?

Losing jobs, some unnecessarily, copyrights, abusing their systems and stuff of that nature. But they can't say anything, or at least do anything. Doing something will upset the balance and result in bigger problems.

It's marriage of convenience, the US and China. There will be bumps and bruises along the way, but the marriage must go on. You don't end a marriage that would destroy your life and career because your spouse spilled milk on your shirt.

Yes yes, US is always good and China is always bad.

Congratulations, you have been successfully brainwashed by Yankee propaganda like CNN, Fox, Hollywood, etc into believing that the white western people are superior to Chinese people.

I hate people that look down on their own country and people and worship foreigners.
Yes yes, US is always good and China is always bad.

Congratulations, you have been successfully brainwashed by Yankee propaganda like CNN, Fox, Hollywood, etc into believing that the white western people are superior to Chinese people.

I hate people that look down on their own country and people and worship foreigners.

I don't hate China, but I'm also not blind to what we are.

The US and China are countries, both seeks their own interests. There are rights and wrongs, good and bad, but it is relative, depends on whose side you are on.

Reading this story, you are actually looking down on China, why didn't you see the article as Western people being barbarians, rather than Chinese authorities should close the adoption process?

IF the story had been reversed, the Western people would certainly have looked at it this way.
I don't hate China, but I'm also not blind to what we are.

The US and China are countries, both seeks their own interests. There are rights and wrongs, good and bad, but it is relative, depends on whose side you are on.

Reading this story, you are actually looking down on China, why didn't you see the article as Western people being barbarians, rather than Chinese authorities should close the adoption process?

IF the story had been reversed, the Western people would certainly have looked at it this way.

The hell are you on about.

Because if the CPC stopped exporting our babies then westerners wouldn't have the chance to show their barbarism towards our babies.

What kind of country just allows their babies to be exported? Those babies are the future of China!

Do the US export their babies?

We can't even take care of our own children and export our children like cheap toys to westerners that treat Chinese children like trash. No superpower exports it's children to other countries. Just shameful. It's time we banned adoption of Chinese children by foreigners like Russia banned Americans from adopting Russian children due to MASSIVE abuse of those children by evil Yankees.

We need a CPC with a backbone like Vladimir Putin. The current CPC thugs will sell our babies for money. Absolutely disgusting. These young children are the future of China why are we giving them to foreigners? Makes me want to vomit.

CPC is incredibly corrupt.

Stop exporting our babies you dumb corrupt CPC losers!

Thank you Lightingbolt. :smitten:

CCP is communist, Western worshiper fanatics. This behavior is rooted in their mentality.

What China need is a reform to completely ban communist, democracy, or anything that worshiping foreigners. And restored Confucianism and our Chinese civilization.

It's time to focus on ourselves, give the best to our people and highest living standard. No more cheap slaves to foreign master!
Do bear in mind, there must be a Chinese parent abandoning their own flesh and blood for an American parent to adopt them.

It would work a lot better to fix your own situation in china then blaming the American parent abandoning them.

And I case you don't know re-homing or re-fosterification is actually a legal practice in us and was encouraged by a few child service agency, otherwise the next step is to stick those Chinese adoptee out in the street
Yes yes, US is always good and China is always bad.

Congratulations, you have been successfully brainwashed by Yankee propaganda like CNN, Fox, Hollywood, etc into believing that the white western people are superior to Chinese people.

I hate people that look down on their own country and people and worship foreigners.
Yes, that guy is a total clown. He thinks it's patriotic to submit oneself as the weaker partner because he think we are in fact too weak to do otherwise. Submission to him is the only means of survival.

Exactly identical to 曲线救国

Thank you Lightingbolt. :smitten:

CCP is communist, Western worshiper fanatics. This behavior is rooted in their mentality.

What China need is a reform to completely ban communist, democracy, or anything that worshiping foreigners. And restored Confucianism and our Chinese civilization.

It's time to focus on ourselves, give the best to our people and highest living standard. No more cheap slaves to foreign master!
LOL let's see Taiwanese stop worshipping the Yasukuni shrine first.
Do bear in mind, there must be a Chinese parent abandoning their own flesh and blood for an American parent to adopt them.

It would work a lot better to fix your own situation in china then blaming the American parent abandoning them.

And I case you don't know re-homing or re-fosterification is actually a legal practice in us and was encouraged by a few child service agency, otherwise the next step is to stick those Chinese adoptee out in the street

What you said is true...

I'm wondering why CCP didn't do their homework right?

Can mainland members here explain it to me?

Hey, Western Communist Worshiper!

Why you treat fellow Chinese as animal?
What you said is true...

I'm wondering why CCP didn't do their homework right?

Can mainland members here explain it to me?

Hey, Western Communist Worshiper!

Why you treat fellow Chinese as animal?

Your leaders worship the West much more than mainlanders do.
Your leaders worship the West much more than mainlanders do.

Yes, we DO!

Yes, our Christians political leaders are trying to brainwash our people all the time, to worship Westerners.

But the different is, we are democracy country where people have VOICE and FREE SPEECH. People is still have a power to maintain his Chineseness, although being eroded everyday by Western Worshiping propaganda.

Unlike the mainland Communist, Chineseness in mainland just free fall into the abyss without something to slow it down.
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