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Chinese Forign Minister : China Stands by India

Are you really a tribal? Your avatar makes you seem like a Korean? :P

No more offtopic.


Im Korean as well!
China heaps praise on 'old friend' Modi - The Times of India

Now Indians are going to say "别有用心。。。 别有用心". :P

I don't know why people can't see that sometimes, business is really just business. No one in their right mind is averse to good investment and good profits.

And no one is asking you to drop your guard either. It's not either/or, you can do good business and keep your sensitive sectors safe at the same time.
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This is how Wang Yi looks when he is extremely happy:


Are you sure??I mean,he doesn't look very happy to me!!And if this is his very happy look,then I don't know whether I could stand to see his angry look!!

Nooo...unsettled border is good. Keep indians paranoid. But now China making another Dynasty toppling mistake--building your enemy.

They have already done that before by investing large amounts in US bonds,they are just correcting their past mistakes now.India is not the natural enemy as per say.
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Are you sure??I mean,he doesn't look very happy to me!!And if this is his very happy look,then I don't know whether I could stand to see his angry look!!

I was being sarcastic lol, I just thought he was making a really funny expression in that picture. :P
It depends.

There are many occasions where crossing your legs is fine, for example when a Shaolin monk is meditating they will cross their legs in a "lotus" position.

Feet are considered dirty, so if you're sitting in a way that your feet are pointed at someone, it is rude.

However it's not really that big a deal. If you are a foreigner most people will be understanding.

That's the same for us. I meant crossing feet like putting one leg over the other

I was being sarcastic lol, I just thought he was making a really funny expression in that picture. :P

I see,lollll.By the way,it's great to see that finally we are getting out of '62.I dare say that had our leaders shown a little bit of far-sight and restraint back then,the whole world would have been at our feet by now!!Well,better late than never,future looks quite bright from here (judging by the present situation at least).Lets see what time has in store for us. :cheers:
can create big tension for their brother nation

See, there is no ideological differences between India and China as such. There is an issue about border talks and an issue related to trade imbalances. If these two are miraculously sorted out by mutual agreement, then nothing can stop an India + China show of force. We do not have any religion-based or culture based animosity, we don't have any race based animosity and certainly not ideological (now that Communism is rejected by even China).

So what their 'brother' nation (we all know who :D ) needs to do is snap into reality like mature adults rather than behaving like a delinquent kid.

The Chinese premier Jian Zemin advised Musharaf long ago during Kargil conflict, that Pakistan should quit Jihad, forget about conflicts and focus on trade and economic development because conflict will take neither countries anywhere. But jurnail sahab didn't see the far-sightedness of the Chinese leader.

Despite the example of China and Japan trading, forgetting their animosity for immediate times, they won't learn.

It is regrettable that Pakistanis don't listen to even a close friend of theirs.
Even if you only provide half the expected return on investment, that would still be a hundred times better than US treasury bonds any day. :cheers:
Compete with Japan. They offer 2% interest. U offer 0.5%. :D :D :D. Win Win Situation. And u know better, IF u get max RoI from any Country, its India for sure.
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See, there is no ideological differences between India and China as such. There is an issue about border talks and an issue related to trade imbalances. If these two are miraculously sorted out by mutual agreement, then nothing can stop an India + China show of force. We do not have any religion-based or culture based animosity, we don't have any race based animosity and certainly not ideological (now that Communism is rejected by even China).

So what their 'brother' nation (we all know who :D ) needs to do is snap into reality like mature adults rather than behaving like a delinquent kid.

The Chinese premier Jian Zemin advised Musharaf long ago during Kargil conflict, that Pakistan should quit Jihad, forget about conflicts and focus on trade and economic development because conflict will take neither countries anywhere. But jurnail sahab didn't see the far-sightedness of the Chinese leader.

Despite the example of China and Japan trading, forgetting their animosity for immediate times, they won't learn.

It is regrettable that Pakistanis don't listen to even a close friend of theirs.
Musharaf is the Indian leader I like most.He looks a little bit oriental.
Now modi is the PM, Now only China every country have to Stand by us!!
In Eastern cultures, like Japan and China, crossing your legs is considered impolite.
This is the case in India too afaik, crossing your legs in front of elders/superiors is considered impolite. It's kinda like a "I'm the boss" body language.
If we get friendly with China how does that helps in US plans to contain China with our help? Are we ready to ditch US and hop on to China hype train?
If we get friendly with China how does that helps in US plans to contain China with our help? Are we ready to ditch US and hop on to China hype train?

Why ditch the U.S, You dont *have to* dump someone to gain something something elsewhere. We've handled and continue to handle tougher relationships (Israel-Iran) than this, besides even China has a very strong economic relationship with the U.S.
Musharaf is the Indian leader I like most.He looks a little bit oriental.

Musharaf Indian?

He is Pakistani former Army chief.

If we get friendly with China how does that helps in US plans to contain China with our help? Are we ready to ditch US and hop on to China hype train?

No one country is a zero sum game. If we can mutually benefit, any country neutral or friendly enough is welcome.

Remember the harm of jumping bandwagons: the evidence is right in our western neighbour.
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