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Chinese Fleet Arrive At Karachi For A Three Day Visit


Jan 2, 2009
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October 5th, 2009

Frigate Huangshan and supply ship Weishanhu, all from the Second Fleet deployed by China in the Gulf of Aden, Arrive at Karachi on the morning of October 5th for a three day visit. They were lead by Rear Admiral Wang Shicheng, deputy political commissar of the South See Fleet.

(incomplete, the rest of this news is about how they will spend their wonderful three day in Pakistan... )

The Frigate Huangshan is one of the type 054A.
This is PLAN's fifth visit to Pakistan.

Translated by myself, poor English...
The original page in Chinese:
August 6, 2009

Chinese naval fleet arrived in Pakistan to visit Karachi

By the formation of the navy to escort the second batch of "Huangshan" missile frigate and "Weishanhu" integrated its supply ship of the Chinese naval fleet in the Navy, deputy political commissar of the South China Sea Fleet, led by Major General王世臣, 5, arrived in Karachi, Pakistan, Hong Kong, was invited to Pakistan for a 3-day goodwill visit.

巴基斯坦舰队司令山地拉少将,中国驻巴基斯坦武官李孟言少将、驻卡拉奇总领事陈山民以及使馆人员、中资机构、留学人员和华人华侨代表100多人到码头热烈欢迎到访的中国海军官兵。 Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral mountain gap, the Chinese military attache in Pakistan, Major General Li Yan, Chen Consul General in Karachi mountain people as well as the embassy staff, funded institutions, Chinese students and Chinese and overseas Chinese representatives to the pier more than 100 people a warm welcome to visiting Chinese naval officers.

当地时间上午10时30分,中国海军舰艇编队停靠卡拉奇港码头。 Local time 10:30, the Chinese navy vessels calling at Karachi Port. 军舰上中巴两国国旗迎风飘扬,码头上巴基斯坦海军官兵整齐列队欢迎,巴海军军乐团奏起高亢的迎宾曲迎接到访的中国客人。 Chinese and Pakistani warships on the national flag fluttering in the wind, the pier of Pakistan welcomed the officers and men lined up neatly, Pakistani military band played the迎宾曲resounding welcome visiting Chinese guests. 王世臣少将告诉记者,这是1951年中巴建交以来,中国海军舰艇第5次访问巴基斯坦,巴基斯坦军民对到访中国海军官兵的热情友好接待,再次印证了中巴友谊源远流长。 王世臣Major-General told reporters that this is the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan in 1951, the Chinese naval vessels 5th visit to Pakistan, Pakistan to visit Chinese military officers and men of the warm and friendly reception, once again confirms the long standing friendship.

当天上午,我出访编队部分官兵参观了巴海上训练司令部、巴空军和海事博物馆。 Earlier in the day, I visited some of the officers and men visited the formation on the training of Pakistani Command, Pakistan Air Force and the Maritime Museum. 下午,王世臣少将一行前往巴基斯坦“国父”真纳的陵墓拜祭。 Afternoon, Major-General and his party went to Pakistan王世臣"Dr. Sun Yat-sen" honor the tomb of Jinnah. 据悉,访问期间,中巴海军将交流在亚丁湾、索马里海域护航的经验,两国水兵还将举行龙舟、拔河、篮球、足球比赛等丰富多彩的联谊活动。 During the visit, the Pakistani Army in the exchange in the Gulf of Aden, Somalia waters experience escort, the two countries will also hold dragon boat sailors, tug-of-war, basketball, football matches, such as a variety of recreational activities.

本次出访的两艘中国海军舰艇,是结束在亚丁湾、索马里海域护航任务后,在返航途中顺访巴基斯坦的。 The visit to the two Chinese naval vessels, is the end of the Gulf of Aden, the Somali waters to escort mission, in the back way to visit Pakistan. 这是我国海军舰艇首次在海外长期执行任务后,未作休整即进行外事访问活动,也是我国自行研制的新型导弹护卫舰首次出访。 This is the first naval mission abroad after a long time without a rest or visit to the Foreign Affairs, but also developed my own first visit to a new type of missile frigate. 该编队7月31日从亚丁湾出发,经过5天连续航行,远涉1100多海里抵达卡拉奇港。 The formation on July 31 starting from the Gulf of Aden, after sailing for five days,远涉more than 1100 sea miles to Hong Kong arrived in Karachi. (夏洪平侯亚铭) (XIA Hong-ming平侯Asia)
Google Translation..... my god

Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral mountain gap, who is he?
Word is that one of the reason for this is visit is PN would be checking out the Type-054A as a future contender for its fleet.
There is another 054A frigate visiting Karachi right now.
Both the countries should strengthen the friendship by Pakistan allowing China to make Chinese Naval base in Pakistan. This will strengthen the friendship & it will be a huge slap on the face of US & India.
Word is that one of the reason for this is visit is PN would be checking out the Type-054A as a future contender for its fleet.
Don't mind me asking this sir after
7-8 F22 Frigate,6 submarines,3-4 OHP class Frigate,Not to forget FAC and other ships.......will PN will be left with sufficient funds to invest in more Frigates....
Both the countries should strengthen the friendship by Pakistan allowing China to make Chinese Naval base in Pakistan. This will strengthen the friendship & it will be a huge slap on the face of US & India.

Why on earth would that be a slap on the face of India, if anything it will be a massive slap to the Pakistani self esteem. Having foreign military base in your country is not something to be proud about, it just means that you are not capable of securing your own country and thats why you need foreign military presence.

Stop dragging India into everything.
Both the countries should strengthen the friendship by Pakistan allowing China to make Chinese Naval base in Pakistan. This will strengthen the friendship & it will be a huge slap on the face of US & India.
If i am correct you have already tried that in 70ies when you had American Air Base In Pakistan....At that time American were using you as their puppets against Soviets.......and now it will be China using you against America and India....
Why on earth would that be a slap on the face of India, if anything it will be a massive slap to the Pakistani self esteem. Having foreign military base in your country is not something to be proud about, it just means that you are not capable of securing your own country and thats why you need foreign military presence.

Stop dragging India into everything.

Ya, tell that BS of yours to the Japanese, the Koreans or the British, who all enjoy better living conditions than your India, yet have foreign military bases on their soil.

Not to mention the Persian Gulf states...........
Ya, tell that BS of yours to the Japanese, the Koreans or the British, who all enjoy better living conditions than your India, yet have foreign military bases on their soil.

Not to mention the Persian Gulf states...........

What on earth has living condition got to do with anything? The Chinese do a very good job of reminding the Koreans and the Japanese, on this very forum.

Just tell me how exactly is a Chinese naval base in Pakistan is going to be a "slap on India's face"?
Lets not BRING INDIA into this

you do not want to be annoying these monsters of the indian navy



in case you buried your heads inn the sand

THAT is the Gorskhov carrier now called vikramditya india,s flag carrier

AND the frigate a TALWAR class one of 6 joined or abt to join
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