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Chinese company that allegedly copied iPhone 5s design wants to sue Apple


May 28, 2011
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Chinese company that allegedly copied iPhone 5

A bevy of iPhone 5 clones are already available in China, even though Apple has yet to unveil its newest device. In the video above, you can see the a device called the Goophone i5, which bears a striking and undeniable resemblance to the leaked photos and videos of what's believed to be the new iPhone circulating around the internet. You'd expect Apple to be the one filing cases in situations like these, but for this particular story, throw that notion out the window — according to Giz-China, it's Goophone's manufacturers who are planning to file a lawsuit against Apple.
The company that made Goophone applied for a patent on the design. Once the September 12 keynote does indeed spawn the iPhone 5 we've been seeing so much of in unofficial images, the company allegedly plans to take it to court. It even wants to block the iPhone 5 in the Chinese market.
The Goophone i5 is an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich device. It may look like an iPhone with a bee instead of an apple on its back, but its innards are completely different from what we expect from Apple's upcoming gadget.

Goophone i5?
This is a new low for Chinese Copy Paste party :lol:
The narration in the video is so effed up :rofl:. I wouldn't have understood anything if there were no sub titles with the video.

What about the fake apple stores in China?? are they suing apple too? Is the makers of Gulsar suing Bajaj Auto? :rofl:
Pretty fckuing original name... Goo-Phone ;)
Talk abt sticking to the basics (names included) when the chinese invent goo-ey products..
Gulsar.. Ring any bells???? lolll
^^^ Look at the avatar of the guy above me... epic.. what an irony!!


Pro ingenuity....Bentley sign, Rolls-Royce "R" in it, and company name "Rich". Its hilarious. And Chinese here are actually proud lol and come to advertise their "progress". :lol:

Pro ingenuity....Bentley sign, Rolls-Royce "R" in it, and company name "Rich". Its hilarious. And Chinese here are actually proud lol and come to advertise their "progress". :lol:

It was actually Americans and Indians doing all the advertising.
I was never a fan of Apple products, they are nothing but a beautiful box attached with an inflated price tag, everything inside are produced by foreign companies :lol:
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