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Chinese Carrier will take time: Chinese expert

Chinese standard classification is known.

Since you questioned me?

That was your answer.

And now you are behaving as if nothing happened?

Yeah that was my answer and not a question, moreover I responded to Armstrong not to you. I didn't ask you any question but passed a ceremonial suggestion and that had nothing to do with what you presented in post #10.

Now don't lie, you didn't know jack about Chinese standard classification, the smiley you used immediately after bolded part stated your understanding nicely. Reread post # 3 and 4, your own country-fellows disagreed with you.

Say thanks to Mods who changed the title, else thread would have been a boo boo.
Why do the Chinese call this vessel a 'aircraft carrier' when there are no aircrafts on it?
Why do the Chinese call this vessel a 'aircraft carrier' when there are no aircrafts on it?

So far only Z-8 has been photographed landing on 16 Liaoning, and a possible touch & go by J-15 #556 also.

So if we follow your concept, we can call this boat "Helicopter frigate"... :tongue:

Just a joke, don't mind on it.
seems chinese got caught with their pants down :woot:

ontopic : another conclusive proof that J-15 never landed on it.. some butt hurt chinese released some photoshopped photos after MIG29k landings on Vikky :woot:
Why do the Chinese call this vessel a 'aircraft carrier' when there are no aircrafts on it?

Why do Indians call their latest toy an aircraft carrier when it can't even cruise on the open ocean? Indians don't get tired of making the same jokes do they? Hope you can still laugh about how more Indian tax money are going to the Russians for the pricey engines repairs.
Why do Indians call their latest toy an aircraft carrier when it can't even cruise on the open ocean? Indians don't get tired of making the same jokes do they? Hope you can still laugh about how more Indian tax money are going to the Russians for the pricey engines repairs.

We have 50+ yrs experience with aircraft carriers and our CBGs took part in 2 major wars and
100s of small ops over the decades. After its delivered, we can get INS Vikramaditya into
active service much faster and more efficiently than you.

How much exp. do chinese have with ACCs? Zero.

Am I reading the article incorrectly or did the 'expert' say that the 'Aircraft Carrier will take time' !

But its natural. If the jet is gonna take more time, the carrier will automatically take more
time bcoz a carrier without ac is nothing. The end meaning of the situation stands..."the
chinese aircraft carrier will take time" you may put it as you like.
The J-15, a heavy bomber independently developed by China, has the features of excellent carrier-based aircraft, but it still needs time for the aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, to become combat effective, a military expert disclosed in an interview recently.

Thats a lie. The J-15 is the Chinese production version of a ready-made Su-33/T-10K
fighter supplied by Ukraine to SAC.

The airframe, aerodynamics, design principles, all wind-tunnel testing everything is a
product of Soviet R&D. The Chinese contribution consists merely of the innards of
the jet, although its not known to what extent.
Of course it would take time, the J-15 would need to checked for faults in its hydrolic systems and check it' pitch and yawn movement. Let not even mention tests on its ASEA radar, AA pods, RCS, W-10 thrust vector engines which provides its 9KN ton power and its EWS and anti Jamming device.

LOL!!!! :chilli:
We have 50+ yrs experience with aircraft carriers and our CBGs took part in 2 major wars and100s of small ops over the decades. After its delivered, we can get INS Vikramaditya into
active service much faster and more efficiently than you.

How much exp. do chinese have with ACCs? Zero.

But its natural. If the jet is gonna take more time, the carrier will automatically take more
time bcoz a carrier without ac is nothing. The end meaning of the situation stands..."the
chinese aircraft carrier will take time" you may put it as you like.


Stop acting like an immature child. You know the importance of checks before operational uses and combat missions. Imagine if there was a refuling pod which did not work, imagine if the plane would have to fly in area of operation which has high jamming fequency your own Electronic counter measure does not work?!

Its funney how Indians always cry about their "experience" with AC when they have inferior systems to worth with and launch VTOL planes and lowthrust aircrafts in the 70s. Its like a navy personnel from South America showing of to the USA because they have "experience" of naval warefare against Britian during the 80s
Stop acting like an immature child. You know the importance of checks before operational uses and combat missions. Imagine if there was a refuling pod which did not work, imagine if the plane would have to fly in area of operation which has high jamming fequency your own Electronic counter measure does not work?!
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