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China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists

The only reason its isn't there today is simply due to wind. Once the wind stops, its back to portable oxygen cylinders for you. I hear breathing yellow smog does wonders for your brain :)
It's another nice day today,really nice.Say something.
I heard is 23 times higher than WHO standarts of maximum pollution, what does chinese media say?

exactly that, there are warnings on internet and TV, if it gets bad, and there are up to date reports by every factory for environmentalists and anyone interested to see.

China is reducing cars on the road and reducing the buying of cars. Massive number of projects are stopped due to environmental concerns, I think last I heard was 19+Billion.

The media is very straight forward on this, social media is exploding with news and no posts are censored. Pollution is not a banned topic, it is priority 1 and anyone dare to break it now days is like spitting in Xi's face, and if you can guess, that's not a good idea.

The projections are it will be marginally better by 2020. Sounds like a little, but the fact they can keep it from increasing and get it to go down is astonishing for such a short time. The London pollution took a hundred years to get better, but China is going at it with the same furious speed and determination as everything else. So look out 2030, the pollution could decrease 25% or more.
Unfortunately,India's toxic air pollution is several tads worse than China's。

And by the time(if ever:D) India reaches China's level of development,its pollution problem will be 1000 times than China's once was。:tup:
Unfortunately,India's toxic air pollution is several tads worse than China's。

And by the time(if ever:D) India reaches China's level of development,its pollution problem will be 1000 times than China's once was。:tup:
Don't know and do not care In that dare doing.
Just today comfortably a fine day to encounter at the end of winter with no hash wind.
How China Is (Surprise!) Winning Its War On Air Pollution
But the country isn't in the clear yet.
01/07/2016 10:51 am ET

Don’t let the "red alerts," smog-shrouded buildings or blotted-out sun fool you: Beijing and China on the whole appear to be gaining real ground in the war on pollution.

In 2015, Beijing saw a 16 percent annual fall in the concentration of the most deadly type of air pollutant, according to an analysis by the Paulson Instituteand Greenpeace of air quality data from the United States Embassy in Beijing. Though virtually all of those gains were registered during the summer and early fall, they still proved enough to make 2015 the cleanest year since the embassy began publishing data in 2008.


Beijing's average monthly concentrations of cancer-causing PM2.5 particulates in micrograms per cubic meter (note: not AQI levels) from 2008-2015. The data is from the United States Embassy pollution monitoring.
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