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China’s New Stealth Bomber Can't Be as Powerful as It Sounds


Jul 31, 2020
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United States
  • China’s first totally new bomber in decades, the H-20, will reportedly give the country “truly intercontinental power-projection capability.”
  • The H-20 is believed to be similar in appearance to the American B-2 Spirit bomber.
  • A South China Morning Post report adds other details from the mainland, though some seem unlikely.
A report on China’s new, upcoming bomber paints a picture of a big, stealthy plane capable of flying halfway across the Pacific, laden with up to 45 tons of bombs.

The South China Morning Post (SCMP) claims the bomber will make China an intercontinental power, but don’t be surprised if the real plane falls short of its capabilities.

The Xi’an H-20, according to the SCMP, is a large, stealthy bomber under development for China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force. The bomber would supplement and eventually replace the H-6, a 1950s-era design that China has steadily upgraded over the decades. The H-20, which China announced in 2016, is expected to be revealed sometime in the next year or two.

The H-20 is depicted as having a flying wing design that trades speed for range and stealth. According to SCMP’s mainland sources, the H-20 will have a bomb load of 45 tons, far more than the B-52H Stratofortress’s 35 tons and the B-2 Spirit’s 20 tons.

The SCMP article cites unnamed sources who say the bomber will also have a range of at least 12,000 kilometers, or at 7,456 miles—an impressive range that would put Hawaii within reach of the H-20. It would also put all 50 U.S. states within striking distance if the H-20 took an Arctic flight route. By comparison, the B-52H has an unrefueled combat range of 8,800 miles, while the B-2 has an unrefueled range of 6,904 miles.

Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images

Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images
The SCMP also cites mainland reports that say the H-20 will be equipped with nuclear weapons, forming one leg of a nuclear triad that also includes nuclear missile submarines and land-based missiles. The bomber will also carry four “stealth or hypersonic” missiles.

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The aircraft the SCMP describes seems unlikely to add up to a real bomber. A flying wing design that carries 45 tons of bombs would be enormous: Unlike bombers such as the H-6 and B-52H, which have long fuselages capable of carrying vast amounts of bombs, a flying wing must stuff everything (weapons included) into a flying boomerang shape. The H-20, as sketched out by the SCMP, would need to be much larger than the four-engined B-2.

Photo credit: Jerod Harris - Getty Images

Photo credit: Jerod Harris - Getty Images
There’s also the matter of the 7,456-mile combat range. That number is a huge leap over the H-6, and seems to conveniently cover the entire United States. The H-20 would have to carry an enormous amount of fuel to transport 45 tons of bombs, further adding to the bomber’s size.

Photo credit: Barcroft - Getty Images

Photo credit: Barcroft - Getty Images
It seems unlikely that the final bomber will be this much of a “wonder weapon.” While China has taken great strides in military technology over the past 30 years, much of it has been incremental in terms of progress. The Pentagon, in its 2020 report on Chinese Military Power, pegs the H-20 as a plane with a more modest 5,281-mile range and the ability to lift just 10 tons of munitions.

One thing the SCMP article definitely gets right, however, is the new bomber's nuclear role. China, which lacks the aerospace know-how to build modern bombers, operates a nuclear “dyad,” consisting of land- and submarine-launched missiles. The H-20 will almost certainly add a third leg to Beijing’s nuclear capability, making it a true “triad.”

China has built all hype around its weapons, yet the ones they export mostly are very low-end, and many fail in other countries. China steals tech, but they are not cerebral enough to produce a top-notch copy even with that. SEE BELOW example:

Russia Is Mocking China For Screwing Up The Fighter Jet They Stole

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South China Morning Post has never been a creditable source ever. The real capabilities of the H20 are probably classified and you definitely won't find it until China is willing to announce.
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Tell your American dad to try and see how effective China's counterattack is. :lol: :enjoy:
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He should read some history about "the forgotten war" how the Chinese army whacked the US and its allies to gain some new perspectives.
Headline to bait low IQ retards:
Chinese new stealth bomber cant

Content that low IQ retards parotting and preddling this garbage dont even read:
South China Morning Post (SCMP) claims
That's unlikely
its unlikely
It seems unlikely

American journalism and thinkers 😂
Headline to bait low IQ retards:
Chinese new stealth bomber cant

Content that low IQ retards parotting and preddling this garbage dont even read:
That's unlikely
its unlikely
It seems unlikely

American journalism 😂
Just have fun in this thread. Not to be taken serious.
Your American army is just a paper tiger in the eyes of the Chinese people:enjoy::lol:

He is Gangadeshi, pretending to be American because of his insecurities and shame associated with being Indian.

if you see his user name, it shows pure vedic bharti, anyone can rent them for their country. just pay money and they will rent whole family and country.
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