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China's Hollywood 'killed' nearly 1 billion Japanese last year

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Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
China's Hollywood 'killed' nearly 1 billion Japanese last year

Staff Reporter | wantchinatimes.com
2013-02-18 10:31 (GMT+8)


A popular TV drama about the Second Sino-Japanese War. (Internet photo)

Nearly one billion Japanese soldiers or enemies were killed off in TV productions filmed last year at Hengdian World Studios, the studio facilities known as the Hollywood of China, the Guangdong-based Yangcheng Evening News reports, suggesting that Chinese TV audiences like to achieve some degree of catharsis for their anti-Japanese sentiment with a high body count of enemy combatants in historical dramas.

As this figure breaks down as 2.7 million deaths per day for 365 days, it seems reasonable to assume that most of these "deaths" occurred off-screen — or that this represents the cumulative total of every death in every series broadcast on myriad domestic networks.

In 2012, out of the more than 200 TV series broadcast on national networks, more than 70 of them had a wartime or anti-Japanese theme, more than any other "genre." The trend is definitely set to continue this year, said the newspaper.

The volume of shows where Japanese invaders get their comeuppance clearly reflects a general sentiment, but internet users have been criticizing the liberal use of historically inaccurate and exaggerated plots to get the nationalistic point across, the report said.

People who grow up in China are exposed from an early age to negative depictions of Japan and Japanese people, a reaction to what is seen as fifty years of national humiliation from 1895 to 1945, a period which saw two wars between the two countries with massive loss of life and territory, coupled with the perception that Japan has not shown sufficient remorse for the wartime atrocities committed by its troops in China.

The offspring of such resentment manifests itself in terms like "little Japan" or "Japanese devils" and is perpetuated by the media, teachers, parents and even textbooks.

Long-simmering anti-Japanese sentiment exploded again in September last year when protesters rallied in the streets in several major cities, objecting to Japan's nationalization of a group of islands in the East China Sea called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu or Diaoyutai in Chinese. The islands were handed over to Japanese administration by the US along with Okinawa in 1972.

TV shows have veered increasingly towards dehumanizing Japanese characters and imbuing Chinese characters with fantastic superpowers to satisfy the revenge fantasies of local viewers.


Even Taiwan Chinese think mainland Chinese are brainwashed day and night by their corrupt government.
Not only Taiwan Chinese, but mainland Chinese also argue that why all Chinese in anti-Japan's invasion movie are supermen.
In 21st century this does not make sense. It can grow a feeling of hatred and bigotry in a child's mind.
That way North Korea would have killed a trillion Americans by now....
China's Hollywood 'killed' nearly 1 billion Japanese last year

Staff Reporter | wantchinatimes.com
2013-02-18 10:31 (GMT+8)


A popular TV drama about the Second Sino-Japanese War. (Internet photo)

Nearly one billion Japanese soldiers or enemies were killed off in TV productions filmed last year at Hengdian World Studios, the studio facilities known as the Hollywood of China, the Guangdong-based Yangcheng Evening News reports, suggesting that Chinese TV audiences like to achieve some degree of catharsis for their anti-Japanese sentiment with a high body count of enemy combatants in historical dramas.

As this figure breaks down as 2.7 million deaths per day for 365 days, it seems reasonable to assume that most of these "deaths" occurred off-screen — or that this represents the cumulative total of every death in every series broadcast on myriad domestic networks.

In 2012, out of the more than 200 TV series broadcast on national networks, more than 70 of them had a wartime or anti-Japanese theme, more than any other "genre." The trend is definitely set to continue this year, said the newspaper.

The volume of shows where Japanese invaders get their comeuppance clearly reflects a general sentiment, but internet users have been criticizing the liberal use of historically inaccurate and exaggerated plots to get the nationalistic point across, the report said.

People who grow up in China are exposed from an early age to negative depictions of Japan and Japanese people, a reaction to what is seen as fifty years of national humiliation from 1895 to 1945, a period which saw two wars between the two countries with massive loss of life and territory, coupled with the perception that Japan has not shown sufficient remorse for the wartime atrocities committed by its troops in China.

The offspring of such resentment manifests itself in terms like "little Japan" or "Japanese devils" and is perpetuated by the media, teachers, parents and even textbooks.

Long-simmering anti-Japanese sentiment exploded again in September last year when protesters rallied in the streets in several major cities, objecting to Japan's nationalization of a group of islands in the East China Sea called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu or Diaoyutai in Chinese. The islands were handed over to Japanese administration by the US along with Okinawa in 1972.

TV shows have veered increasingly towards dehumanizing Japanese characters and imbuing Chinese characters with fantastic superpowers to satisfy the revenge fantasies of local viewers.

China's Hollywood 'killed' nearly 1 billion Japanese last year

Even Taiwan Chinese think mainland Chinese are brainwashed day and night by their corrupt government.

in Sollywood, Soviet troops killed at least the entire Nazi troop in WWII in one Battle of Stalingrad Moive
in Hollywood, American troops killed at least 10X of the actural japanese troops in one of the Battle of Iwo Jima movies
in Eollywood, the english man 007 can use a tinny pistol to kill all the eastern European 'teriorists' who carrying AKs and manchinguns, or probably whole divisions of Eugen Rommel's African troops in North Afric by Montgomery's 'smaller' troop
in Collywood we indeed 'killed' trillions of japaneses or americans as same as Tollywood Nationalist troops killed millions Communist Liberation Red Army with ease``

so whats your point you little viet? do you want to me to bring on how a skinny viets 'killed' dozens huge well equipted american troopers from your cr@py movie? because no one can beat viets level of AQ (doubt you even know the meaning of it)

entertainment is entertainment, only the fools will believe wars are that easy and simple
like how you watched all the chinese WWII movies, and internet fantasy``

also I watched few cr@py monkey movies (a 'proud' viets classmate showed me) that killed at least a million americans in one battle

Same in Korea, I have watched a movie about how General Lee saved the Ming Dynasty...
Not only Taiwan Chinese, but mainland Chinese also argue that why all Chinese in anti-Japan's invasion movie are supermen.
Although Japan wartime crimes occured long ago, the CCP continues to use it as a tool to manipulate the people, to make them to forget what happened after WW II in China: social experiments with millions of death, inititating and involvement in wars in Korea, India, Soviets and Vietnam. Not to forget supporting acrotities of the Red Kmers in killing fields. :hitwall:
In 21st century this does not make sense. It can grow a feeling of hatred and bigotry in a child's mind.
do you really think that post and the pathetic OP makes any sense?

Although Japan wartime crimes occured long ago, the CCP continues to use it as a tool to manipulate the people, to make them to forget what happened after WW II in China: social experiments with millions of death, inititating and involvement in wars in Korea, India, Soviets and Vietnam. Not to forget supporting acrotities of the Red Kmers in killing fields. :hitwall:

they are movies you d1mwit, everyone is making movies 'fighting' against their enemies in the past
In 21st century this does not make sense. It can grow a feeling of hatred and bigotry in a child's mind.
Unlike Taiwan, mainland Chinese mass can be easily manipulated. The "party" knows what right what wrong for Chinese peasants. Though fuelling nationalistic sentiments can be dangerous if their wishes cannot be fulfilled.
do you really think that post and the pathetic OP makes any sense?

I have seen some pathetic Indian movies where a single Indian soldier killing thousands of enemy soldiers just like superman,delivering dialogues that really makes your blood boil. Worse to that I saw hundreds of youths cheering,jumping on seats and saying bad words after watching those craps. I hate this. This is some kind of brainwashing a young mind who perhaps will never met any person from that enemy country in his entire life but continue to hate its people every time like a bigot. You can see many of those fanboys on PDF too:azn:

Unlike Taiwan, mainland Chinese mass can be easily manipulated. The "party" knows what right what wrong for Chinese peasants. Though fuelling nationalistic sentiments can be dangerous if their wishes cannot be fulfilled.

Specially when China is prospering like a rocket its useless to grow hatred against any country. Let the two Asian giants come closer,learn from each other instead of living in the horrible past.
like how you watched all the chinese WWII movies, and internet fantasy``
also I watched few cr@py monkey movies (a 'proud' viets classmate showed me) that killed at least a million americans in one battle
What is the name of the movie? you are joking, I assume.
I have seen some pathetic Indian movies where a single Indian soldier killing thousands of enemy soldiers just like superman,delivering dialogues that really makes your blood boil. Worse to that I saw hundreds of youths cheering,jumping on seats and saying bad words after watching those craps. I hate this. This is some kind of brainwashing a young mind who perhaps will never met any person from that enemy country in his entire life but continue to hate its people every time like a bigot. You can see many of those fanboys on PDF too:azn:

even fanboys with a commen brain wont by those stuff, dont you agree?``but apparently that viet boy does
Although Japan wartime crimes occured long ago, the CCP continues to use it as a tool to manipulate the people, to make them to forget what happened after WW II in China: social experiments with millions of death, inititating and involvement in wars in Korea, India, Soviets and Vietnam. Not to forget supporting acrotities of the Red Kmers in killing fields. :hitwall:
LOL, TV series related to the Cultural Revolution are popular :bunny:


so many.....




What is the name of the movie? you are joking, I assume.

kid `do not play this with me, I bet you spent your entire clueless day searching funny things like this to support your personal agenda against China. can you do anything useful in your life apart from this?

and if you have ball answer my Post 8
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