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China's disgraced Bo Xilai's supporters set up political party


Aug 14, 2013
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China's disgraced Bo Xilai's supporters set up political party - The Times of India

BEIJING: Supporters of China's disgraced senior politician Bo Xilai, who has been jailed for corruption, have set up a political party, two separate sources said, in a direct challenge to the ruling Communist Party's de facto ban on new political groups.

The Zhi Xian Party, literally "the constitution is the supreme authority" party, was formed on Nov. 6, three days before the opening of a key conclave of top Communist Party leaders to discuss much-needed economic reforms, the sources said.

It named Bo as "chairman for life", Wang Zheng, one of the party's founders and an associate professor of international trade at the Beijing Institute of Economics and Management, told Reuters by telephone.

"This is not illegal under Chinese law. It is legal and reasonable," Wang said.

A second source, who asked not to be identified but who has direct knowledge of the party's founding, confirmed the news.

Calls to the Communist Party's propaganda department seeking comment went unanswered.

The party announced its establishment by sending letters to the Communist Party, China's eight other political parties, parliament and the top advisory body to parliament, Wang said, adding that no ceremony was held.

It also sent a letter to Bo via the warden of his prison informing him that he would be their "chairman for life", she said. It was not immediately clear if Bo would agree.

The party was set up because it "fully agrees with Mr Bo Xilai's common prosperity" policy, according to a party document seen by Reuters, a reference to Bo's leftist egalitarian policies that won him so many supporters.

Asked if party members included Communists, government officials or People's Liberation Army officers, Wang said she could not discuss the matter to protect them because it was politically "sensitive".

China's constitution guarantees freedom of association, along with freedom of speech and assembly, but all are banned in practice. The constitution does not explicitly allow or ban the establishment of political parties.

Bo, once a rising star in China's leadership circles who had cultivated a following through his populist, quasi-Maoist policies, was jailed for life in September on charges of corruption and abuse of power after a dramatic fall from grace that shook the Communist Party.

History suggests the Communist Party will not look kindly on the establishment of this new party, even more so because its titular head is a former member of its own top ranks.

China's Communist rulers have held an iron grip on power since the 1949 revolution, though they allow the existence of eight government-sanctioned non-Communist parties, whose role is technically to advise rather than serve as a functioning opposition.

The Communist Party views the founding of opposition parties as subversion.

Activists have been jailed in the past for setting up political parties, but parties have never before coalesced around fallen top political leaders.

One of China's most prominent dissidents, Xu Wenli, was sentenced to 13 years in prison in 1998 for helping to organise an opposition party, the China Democracy Party.

Xu and other activists set up the party that year, but the government took a dim view and by 2000 Beijing had effectively crushed the nascent movement and locked up its founders and members.

Xu was forced into exile in the United States in December 2002.

Asked if she was worried she would be arrested, Wang said: "We are not afraid. I don't think we will be arrested. Our actions are legal and reasonable."

Bo is imprisoned at the Qincheng penitentiary, just north of Beijing, where fallen members of the elite are incarcerated.

He was expelled from the Communist Party last year ahead of his trial.

Many of his supporters viewed his fall and the trial as a political plot against him, rather than the consequence of any wrongdoing.
interesting..is it going to initiate democracy???????
Bo Xilai is a leftist. Leftist in China means Pro-Mao. Bo Xilai is a true old school communist that believes old school communist ideology like what Chairman Mao believed.

He will have alot of support because the pro-reform liberals have taken power. The pro-west leaders are currently in power. The hardliners are pissed off so they are fighting back. The biggest mistake the CPC made was to destroy Bo Xilai.

This is a battle between true communists (Bo Xilai and his faction) vs fake communists (Wang Yang and his faction).

The day democracy comes to China, is the day China will elect the most anti-Japanese and anti-Yankee leader. They will be very militaristic. You think the current CPC is hardline, lol, you ain't seen nothing yet. The current CPC are the less-militaristic faction, just wait till the hard liners get into power.
Maybe This action is guided by CCP leaders. They use this action to damage the name of democracy supporters in China.
China is not ready for democracy yet. It still has to raise the knowledge of its people. And to do that, more people need to be lifted out of poverty and into middle class. If it become a democracy too early where too many people still care only about food or clothing, than a democratic China will end up like a democratic India and China will be doomed.
China is not ready for democracy yet. It still has to raise the knowledge of its people. And to do that, more people need to be lifted out of poverty and into middle class. If it become a democracy too early where too many people still care only about food or clothing, than a democratic China will end up like a democratic India and China will be doomed.

That is true.

Development comes first. Political reforms come later.

Don't want to fall into the trap of nations like the "Democratic republic of the Congo"... and other developing nations who thought democracy was some kind of magic bullet and forgot to develop themselves.
That is true.

Development comes first. Political reforms come later.

Don't want to fall into the trap of nations like the "Democratic republic of the Congo"... and other developing nations who thought democracy was some kind of magic bullet and forgot to develop themselves.

many Indians here believe India is superior over China because of democracy. They have been drinking too much western cool aide. They need to worry about food and clothing first before democracy. They need to understand maslow's hierarchy of needs.
What is the use of political party if no election at all ?
China is not ready for democracy yet. It still has to raise the knowledge of its people. And to do that, more people need to be lifted out of poverty and into middle class. If it become a democracy too early where too many people still care only about food or clothing, than a democratic China will end up like a democratic India and China will be doomed.

You know....I really don't understand this 'ready for democracy' kind of thing :wacko: . You guys said earlier that you weren't ready coz you were poor. Now you're saying the same thing and your'e rich :drag:
You know....I really don't understand this 'ready for democracy' kind of thing :wacko: . You guys said earlier that you weren't ready coz you were poor. Now you're saying the same thing and your'e rich :drag:

In my opinion, China is still quite poor. Check out its per capita GDP. And of course, don't measure whether a country is rich or poor by comparing against India.
many Indians here believe India is superior over China because of democracy. They have been drinking too much western cool aide. They need to worry about food and clothing first before democracy. They need to understand maslow's hierarchy of needs.
lets just say we're happy living in jungles and slums than in a golden cage :coffee:..
comparing india and china is just foolish.with the range of diversities india has it would break up if autocracy is imposed on it.we're better of growing slowly and taking everyone with us rather than forcing things to happen and killing all the diversities.and just for the record india is a world leader in textiles and agriculture.we just need to improve our pds and political will is needed for that.hope fully things will be sorted out soon next year when the regime changes.
In my opinion, China is still quite poor. Check out its per capita GDP. And of course, don't measure whether a country is rich or poor by comparing against India.

Ok so you're theory is that a country can become a democracy only when it has a per capita income of.....? 
That is true.

Development comes first. Political reforms come later.

Don't want to fall into the trap of nations like the "Democratic republic of the Congo"... and other developing nations who thought democracy was some kind of magic bullet and forgot to develop themselves.

I don't think Democractic republic of congo was very democratic to start with
This is ridiculous.Xi and Bo both second-generation of old politicians in one hole.They are just playing games to public. 
When you have no chance to become the leader in very front position even in jail no different to any one of them.
When Britain first moved to become a democracy, it allowed only the educated people to vote. The reason was that the poor people are uneducated to know what's best for the country.

This is the reason India is such a political failure. The poor people in India has no idea what's best for the country so they choose the politician and party that gives them free handouts even though that's detrimental to the country.

As long as India remains a democracy, it won't ever catch China.
When Britain first moved to become a democracy, it allowed only the educated people to vote. The reason was that the poor people are uneducated to know what's best for the country.

This is the reason India is such a political failure. The poor people in India has no idea what's best for the country so they choose the politician and party that gives them free handouts even though that's detrimental to the country.

As long as India remains a democracy, it won't ever catch China.

Agreed... It's sad here in india vote's are getting sold for Rs:500, briyani and liquor........
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