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China's deepening anti-corruption drive


Nov 29, 2009
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China’s Corruption Purge: The Fall of Zhou Yongkang - The Daily Beast

New reports confirm that Zhou Yongkang, China’s third most powerful politician, is under investigation for murder, corruption, and plotting to overthrow the government. Inside the latest purge by President Xi to consolidate power.
As the world watches with interest the public arrest of Jang Song-thaek, the No. 2 political figure in North Korea, a more dramatic purge is unfolding in its neighboring China, North Korea’s big Communist brother.

A source in Beijing disclosed in details this week that Zhou Yongkang, who was China’s third most powerful politician, has been officially placed under criminal investigation on charges that could include murder, corruption, and plotting to overthrow the government. Zhou served on China’s Politburo Standing Committee – the highest decision-making body until his retirement in November 2012.

Contrary to previous reports that Zhou might face a mere internal rebuke or possible expulsion from the Communist Party, the source confirms that Zhou will be prosecuted and face trial, like Bo Xilai, a former Politburo member and a close ally. If all the accusations proved to be true, prosecution could seek the death penalty. This information has been confirmed with different inside sources in Beijing and Shanghai.

When he was party secretary of China’s southwestern province of Sichuan between 1999 and 2002, the source says Zhou, a married man, allegedly had affairs with multiple women, including Jia Xiaohua, a TV journalist who was twenty-eight-years his junior. When Jia claimed to be pregnant and demanded a marital commitment, Zhou promised to file for divorce in 2008. Soon after, Zhou’s first wife mysteriously died in a car crash. Two drivers who had been held responsible for her death were sentenced to more than ten years in jail but gained release after only three years. Zhou later married Jia. His former secretary and deputy governor of Sichuan is now suspected of orchestrating the car accident. With Zhou as the country’s powerful “security tsar,” the matter was never pursued. Zhou’s younger son was said to be disgusted with his father “beastly act,” and cut off his ties with Zhou.

“This is the first time in the past twenty years that a politburo standing committee member has been subject to a criminal investigation,” said the source.
In addition, recent overseas reports claim that Zhou had been accused of playing a key role in mafia-style killings of several political opponents, including three businessmen and a prominent military figure, and plotting to seize power from President Xi Jinping to protect the economic interest of his family and friends. There has also been an unconfirmed report by Boxun, an overseas Chinese news site that Zhou had planned to assassinate President Xi.

Based on overseas reports, Zhou’s family profited billions of dollars by investing in the oil business, where Zhou for years headed China National Petroleum Corp, the country’s largest oil and gas producer. According to the Hong Kong-based Apple Daily, Zhou’s eldest son allegedly pocketed more than 10 billion yuan (US1.6 billion) from public projects in the city of Chongqing alone. He also used his father’s influence in the legal arena to extort millions of dollars in protection fees. In one case, the source said Zhou helped his son bail out a mafia leader who killed a local property owner who refused to relocate to make way for a development project by tying him to a tree and pouring buckets of hot oil over his head.

As former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the 70-year-old Zhou controlled the country’s legislative, law enforcement and judicial functions and reportedly supervised a staff of 10 million – China has a standing army of 2.5 million troops with a budget of $128 billion dollars. Zhou’s expanding empire, known as China’s fourth power, besides the Party, the government and the military, encompassed the nation’s police, the state agency for prosecution and criminal investigation, the courts, justice departments, and national intelligence departments. Besides, he had at his disposal the country’s large contingent of armed police, a paramilitary of former soldiers, specifically charged with handling social unrest.

Speculations about a possible investigation into Zhou and his family began circulating on the internet immediately after the downfall of Bo Xilai, who was sentenced to life-long imprisonment for bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power in September 2013. Zhou, a staunch supporter of Bo, was rumored to have designated Bo as his successor inside the Politburo Standing Committee.

“Zhou’s trial is necessary for Xi Jinping to consolidate power and more importantly build his credibility as a tough fighter against corruption,” said Chen Xiaoping, a New York-based legal scholar. “Therefore, the court will most likely focus on Zhou’s corruption and murder charges to hide the political nature of Zhou’s crimes.”

Pulling the Tiger’s Teeth

According to the source, President Xi prolonged taking any action against Zhou due to a consensual rule made in the 1980s by Party veterans to exempt members of the Politburo Standing Committee from criminal investigations and prosecution with the intention of maintain stability of the party.

However, with evidence mounting against Zhou and his allies, President Xi was under tremendous pressure to break the unwritten rule relating to senior members of his cabinet.

“President Xi understands very well that without snatching a big tiger, the impact of his anti-corruption campaign would be diluted,” continued Chen.

Over the past year, in an attempt to what the Chinese media call “pulling the tiger’s teeth before stabbing its heart,” investigators have arrested a dozen of Zhou’s protégés who held senior positions within the party and the government, including his successor at China National Petroleum Corp and the deputy Party chief of Sichuan, who facilitated Zhou’s family investments in the oil and construction businesses in the province.

Moreover, the party’s anti-corruption body targeted Zhou’s eldest son, who had escaped to Singapore following his father’s retirement. He was captured and secretly brought back in September 2013. The eldest son reportedly agreed to cooperate with his father’s investigation in exchange for leniency. Meanwhile, police also raided the companies and homes of Zhou other relatives including his siblings, who have profited from his political influence and acted on Zhou’s behalf to accept bribes.

Armed with solid evidence, the source in Beijing says President Xi presented Zhou’s case to the other six members of the Standing Committee on the afternoon of December 1 and gained unanimous approval to hand Zhou over to prosecutors for investigation.

After the conclusion of the meeting, members of the special investigative unit were sent to Zhou’s residence and notified him of the Party’s decision to put him and his wife under house arrest. Zhou’s wife was said to have passed out. Zhou’s secretary, driver, and household staff were taken away for interrogation.

“This is the first time in the past twenty years that a politburo standing committee member has been subject to a criminal investigation,” said the source. “This is also the first time in the history of Communist China that a Politburo Standing Committee member faces trial on murder and corruption charges.”

If the political shake-up in North Korea could lead to political uncertainties in the world’s most isolated country, an analyst with Deutsche Welle’s Chinese language service expresses similar concerns for China. “The prosecution of Zhou could cause fears among retired senior officials and aggravate factional fights within the party.”

The source in Beijing sees it differently in China. He says the arrest of Zhou will further strengthen President Xi’s leadership position within the party. With President Xi now presiding over the party, the military, the government, the newly formed National Security Council and the Deepening Reform Leading Group, he has emerged as the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.

At present, the Chinese media remains mum over Zhou’s detention. Unlike the arrest of Bo Xilai, who gained significant sympathy from party insiders and the public alike, Zhou arrest seems to have universal approval. Four Chinese journalists and scholars who have learned about the news via overseas media tell The Daily Beast that they have expected it to happen and are pleased with President Xi’s “decisive action.”

Under Zhou, China’s security apparatus used extreme measures, such as kidnapping, torture, and illegal confiscation of personal property to suppress pro-independence protests in Tibet and persecute Falun Gong practitioners, Christian underground church members, political dissidents, and arbitrarily arrest and torture petitioners and human rights lawyers. Human rights activists accused Zhou of turning the country into a de facto police state.
“President Xi understands very well that without snatching a big tiger, the impact of his anti-corruption campaign would be diluted,” continued Chen.

It makes sense. In any anti-corruption campaign, it's important to catch the ones at the very highest levels of government. Big fish are more important to catch than small fish.
Third most powerful politician not.

He was the last (7th) ranked member of a previous Politburo Standing Committee.

Rumours yet to be confirmed.
Third most powerful politician not.

He was the last (7th) ranked member of a previous Politburo Standing Committee.

Rumours yet to be confirmed.

He was the 9th ranked.

Also this is not a rumor anymore. The CPP is keeping the domestic news shut probably because they don't know what to do with him yet, but his arrest is well known now outside mainland China.
The main problem with moving against corruption in the Chinese government is that there would be no one left! ALL Chinese government officials are corrupt. By very definition, if you succeed in the CCP you are corrupt.
Officials return cars in anti-graft drive

Updated: 2013-12-13 17:46
By ZHENG CAIXIONG ( chinadaily.com.cn)

Officials return cars in anti-graft drive|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn

Senior Party and government officials from 22 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have returned government cars and left houses that were illegally occupied after the central government sent special inspection groups to visit local governments in a national anti-graft campaign earlier this year, Xinhua News Agency reported.

But the report did not reveal how many government vehicles and houses had been returned.

Many provincial, city and county governments have suspended construction of unnecessary office buildings and other property projects, the report said.

Meanwhile many local governments have also canceled unnecessary overseas visits and tours to save public funds.

The country's top anti-graft agency pledged to take concrete and effective measures to prevent and fight corruption and investigate both "flies" and "tigers", or low ranking officials and senior officials.

Official in sex tape scandal jailed for bribery
( Xinhua ) Updated: 2013-12-13 17:11:01

Official in sex tape scandal jailed for bribery - Chinadaily.com.cn

CHONGQING - A former official previously dismissed due to a sex tape scandal was sentenced to 14 years in jail for bribery on Friday in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality.

Han Shuming, former head of Changshou District, was convicted of accepting bribes worth 4.4 million yuan ($724,680), according to the ruling handed down by the Chongqing No 1 Intermediate People's Court.

Han, 48, took advantage of his position and assisted with land leasing and construction contracts for two businessmen surnamed Jiang and Li in exchange for bribes between 2001 and 2013, according to a statement from the court.

Han's accessory, Feng Binghui, received a sentence of five years in jail after being convicted of taking bribes worth 900,000 yuan in the deals with the businessmen.

Han was removed from his post and investigated starting in January 2013, when an extortion gang was exposed as having blackmailed him with secretly recorded sex videos.

More than 20 government officials and executives of state-owned enterprises, including Han and Lei Zhengfu, former Communist Party chief of Chongqing's Beibei District, were involved in the scandal. Lei was later jailed for 13 years, and the six members of the extortion gang received jail terms ranging from 18 months to ten years in June.
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The main problem with moving against corruption in the Chinese government is that there would be no one left! ALL Chinese government officials are corrupt. By very definition, if you succeed in the CCP you are corrupt.

Just like all US politicians are the puppets of the Wall Street bankers, lol.
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The main problem with moving against corruption in the Chinese government is that there would be no one left! ALL Chinese government officials are corrupt. By very definition, if you succeed in the CCP you are corrupt.

The problem within CCP is not corruption, but too much wealth. All Chinese officials are well compensated for their work. By the very definition, if you succeed in CCP, there's no need to flee to a foreign country, living the life of a second class citizen.
@TruthSeeker ^^^

If you don't already know since most Murikans are ill-informed and poorly educated, the United States legalize corruptions.

Your laws allow lobbyists. Not only that, any ex-law maker is allowed to charge big money to make speeches or get a cushy job in one of those so called think tanks or being a lobbyist.

Being legal ONLY means it is legal in Muerika. It doesn't mean it is not corrupt.
If CCP officials are allowed for employment with companies after they resign or retire,as US officials(many of them become boardroom members)are,there will be far less corrupt party cadres。

In this sense,the US is as corrupt as any other country。It is just that corruption is legalised in the form of working for interest groups while in politics and for businesses when out of office。
Fxxk the US. Hypocritical bastards. Killing and invading under the pretense of democracy. And people with low IQ believe their crap.
China investigates almost 37,000 officials for corruption, says state media
Updated22 minutes ago

PHOTO:Communist Party chief Xi Jinping has taken a hard line against corruption since coming to power a little over a year ago.(AFP: Claudio Santana)
State media says China investigated almost 37,000 officials suspected of corruption in more than 27,000 cases between January and November.

Out of the 27,236 cases, 12,824 resulted in "losses for the people" involving a total of 5.51 billion yuan ($0.9 billion), Xinhua news agency said without elaborating.

It cited a statement from the Supreme People's Procuratorate, China's top prosecuting body, which could not be reached for comment Sunday.

China's top prosecutor Cao Jianming told the National People's Congress parliament in October that 200,000 people had been probed for embezzlement or bribery between January 2008 and last August.

Communist Party chief Xi Jinping has taken a hard line against graft since coming to power a little over one year ago, warning that corruption could destroy the party.

He has threatened to stamp down on high-ranking officials, or "tigers", along with low-level "flies" to maintain the purity of the party.

At the same time he has mounted an austerity drive, with a range of measures including limits on banquets and bans on gift-giving.

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