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Oct 25, 2005
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Why china need that much Land force to secure their borders ? Is it because of India, Taiwan, Russia or America? Or is there any other reason to put the burden on their economy? :whistling: :hypocrite:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Oct 25 2005, 07:36 AM
can u please rephrase ur question.

(p.s can u also please post ur info on the introduction section)
[post=1239]Quoted post[/post]​

Its ok mate i know him. :)

About the topic:

Why china need that much Land force to secure their borders ? Is it because of
India,Taiwan,Russia or America?Or is there any other reason to put the burden on their economy??

China is planning to become a major world power, also it feels that it is unsecure, time to time it is also strengthen its foriegn policy due to pressure from the United States, Japan, Taiwan and of course India. Indian issue is nearly solved though both countries no longer have feelings of rivaly but the Taiwan issue is still there.

China can only defeat the super powers if it has big armed forces in the ground, seeing it can not match the technological edge in the air or in naval power with the United States, however it is getting big in really fast pace. So seeing China with a big navy by 2025 will be no surprise. China has also started to build aircraft carriers and has advanced pretty much in air field as well as in ground systems.

I will explain more later on.. let me know if you have anymore questions regarding this. :)
So that mean hi tech reduce the numbers.
If pakistani armed force gain more sophisticated tech he might also reduce his number of ground forces like UK. :youknowme:
Originally posted by Elitecommando@Oct 30 2005, 08:26 AM
So that mean hi tech reduce the numbers.
If pakistani armed force gain more sophisticated tech he might also reduce his number of ground forces like UK. :youknowme:
[post=1708]Quoted post[/post]​

Pakistan already has hi-tech stuff.Al-khailds etc are home made and preety deadily.Along with other stuff.But lowering the numbers have their disvantges


1.If more then one country attacks, you will need a bigger army to attack them all at the same time, no matter how hi-tech yoyr army is.

2.Have more borders secaured (Length wise )

3. It can be used inside the country some times.( Like pakistan is using it's army to help the earthquake victoms :) )

4.There are less jobless people in your counrty.( Every body can fire a gun with a little learning.That's why some chinese parents send their kids to temples when the kids are young, so the kids can train martial arts, thus they can be in the army, someone's body gaurd when they grow up. :bunny: )

5.It makes the country look dangours :lol:

5.Studies show that soldiers feel more secaured when they are in big numbers.That's why the vaitcongs tried their best to separte the american soldiers in the viatnam war.
Countries like China have a large number of soldiers because of the relative ratio of capital to labour in the country. China is a nation where the the ratio of capital to labour is small and therefore it is more cost effective to have more people to equipment than the ratio say that Britian has in people to equipment.

This ratio is not a static one. China's population increase is very low compared to capital increase and therefore as time goes on, its military will become more capital intensive. That is, China's military will have more equipment for a given number of soldiers.
Chinese army have already started to look like a professional army. This can be seen in the recent pictures, or may be were they special service group of PLA? lol

In the future war it will be interesting to see the Chinese army. Will it keep the quantative edge over the others, or will its quantity will drop down as the issues will be solved and it will take over the qualtive edge.
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