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China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

IANS | Washington : China remains concerned about strategic ramifications of India's rising economic, political, and military power even as it quickly modernises its own military, according to a new US defence department report.

With sights set on extending its influence deep into the Pacific and Indian oceans, the People's Liberation Army is advancing across the board commensurate with China's burgeoning economic power, said Pentagon's annual report to Congress on China's military Monday.

"To improve regional deterrence, the PLA has replaced older liquid-fuelled, nuclear capable CSS-3 intermediate-range ballistic missiles with more advanced and survivable solid-fuelled CSS-5 MRBMs and may be developing contingency plans to move airborne troops into the region," the report said.

"China is currently investing in road development along the Sino-Indian border primarily to facilitate economic development in western China," it said noting "improved roads would also support PLA border defence operations.

The 83-page report, "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China" noted "China has deepened its ties with India through increased trade, high-level dialogues, and an improved military-to-military relationship."

"China and India agreed to boost trade from $11.4 billion in 2007 to $40 billion in 2010, and they have held several rounds of dialogue over disputed territorial claims.

"Sino-Indian Defence ties were institutionalised in 2007 with the establishment of an Annual Defence Dialogue and by conducting three bilateral Defence exercises since 2007."

"Nonetheless, Beijing remains concerned with persistent disputes along China's shared border with India and the strategic ramifications of India's rising economic, political, and military power," the Pentagon said.

"Despite increased political and economic relations over the years between China and India, tensions remain along their shared 4,057 km border, most notably over Arunachal Pradesh, which China asserts is part of Tibet and therefore of China, and over the Askai Chin region at the western end of the Tibetan Plateau," the report said.

Suggesting both countries in 2009 stepped up efforts to assert their claims, the report recalled "China tried to block a $2.9 billion loan to India from the Asian Development Bank, claiming part of the loan would have been used for water projects in Arunachal Pradesh (India's northeastern state bordering China)." :angry::angry:

"This represented the first time China sought to influence this dispute (China lays claims to Arunachal Pradesh) through a multilateral institution," it said.

Turning to China's cyberwarfare capabilities, the report noted "In March 2009, Canadian researchers uncovered an electronic spy network, apparently based mainly in China, which had reportedly infiltrated Indian and other nations' government offices around the world. More than 1,300 computers in 103 countries were identified."

Listing numerous areas in which China's military is on the march, the report said China is developing and fielding large numbers of advanced medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles and deploying a new class of nuclear-powered submarines equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It is also pouring money into "increasingly capable long-range air Defence systems, electronic warfare and computer network attack capabilities, advanced fighter aircraft, and counter-space systems."

China has "the most active land-based ballistic and cruise missile programme in the world," the report said. Beijing "now possesses one of the largest" forces of surface-to-air missiles in the world, it added. And it has the "largest force of principal combatants, submarines, and amphibious warfare ships in Asia."

The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> China wary of Indias rise Pentagon
Arunachal is the key word mentioned aboved.
China against India means it against the whole western civilization.
That is why China withdraw after conflict in Arunachal in 1962.
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I welcome the rise of India. :cheers:

Mutual prosperity will lead to peace and stability in Asia.

It's not a zero-sum game, we can all benefit from this. The future will be built on cooperation, not on conflict.

well it will be good for both nation

i hope china will understand and stop helping Pakistan against India

china and India are two growing power we should work together
well it will be good for both nation

i hope china will understand and stop helping Pakistan against India

china and India are two growing power we should work together

Pakistan is one of China's oldest friends and most reliable allies. They are also vital in terms of geostrategy, they open up Central Asia and the Muslim world to China. We can't just give up Pakistan, they are one of our oldest and strongest allies!

So why can't China+India+Pakistan ALL be friends? What can possibly be gained from conflict with another nuclear-armed nation? The only result will be nuclear annihilation, no one will benefit from that.

If we care about the lives and livelihood of ALL the Asian people, we should let these old wounds heal and join together for the future. :cheers:
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Pakistan is one of China's oldest friends and most reliable allies. They are also vital in terms of geostrategy, they open up Central Asia and the Muslim world to China. We can't just give up Pakistan, they are one of our oldest and strongest allies!

So why can't China+India+Pakistan ALL be friends? What can possibly be gained from conflict with another nuclear-armed nation? The only result will be nuclear annihilation.

That's ones own wishful thinking.
Pakistan is one of China's oldest friends and most reliable allies. They are also vital in terms of geostrategy, they open up Central Asia and the Muslim world to China. We can't just give up Pakistan, they are one of our oldest and strongest allies!

So why can't China+India+Pakistan ALL be friends? What can possibly be gained from conflict with another nuclear-armed nation? The only result will be nuclear annihilation, no one will benefit from that.

If we care about the lives and livelihood of ALL the Asian people, we should let these old wounds heal and join together for the future. :cheers:

the first setp could be drop claims against each other.. and lets be satisfied with what we have....all areas we have as of now as borders...:cheers:

i dont think the areas we claim fom each other for last 50 years has made any change on ground... but only caused mistrust and hindered development of these countries friendship....

2nd step will be to have water agreements b/w all 3....China/India/Pak....

3rd border hostilities and missilies deployed need to be removed....

but 1st one is most imp..

what say....
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That's ones own wishful thinking.

Look at Europe and the EU, they are at peace now.

Yet they have fought each other for hundreds of years, even during TWO separate world wars. Look at the historical anger between Britain, France and Germany. Look at the German occupation of Europe and the war crimes that occurred.

Now they are at peace. If such sworn enemies can get over such a violent history and become friends... why can't Asia do that too?
European countries are the same civilization as they realized some day.
But China Indo and **** are not same any way.
Pakistan is one of China's oldest friends and most reliable allies. They are also vital in terms of geostrategy, they open up Central Asia and the Muslim world to China. We can't just give up Pakistan, they are one of our oldest and strongest allies!

So why can't China+India+Pakistan ALL be friends? What can possibly be gained from conflict with another nuclear-armed nation? The only result will be nuclear annihilation, no one will benefit from that.

If we care about the lives and livelihood of ALL the Asian people, we should let these old wounds heal and join together for the future. :cheers:

well dont you think same usa think about Pakistan as china thinking but china hsa to think what they want and how they can deal wiht usa

USA is not alone with uk Israel France japan most of Europe so now china has to think how they can get India support and it will not hard
the first setp could be drop claims against each other.. and lest be satisfied with what we have....all areas we have as of now as borders...:cheers:

i dont think the areas we claim fom each other for last 50 years has made any change on ground... but only caused mistrust and hindered development of these countries friendship....

2nd step will be to have water agreements b/w all 3....China/India/Pak....

3rd border hostilities and missilies deployed need to be removed....

but 1st one is most imp..

what say....

Yes i agree to this if indian army stop violation of human rights in kashmir and leave kashmire for ever then we can all live in peace..

Pakistan and china are friendly countries and i doubt this report.......
infact if india have only one option to give kashmir a indepandence and solve issues in east ,....infact mos tof indian states now asking for freedom so thats how it is now.......

USA is not alone with uk Israel France japan most of Europe so now china has to think how they can get India support and it will not hard

I hope Asia can go the way of the EU, and become friends with each other. :thinktank:

India and China only had one war anyway, and it wasn't even a big war. Previous to that... we have both existed in peace, side by side, for 5000 years .

The EU has had hundreds of extremely violent wars, with tens of millions of deaths from the clash between Germany, France, Britain, Russia, etc. during WW1 and WW2 and even long before that.

Now they are friends. Surely we can do the same. :tup:
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