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China Warns against Insults to Islam


Feb 15, 2012
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China voiced strong opposition to any vilification to Islam, and called for dialogue and communication between different civilizations and religions.

The announcement was made by Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei in response to the continuous protests against a US movie which insults Islamic Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

China has consistently advocated dialogue and communication between different civilizations and religions in the spirit of mutual respect and treating others as equals, said Hong.

"We are against of any actions to vilify the image of Islam or to hurt the feelings of Muslims," said Hong. "We believe the dignity of a religion should not be vilified or defamed."

Outrage is growing across the Muslim world over the five-million-US dollar movie that has been financed by more than 100 Jews and produced by an American-Israeli man in the US.

The film called "Innocence of Muslims", previously called Desert Warriors and Innocence of Bin Laden, is a 2012 anti-Muslim film about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

The film was being promoted by a Florida pastor, Terry Jones, known for previous Koran-burning stunts that angered Muslims in various countries.

Since the release of the sacrilege film, protesters have attacked US embassies in Libya, Egypt and Yemen over the movie. The US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday.

The western media first tried to convince non-Muslims across the globe that Muslims have taken to streets because religious rules ban depicting the prophet in any form, but the reality is that the film openly levels repeated and continued insults to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

A trailer for the anti-Islamic video was posted on YouTube in July. An Arabic-language translation began circulating in the Middle East in recent days. Clips from the movie depict the Prophet Muhammad as a … !!!!!!!?????

The film has been widely condemned across the globe.

Fars News Agency :: China Warns against Insults to Islam

Heights of irony!!
BTW what was that news about fasting on RAMADAN!!??
Since when a govt which does not believe in any religion ..started caring about any religion....is it politics to make happy middle east countries...:unsure:
Thread Title says , China Warns and then It says .. China voiced strong opposition.
Since when a govt which does not believe in any religion ..started caring about any religion....is it politics to make happy middle east countries...:unsure:

Who told you that atheists are not suppose to care about religion? Besides, there are religious party members in the CCP, including muslims.
Who told you that atheists are not suppose to care about religion? Besides, there are religious party members in the CCP, including muslims.

China bashing is 'in' now a days, so these lemmings certainly don't want to miss out the fun.
Obviously you cannot use the freedom of speech to defame other religions or lie.

This is why I like China, since China is supporting justice.


Heights of irony!!
BTW what was that news about fasting on RAMADAN!!??
lol hypocrite. There is a difference between insulting a religion and regulating a religion.

Besides tell me what happens If I slaughter a cow in Gujarat, what will Narendra Modi say? :)
Sensible countries with a conscience do whats right and China is one of them when it comes to issues regarding region and/or global concerns.
One of the rarest good move by CCP .
Btw why do they have to put the word "Warn" in every statement of theirs :rofl:
I love you China :)

Muslims prayers are with you. :china:
Hmmm...You guys never tire of flattering the Chinese, what? So how about this...

In July 2009, rioting between Uighurs and Han Chinese killed nearly 200 people in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi. Uighur activists say the riots were the result of decades of pent-up frustration with Chinese rule. Long-simmering resentment among Uighurs over rule by China's Han majority has sporadically erupted into deadly violence.

Those familiar with the region say attempts to restrict participation in Ramadan are not new, but this year's campaign is more intense.

China preventing Muslims from Ramadan!! Isn't that insulting to Muslims? But you seem to love the Chinese anyway! Jeeez!

Carry on.....

China discourages fasting for Uighur Muslims | NDTV.com
I love you China :)

Muslims prayers are with you. :china:

The sad thing is rumors are everywhere, such as this one "religious activities are banned in XJ".
I have never heard such a thing, nor from HK and Taiwan media.

Uighur are not the only Muslim ethnic in XJ, China, but also Hui, Kazakh and others. They are all friendly with other ethnics. You cannot say that Muslims are being bullied by the CCP just because a few group of Uighur are supporting Al Qaeda.
China has been a strong supporter of Muslim countries for many decades.


All of my friends from HK have good image with Pakistani (Indians as well), they said that HK Pakistani may not like to talk with locals so much (languages problem) , but they are all law-abiding and peaceful. They even encourage their next generations to learn Cantonese and Chinese culture.

People may consider that the good relationship between C&P are fake and it is all about political games, but in reality, people can really feel the true friendship between you and I.
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