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China wants India in state of low-level equilibrium:Indian PM


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
NEW DELHI: Despite his unflagging efforts to improve relations with India's neighbours -- especially, India and Pakistan -- Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday sounded somewhat frustrated by the continuing "pinpricks" from Beijing and Islamabad.

Asked during an interaction with editors on Monday about China's recent needling of India by referring to Jammu & Kashmir as "India-controlled Kashmir", Singh agreed that Beijing could be tempted to use India's "soft underbelly", Kashmir, and Pakistan "to keep India in low-level equilibrium".

He said this actually underscored his repeated emphasis for India and Pakistan to resolve their differences and reach a good equation. Not only would continued differences give countries like China the opportunity to exploit, but also impede progress in South Asia.

"China would like to have a foothold in South Asia and we have to reflect on this reality. We have to be aware of this," he said. He, however, also said that it was his firm belief that the world was large enough for India and China to "cooperate and compete" at the same time.

After his meetings with the Chinese leadership, including with President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, Singh said he was of the feeling that Beijing wanted to sort out the outstanding issues with India. "However, this leadership will change in two years. There is a new assertiveness among the Chinese. It is difficult to tell which way it will go. So, it's important to be prepared."

On Pakistan, Singh appeared more reconciled than ever before to the roller-coaster character of the bilateral ties. He said he believed in engagement with Pakistan, irrespective of the set-up in Islamabad. "Engagement is a better way to convey our concerns to Pakistan. Conveying them through the media isn't the best way."

He said that despite his belief in engagement, the government respected the popular sentiment post 26/11 and cut off all dialogue with Pakistan. "We felt this would be a lever for us to press Pakistan to address our concerns. But as that didn't happen, we went to Thimpu and restarted the process for dialogue."

With a wry smile, he added, "You can't guarantee anything about Indo-Pak relations. So, the meeting between the two foreign ministers (S M Krishna and Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Islamabad) was very low. I hope Qureshi will accept Krishna's invitation and come to India."

Instead of dissapointing the nation by exposing reality, blame your short comings on someone else. This has been the national sport of Indian politicians..doesnt matter what China wants, Isnt INdia already in low level equibilirium and remain so for long?
Why are Indian so prickly???

Why are they so keen to take offence? Because empty "CONFIDENCE" is not what India require - India need friends, not enemies nor masters - and friends do not offer offence nor take offence from what friends have to say.

Tell Indian that he has eyebrows over his eyes and you'll have succeed in rattling his cage - and he calls this "confidence" - Indian wanted to ratchet up the nosie between New Dehli and Beijing, well, Beijing has obliged - and can raise the volume even more - is that what Indian started out wanting??
He, however, also said that it was his firm belief that the world was large enough for India and China to "cooperate and compete" at the same time.

I agree with this. :cheers:

The future is based on cooperation, not on conflict.

I hope that one day, ALL Asian nations will be united. If Europe can do it, after centuries of warfare, then surely Asia can do it too. :tup:
Low level equilibriums means it can withstand to China upto an extent millitarily and economicaly but not on a decisive level. Indian politicals used such statements to manipulate public opnion, build up sympathy by self-victimization and find scape goats for their short comings..in reality..China doesnt give sh1t to INdia..they are only intrested in trade..and the Indians unable to match China on any front unnecessary stir useless issues of Tibet, Dalai Lama, AP and Kashmir to satisfy their votebank and keep sucking development out of their nation for mllitary budget.
Dr.Singh faces the harsh truth everyday hence we have to respect his view about world affairs.If he says so it must be the truth.In any case asia and south asia is where the battle is being fought now.
Low level equilibriums means it can withstand to China upto an extent millitarily and economicaly but not on a decisive level. Indian politicals used such statements to manipulate public opnion, build up sympathy by self-victimization and find scape goats for their short comings..in reality..China doesnt give sh1t to INdia..they are only intrested in trade..and the Indians unable to match China on any front unnecessary stir useless issues of Tibet, Dalai Lama, AP and Kashmir to satisfy their votebank and keep sucking development out of their nation for mllitary budget.

This applies to Pakistan more than anyone else in the world. India's defence budget is such a small percent of it's GDP. On the other hand, look at Pakistan. You really CANNOT afford to spend the kind of money you do on your military. So, watch out before pointing fingers.
Why are Indian so prickly???

Why are they so keen to take offence? Because empty "CONFIDENCE" is not what India require - India need friends, not enemies nor masters - and friends do not offer offence nor take offence from what friends have to say.

Tell Indian that he has eyebrows over his eyes and you'll have succeed in rattling his cage - and he calls this "confidence" - Indian wanted to ratchet up the nosie between New Dehli and Beijing, well, Beijing has obliged - and can raise the volume even more - is that what Indian started out wanting??

Whats picky in what MMS has said?

He his merely stating his perspective. His remarks amount to seeing a reality in the face and corroborate with George Fernandes remarks made years ago - signifying the consistency in national perspective.He however has added the very rational point that there is room for both India & China to compete & cooperate.

...and what is being seen as ratcheting up is simply acceptance of the fact that differences exist and can only be solved if it is agreed that they exist along with the fact that they need to be prepared for.
I went looking for the article's source

surprise... Times of India

China wants India in state of low-level equilibrium: PM - India - The Times of India

Times of India is a top to bottom racist anti Chinese troll paper. It wants to see india attacking China, well, I wish its dream comes true, because it has no idea about the Chinese military retaliation.

The master trolls who always bash China of that troll paper is Saibal dasgupta and Chidanand Rajghatta etc. China should ban these master trolls from entering China.

Why does not China ban Times of India? This CPC is too much impotent.
Is there a possibility that they took what Mr.Singh said out of context?

Most likely. Please have a look.

"China would like to have a foothold in South Asia and we have to reflect on this reality. We have to be aware of this," he said. He, however, also said that it was his firm belief that the world was large enough for India and China to "cooperate and compete" at the same time.

The statement looks like MMS is talking in support of China, not the other way around.
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