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China vs. America: Which Is the Developing Country?

America -What you see is tip of the ice burg. If you think it is 14 trillion economy...then you are a fool...they are much bigger than that.....They have oil reserve for 4 years etc etc.

China - Economy is really in good shape to give some sweat to USA but don't forget China is like balloon ride. Balloon is all the lies and hidden truth by china government. what is left is basket which is flying high because of balloon. if the balloon of lies burst... no need to tell you what will happen to basket hanging on the balloon....
Before Chinese guys start bashing on me in regard of India....Let me tell you guys ......India is nowhere near to US and China...so chil.... India is coming up but its own pace. solid but much slower pace.
I m only saying that US no longer seems that invincible as it used to be,of cause it still has a huge lead over others for now,but it can be overtaken in our life time.
When I was young I watch Hollywood movie, I always wondered how big the US is. You never know what underground facilities might hide in somewhere. Then later I understand that holywood fancies. Yes, the US is big, but shallow at best.

China is a new power, the first imprecation is it's multidimensional, you never know what' hiding under its vast land and numerous cities. China is big, and full of unnoticed wonders and miracles.
Before Chinese guys start bashing on me in regard of India....Let me tell you guys ......India is nowhere near to US and China...so chil.... India is coming up but its own pace. solid but much slower pace.

If chinese economy is like a balloon then india economy is like a yoyo u know what i mean?
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