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China Vows Investigation Into Pills Said to Contain Human Remains


Mar 15, 2010
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Chinese authorities are investigating disturbing reports that thousands of pills intercepted by South Korean border officials were manufactured in China to contain the desiccated powder remains of human babies, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Tuesday.

The English-language Korea Herald reported on Sunday that customs officials had intercepted more than 17,000 such pills in more than 30 smuggling attempts in luggage or through the mail since August, and said border controls were being strengthened.

The report said the pills were made from “dead human fetuses or infants from China,” though it was not clear how that determination was made. The Associated Press said they were made by drying out dead fetuses in an oven and smashing them into a powder. The reports said some in China and South Korea take pills with human remains believing that they can increase stamina.

Citing a spokesman for the Chinese Health Ministry, Xinhua said, “Medications made of human remains were not found in the country,” but police and customs agents would be conducting further investigations.

The spokesman “insisted that China has strict rules on the disposal of the remains of dead infants, aborted fetuses and placentas,” according to the report, which followed a day of disgusted reaction to articles in the South Korean media and online.

According to a South Korean television investigation from last year, cited by The Atlantic, similar pills were found to be made up nearly entirely of powdered human remains.

Apart from the macabre content intended for the pills, the South Korean authorities also said the smuggled capsules were dangerously contaminated. “Superbacteria and other viruses and bacteria which are harmful to the human body are detected in them,” Shin Eul-Gi, a South Korean inspection official at Incheon Airport, told Reuters in a report.

While the consumption of tissue from fetuses — if that is indeed what is occurring — has few public supporters, there have been some vocal advocates of eating the placenta, including in the United States.

The practice, known as placentophagy, was the subject of a lengthy article in New York magazine last year — “The Placenta Cookbook” — and recently received a celebrity endorsement from the actress and “Mad Men” star January Jones.

“I have a great doula who makes sure I’m eating well, with vitamins and teas, and with placenta capsulation,” she told People magazine in March, explaining that her placenta was dehydrated and made into pills. “It’s not witchcrafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms!”

China Vows Investigation Into Pills Said to Contain Human Remains - NYTimes.com

So after carving organs out for Iphones, Chinese are now selling their flesh to foreigners in pills...
This is sick, China must investigate these cases thoroughly and punish those who are responsible as soon as possible.
quite disturbing. and this is right after the formaldehyde in vegetables/fish
This is sick, China must investigate these cases thoroughly and punish those who are responsible as soon as possible.

Don't know if you can really trust them to do their job. In mainland lots of people violate the rules for food safety as well. China's health ministry in 2008 published a list of illegal food additives that included formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is widely used in China to keep vegetables fresh while it's a toxic cancer causing chemical.
Same with melamine found in milkpowder.
Don't know if you can really trust them to do their job. In mainland lots of people violate the rules for food safety as well. China's health ministry in 2008 published a list of illegal food additives that included formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is widely used in China to keep vegetables fresh while it's a toxic cancer causing chemical.
Same with melamine found in milkpowder.

China is already in the process to overhaul and modernize the Ministry of Health and of course it will take time to catch up to international standards. However on cases like these there should be no delays and harsh punishment are called for.
I think immediate reinforcement on 4 fronts is imperative not just because of an outbreak of an accusation like this but on a nationwide sweeping scale:

1. heavy punishment on perpetrators
2. more food safety on site inspections and procedural control
3. more lab testing
4. rewards to informers which lead to a valid case of foul play

Its interesting but somewhat fishy that only just a few S Korean customers are buying them!

So after carving organs out for Iphones, Chinese are now selling their flesh to foreigners in pills. How do you even troll this? Even my ethics has its floor.[/I]

The organ for Iphone is a single case done by a mental guy. You incriminate China before the whole case is clarified. How high is your ethics by passing a judgement like this, troll?

Don't know if you can really trust them to do their job. In mainland lots of people violate the rules for food safety as well. China's health ministry in 2008 published a list of illegal food additives that included formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is widely used in China to keep vegetables fresh while it's a toxic cancer causing chemical.
Same with melamine found in milkpowder.

I think the melamine tainted milks are now out of the market for good, aren't they?
This is messed up. But it doesn't look like case of contaminants or spurious drugs. These pills are purposely made with human foetuses and I guess there is a demand for it in China and Korea:bad:
Ew.... That is disgusting... I hope China deals with this efficently as it has before :agree:
how do they know it is from dead fetuses? is it possible it is actually from placenta?
China is already in the process to overhaul and modernize the Ministry of Health and of course it will take time to catch up to international standards. However on cases like these there should be no delays and harsh punishment are called for.

On Monday dozens of wholesale vegetable dealers in Qingzhou city - in Shandong province - were caught selling cabbage sprayed with formaldehyde. It did not say if the dealers had been arrested and what punishments they might face. It said the practice has become so widespread over the last three years because vegetables in warmer months rot quickly in transit.
Correspondents say that China's wholesale vegetable dealers are not required to use refrigerated trucks for produce, and few can afford it.

The problem is A) that almost all farmers use this chemical junk for years, so ofcourse those farmers probably won't get harsh punishment if not any punishment. B) Not every farmer can afford refrigerated trucks C) Not enough inspectors.
The way to solve this is government funding, make sure all farmers have refrigerated trucks. Put many inspectors at work and give harsh punishment if the farmers are violating food safety rules. I doubt that mainland officials will spend lots of money on this.
I would like to give you all some information.

The mixture of formaldehyde and Potassium permangnate is used for fumigation/sterilization of hospitals and research labs.The mixture produces fumes which kills all living organisms present in lab/hospital

This will tell you how harmful formaldeyde can be to all of us.

But I want to know what is the motive behind adding powdered remains of babies to medicines?
Seriously, is there some hidden usage of such medicine?

Don't forget China only began to industrialize for the last 2 decades and there are many bureaucratic departments are still at their infancy. You can't measure them with the same standards as their western counterparts. So the recent developments are actually good for China in such a way that she must spend heavily to modernize those bureaus.

@Shardul....the lion

You have to ask the South Koreans, they are the ones who are buying them from the Chinese Koreans(?).
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