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China threatens Delhi


Sep 7, 2008
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Delhi has problems with each and one of its neighbors. Bharat is playing with fire in Southeast East also. The dangerous game of provoking China Beijing is warning Delhi that “India fishing in troubled waters of Vietnam.” Bharat at the instigation of the US is now looking East and trying to challenge China in the South China seas. The subject of the controversy is the agreement signed by India with Vietnam to explore oil in the South China Sea. China calls is a “reckless attempt to confront China”. The warning to Delhi was published in the state-run Chinese daily which said that Beijing may have to take actions “to show its stance”.

“Both countries clearly know what this means for China,” the Global Times, which has in the past taken hard lines on India, said in a commentary referring to the agreement New Delhi signed with Hanoi last Wednesday.

“China may consider taking actions to show its stance and prevent more reckless attempts in confronting China.” It noted that India is willing to fish in the troubled waters of the South China Sea so as to “accumulate bargaining chips on other issues with China”.

Hanoi has inked the agreement with New Delhi just one day after it signed a deal in Beijing on ground rules to resolve maritime disputes, the paper observed.

“It is hard to tell if this shows a double-dealing mentality from Hanoi, or a disagreement among Vietnam’s top decision-makers.

“India probably has deeper considerations in its regional strategy than simply getting barrels of oil and gas,” it said.

There is strong political motivation behind the exploration projects. China’s vocal objections may not be heeded. It called on China to take practical actions, including those to make the project fall through.

Analysts have discussed China possible reaction.

China should denounce this agreement as illegal.

Once India and Vietnam initiate their exploration, China can send non-military forces to disturb their work, and cause dispute or friction to halt the project, it suggests.

China should let them know that economic profits via such cooperation can hardly match the risk, it said.

By preventing the project, China clearly exposes the risks and lets every country involved share them.

If China takes no action, the nation will bear them alone, it noted. China has to dish out firm retaliatory measures. India has its ambitions in the region, although its national strength does not provide solid support for such ambitions yet.

Furthermore, this is not India’s urgent task in building itself into a great power, the paper observed. India is just poking its nose where it does not belong.
Indian society is unprepared for a fierce conflict with China on the South China Sea issue, it said.
However, it also noted that a rising China inevitably needs to have some degree of tolerance.
The warning to Delhi was published in the state-run Chinese daily which said that Beijing may have to take actions “to show its stance”.

Easy. Just kill their dream of having a permanent seat on the UNSC.

That would be an adequate response. Putting more troops in Gilgit Baltistan would be an over-reaction.
On the other hand this will encourage China to involve in more activities in the Indian ocean & Perl of the Indian Ocean. ;)
Easy. Just kill their dream of having a permanent seat on the UNSC.

That would be an adequate response. Putting more troops in Gilgit Baltistan would be an over-reaction.

In a way the short-sightedness of the China's present leadership has allowed india to take advantage, now it has become almost impossible to convince the indians that they are treading a very dangerous path. Indians are confident that the present Chinese leadership will accept almost anything just to keep up their economic growth. China signalling to india that it might support india's UNSC bid was a terrible mistake.
yea right! UNSC seat. you kidding right? India doesnt give a $hit about what IAEA has to say about its nuclear programme. We dont really need a membership in a poser organisation to get our $hit done. I think that is evident from the nuclear deals and the South China Sea deals. Cheerios mate, keep vetoing :D :D

Indian navy is also actively shoring up its defences in the Indian Ocean. Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives, A&N, Lakshadweep. ever heard of them?
On the other hand this will encourage China to involve in more activities in the Indian ocean & Perl of the Indian Ocean. ;)
China has already been doing that for decades already, much before India started showing interest in Vietnam's maritine assets.
YES! hopefully we can teach india another lesson. but they will not learn from this lesson like 1962 because this fight will break the back of india as a country for good.

lolz its your thinking. it's not 1962 welcome 21st century, loss can occur in both sides. it won't be one side war. stupid speculations that's it.
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