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China threatens Delhi

Delhi has problems with each and one of its neighbors. Bharat is playing with fire in Southeast East also.
Oh really? The only problematic neighbor that India has as of today is Pakistan! Period! :azn:

This article is so over the top, it's not even funny! Utter gobbledegook written by a troll who doesn't know his beans. Fit for the trashcan!

China is caught in a time warp if it thinks India is of 1962 vintage! Gazillions of cusecs of water have flowed under the bridge since then. China needs to wake up to reality and smell the coffee, imported from India!

And it needs to get real. Just because it is called 'South China Sea' doesn't mean the entire area belongs to it!! If that be so, then the Indian Ocean must belong to India!! Jeeez!

And this is the trillionth thread on this issue on PDF! Oh well, never mind. Carry on....

At least they were never boasting about reaching double-digit growth like India was, or constantly laughing about how "China's economy is going to collapse", like Indians always do. :rofl:

According to the Moody's ratings agency:

India slowing down sharply: Moody

That's what you call a serious backfire. Indians were too busy hoping that China would fail, that they never reached sustained double-digit growth in the first place.

Nobody is going to collapse, these issues discussed in length here.

There is core interests for each nations. Both should accept that.
wat abt Pakistani economy ...??? :)

will it break the 3% barrier anytime soon kid???

Why are you obsesses with a peaceful country that is much smaller than india. cant compare yourself to china? and why make derogotary remarks like kid about the poster. Incredibly sad that you cant even compare india to a country with a similar population etc.
But then we would see the break up of india and the formation of new 30 plus smaller states. All people who want independence would be very happy so it may have to be done

---------- Post added at 08:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 AM ----------

thats simply not correct china is to be admired and an example for all peace loving asians to emulate and one who does not bow to white men from afar

Why are you obsesses with a peaceful country that is much smaller than india. cant compare yourself to china? and why make derogotary remarks like kid about the poster. Incredibly sad that you can compare india to a country with a similar population etc.
thats simply not correct china is to be admired and an example for all peace loving asians to emulate and one who does not bow to white men from afar
Our foreign policy is simple....we dont bend in front of anyone..white, black,brown or yellow (neither do we descriminate our foreign policy based on race) . And I wont point out what pakistans situation has been on this matter , it wud be off topic.
lastly plzzz stop bringing race and religion into every little matter. thanks
But then we would see the break up of india and the formation of new 30 plus smaller states. All people who want independence would be very happy so it may have to be done

LOL, worry about your own country kid. It seems as if the "death by a thousand cuts" tactic has left you amputated after *cough 71'* :azn:

OP mind posting a link?
Why are you obsesses with a peaceful country that is much smaller than india. cant compare yourself to china? and why make derogotary remarks like kid about the poster. Incredibly sad that you cant even compare india to a country with a similar population etc.

from which angle do you think that pakistan is a peaceful nation .
YES! hopefully we can teach india another lesson. but they will not learn from this lesson like 1962 because this fight will break the back of india as a country for good.

Who said we didn't learn from the 1962 fiasco? That event was a big kick on our back-side and made us one of the most formidable military forces that we are today. That event was a wakeup call for our leaders which resulted in the most magnificant military victory the world had since WW-II, in 1971, against our worst enemy. 1962 made us the nuclear power in 1974.
Yes sir, we did learn our lessons from 1962 and we are far better off today due to the lesson you taught us in 1962. We lost a desolate place called Aksai Chin & retained a strategic area in Arunachal Pradesh. Compared to what we lost on short term, we gained a million times more in long term. We thank you very much for it.

Only some numbheaded members from our neighbourhood can get turned on by an article from the rupee news.

India GDP Growth Rate at 7.70 percent

For all the mathematically challenged Pakistanis ,Chinese and Bangladeshi and Lankan members the last quarter growth in India was 7.7% which is almost 8 % , i dont know where the talk of 6 and 7 % comes from . Moody's prediction is just a prediction , not fact .The result of the current quarters obviously isn't out yet . This slowing down has also happened due to international economy slowing down not just India's .

i am sure the more serious Pakistani , chinese and sri lankan members will stay away from this thread because they see it is from rupee news.Never seen a serious member from Bangladesh .
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