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China swimmer Ye Shiwen 'clean', says British Olympic Association

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omg you really are stupid.. time will tell with ye.. but i know it will end up showing china is still a massive drug cheat... she is a drug cheat... your welcome to claim stephanie rice was a drug cheat in beijing if you like?? i do not care you can have your opinion... THAT is what is called like for like,.... what you have done is resorted to something different altogether... you can call me many names etc.. but what you said and then to threaten me, is going waaaaay overboard... just shows your frustration at losing an argument... in any case.. if china is seen suspiciously, you only have china to blame.. you made your bed you lay in it... your one of the biggest cheating countries in history! this is a fact... even at london look at your badminton players.. they try to cheat so they dont have to play and knock out fellow chinese in the medal race... pathetic and disgusting!..

you are the embodiment of everything wrong with australia.. as i sed.. go back to your own country.. that will make australia a lot better then having a scumbag drug addict like you here... you import all your heroin and other drugs to australia to sell "fu kien" etc... and i dont just invite you... YOU threatened to pummel me... all i am saying is ok, i will give you the chance.. come and TRY.... i know even if you bring 2 other people i will still beat you ... thats how confident i am.. and believe me, i have every reason to be confident ;) you got no idea

and i can also tell you, and i can prove this, there is more paedophiles and rapist in china then there is in australia lmao

Unemployed internet tough guy. Dude, Im outa here I gotta get to work. Our presence here have really degenerated the quality of this thread and I apologise to PDF members for having to witness this spat.
sure , yes im not saying otherwise... people can be extraordinarily talented at certain things.. some people are talented at anything they do..... but i am also aware of physical capabilities..... i tell you what.. in 4 years time.. if they have not caught Ye with drugs.. i will issue an official apology for all to see.. ok? make you happy?

Unemployed internet tough guy. Dude, Im outa here I gotta get to work. Our presence here have really degenerated the quality of this thread and I apologise to PDF members for having to witness this spat.

your the one who threatens me on the internet and you try to call me an internet tough guy? lmaoooooooo it the same as your drugged up athletes... the pot calling the kettle black lmao
Unemployed internet tough guy. Dude, Im outa here I gotta get to work. Our presence here have really degenerated the quality of this thread and I apologise to PDF members for having to witness this spat.

Too bad, it would have been nice to see another Indian getting punished for their big mouth in Australia. :lol:

But now we can discuss the thread topic again. :cheers:

Ye Shiwen entered 2 swimming events, and won 2 Gold medals.

I think these accusations have had an impact on her, and I think it was unfair to force a 16-year old girl to defend herself against such accusations while she is still competing in events.
i tell you what.. in 4 years time.. if they have not caught Ye with drugs.. i will issue an official apology for all to see.. ok? make you happy?

no need,who cares what you think.IOC already issued official delaration.
sure , yes im not saying otherwise... people can be extraordinarily talented at certain things.. some people are talented at anything they do..... but i am also aware of physical capabilities..... i tell you what.. in 4 years time.. if they have not caught Ye with drugs.. i will issue an official apology for all to see.. ok? make you happy?
So you have nothing to back up your claims that Ye used any performance enchancing drugs. In that case, I am going to assume your mother is a hoe and in 4 years time if nothing indicates your mother is a hoe, I will apologize to you. Hey, I'm only applying your logic here. Guilty until proven innocent right?
So you have nothing to back up your claims that Ye used any performance enchancing drugs. In that case, I am going to assume your mother is a hoe and in 4 years time if nothing indicates your mother is a hoe, I will apologize to you. Hey, I'm only applying your logic here. Guilty until proven innocent right?

sure you can say that i dont mind... at least she doesnt need performance enhancing drugs to do that lol so credit where its due :rofl:

funny all the FLIES come swarming now hahahahaha
LOL, you're claiming to be an aboriginal now? :rofl:

No, in fact you are an Indian. It's the fault of other people that they can't tell the difference between Aboriginals and Indians, since both look the same, and both are actually very closely related in terms of genetics.

Typical closeted racist Chinese-Dragon's fetish for geneolgy. :taz:

And neither one can win any Gold medals at the Olympics. :P

I don't blame you for ignorance in the above statement , as that ignorance is waht that pampers your pseudo-superiority complex, which is again a deep symptom of inferiority complex attained from century of humiliation. ;)

India has won 9 gold medals over here entire participation in Olympics


I'm not aware of the how many wining gold medals won in Olympics by Australian aborigines,

But what confuses us all here is why such perverted glee at Australian aborigines not wining gold medals won in Olympics for Hong Konger?

It makes sense if it was racist Caucasoid Australian,

But why does a Hong konger has such a glee at some percived failure of an native population in a far away land, does it have some thing to do with hatred for ones own country men? (caliing mainland Chinese "locusts") . :unsure:
sure you can say that i dont mind... at least she doesnt need performance enhancing drugs to do that lol so credit where its due :rofl:

funny all the FLIES come swarming now hahahahaha

I know why you Indians are worried about flies, since being the world's largest open-air toilet does lead to a lot of problems. :lol:
Typical closeted racist Hong Konger fetish for geneolgy.

I don't blame you for ignorance in the above statement , as that ignorance is waht that pampers your pseudo-superiority complex, which is again a deep symptom of inferiority complex attained from century of humiliation. ;)

India has won 9 gold medals over here entire participation in Olympics


I'm not aware of the how many wining gold medals won in Olympics by Australian aborigines,

But what confuses us all here is why such perverted glee at Australian aborigines not wining gold medals won in Olympics for Hong Konger?

It makes sense if it was racist Caucasoid Australian,

But why does a Hong konger has such a glee at some percived failure of an native population in a far away land, does it have some thing to do with hatread for ones own country men? (caliing mainland Chinese "locusts") . :unsure:

geez they should really look up history... there are many many great aboriginal athletes.. cathy freeman for one... we have had world champion aboriginal boxers... where the chinese champs??... chinese gung fu is often beaten by japanese karate and muay thai... gung fu lacks power.. it all just show.. just like the rest of these flies in this forum
sure you can say that i dont mind... at least she doesnt need performance enhancing drugs to do that lol so credit where its due :rofl:

funny all the FLIES come swarming now hahahahaha
And you're also retarded until proven otherwise. Although there are plenty of evidence of your retardation in this thread, primarily the failure to provide any substantial evidence for your claim.
And you're also retarded until proven otherwise. Although there are plenty of evidence of your retardation in this thread, primarily the failure to provide any substantial evidence for your claim.

all i need to do is refer you to look up chinese drug cheating history... there is very very profound basis for speculation on chinese athletes... i also refer you to chinese cheating in the badminton.. that is proof enough the chinese will use any dirty underhanded tricks to win medals.... you cannot offer any proof of your claims, or any basis for your claims whatsoever.. that is the difference.

ooo retard soo hurtful.. geez it really great of you to use such innocent people in order to insult me.. those people cannot help being the way they are... but while we on the subject.. why do chinese happen to bear a striking resemblance to people with down syndrome?
all i need to do is refer you to look up chinese drug cheating history... there is very very profound basis for speculation on chinese athletes... i also refer you to chinese cheating in the badminton.. that is proof enough the chinese will use any dirty underhanded tricks to win medals.... you cannot offer any proof of your claims, or any basis for your claims whatsoever.. that is the difference.

ooo retard soo hurtful.. geez it really great of you to use such innocent people in order to insult me.. those people cannot help being the way they are... but while we on the subject.. why do chinese happen to bear a striking resemblance to people with down syndrome?

The difference is that Ye Shiwen passed the drug tests, and the International Olympic Committee is supporting her.

Whereas your Indian athletes fail the tests:

BBC NEWS - Indian athlete who failed gender test

Every sentence you write further confirms it. :lol:

The Indian Australians on this forum are pro-Indian which is understandable, but the actual Australians in real life seem to enjoy attacking Indians and beating them to death on a regular basis.

if you know anything about Australian history...you would know the chinese have been treated far worse in this country than any indian :yahoo:
chinamen have been beaten up since the gold rush days
if you know anything about Australian history...you would know the chinese have been treated far worse in this country than any indian :yahoo:
chinamen have been beaten up since the gold rush days

i think australians have been treated far worse by indians and chinese then they have been treated by australians... hence why there is resentment
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