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China Supports Sri Lanka & India against Sri Lanka

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China Supports Sri Lanka & India against Sri Lanka

India voted against Sri Lanka.

India, which normally does not vote on nation-specific resolutions, made a last-minute departure in the current instance after overwhelming pressure from parties in Tamil Nadu to vote against Sri Lanka.

Interestingly, India's neighbours China, Pakistan and Bangladesh, voted against the motion. Maldives said the resolution was not necessary and Sri Lanka should be given time to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).

India Votes Against Sri Lanka on UNHRC Resolution | news.outlookindia.com

China backs Sri Lanka on UNHRC resolution

China on Thursday expressed its strong opposition to a proposed United States-backed resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) calling on Sri Lanka to address rights violations, describing it as a move to “impose pressure.”

Ahead of the crucial vote in Geneva, the Chinese government went as far as saying that Sri Lanka had made “great strides” in promoting human rights and towards achieving national reconciliation, underscoring its support to an under-pressure Sri Lankan government.

“We oppose using a country-specific human rights resolution to impose pressure,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters on Thursday. “We believe the Sri Lankan government and people are capable of handling their own affairs.”

Mr. Hong said China believed that “dialogue and cooperation is the fundamental way out for the human rights dispute”.

“In recent years, in terms of promoting human rights and realising national reconciliation, Sri Lanka has made great strides,” he said.

China’s view, he added, was that the international community should play “a constructive role” in helping Sri Lanka achieve stability.

The two countries pledged to deepen their strategic ties earlier this month when Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited Beijing.

Mr. Rajapaksa “expressed thanks for China’s support in the process of Sri Lanka ending the civil war and pushing reconstruction and development,” the official Xinhua news agency quoted him as telling Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie. China boosted its military support to Sri Lanka during the closing stages of the war.

Mr. Liang stressed that China “will continue to support Sri Lanka’s efforts in safeguarding state independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

The Hindu : News / International : China backs Sri Lanka on UNHRC resolution
well i have no hope that LLRC will be implemented....
Its still after one year LLRC was released to public and no work have been done.... militarisation of northern areas continue...
Killins have been unaccounted yet... Rajapakse went back on his word on devolution of power and 13th amendment... And SL govt expect the world to support them>???
SL has been defeated in this vote....
The Hindu : Opinion / Editorial : Dealing with Sri Lanka

India faces a crucial decision-making moment at the United Nations Human Rights Council on the U.S.-sponsored resolution that urges Sri Lanka to address rights violations alleged against its army in the final phase of the war against the LTTE in 2009. At one level, this decision should be easy to make — New Delhi does not support country-specific resolutions at the HRC in Geneva. Sri Lanka, however, poses a special challenge. All this time, quiet diplomacy rather than grandstanding has been New Delhi's preferred path in prodding Sri Lanka towards reconciliation with the island's Tamil minority. That this has not produced the desired outcome, especially in the matter of a forward-looking political solution to the Tamil question, is evident. Three years after winning the war against the LTTE, Sri Lanka is yet to cement a peace with the Tamils. Instead, the triumphalism about the military victory, unaddressed human rights violations and the overwhelming presence of the Army in northern Sri Lanka, have deepened the political alienation of the Tamils. But if quiet diplomacy hasn't worked, India must carefully assess whether the HRC resolution will get the Sri Lankan government to move in the right direction. Western powers seem to believe it can shame Sri Lanka into doing this. In fact, the proposed censure might work in exactly the opposite way, by further fuelling Sinhala nationalism and rendering the possibility of political reconciliation even more distant.

As for the “feelings” of the political parties in Tamil Nadu, it should be clear by now that for them, the Sri Lankan Tamil issue is an opportunity for cynical one-upmanship, and nothing more. There was no clearer evidence of this than at the time of the UPA victory in 2009, which coincided with the last stand of the LTTE. After creating a furore over the war in Sri Lanka during the elections, the DMK's only concern after the results was how many and which cabinet positions the party would get in the new government. The Sri Lankan High Commissioner's suggestion that the members of parliament from Tamil Nadu are unwitting propagandists of the LTTE shows poor understanding of the dynamics at play in the State; his comment can only worsen the din. However, it should be clear to all concerned that a decision by India not to support the resolution cannot be seen as backing for Sri Lanka's record on human rights; Colombo would be mistaken if it interprets it thus. Indeed, an Indian decision to abstain or vote against the resolution would place an even bigger responsibility on New Delhi to ensure — through more effective and even hard-edged diplomacy — that the Rajapaksa government delivers on the commitments it has made on the political and human rights front.
one can not get away with murders of innocent people..they can not kill tamils in the name of destroying L..i support decision by India to vote against Lanka...
Good to see our ball-less govt. standing with her friends
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