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China Squashes Attempted Tunisia-Style Revolt the JASMINE REVOLUTION

China snuffs out democracy protests - Telegraph

Chinese Activists Attempt Middle East-Style Revolution But Are Foiled By Police | World News | Sky News

I hope chinese people realise soon that democracy is the best way forward..
If china becomes a democracy its good for everyone :cheers::tup:

Most Chinese people is not the same as what you think.
Please think about those news: 1.3 billion people in the country, and only 100 dissidents...

I hope India people to primitive society soon that primitive society is the best way forward for Indian.
If India becomes a primitive society its good for everyone.
those indians just love posting trash threads in china zone :lol:

only shows how jealousy they are, really :lol:

and stop indian army massacre peasant everyday :lol:

From what I've read on Chinese forums only three or four people showed up for protests. There were more journalists than protesters at the scene lol.
Grind them under the tanks. I'll pay $1 per pound.
I hope chinese people realise soon that democracy is the best way forward..
If china becomes a democracy its good for everyone :cheers::tup:

I believe they will work towards it. Who should be there to dictate the timeline?
Probably got them from the Indian security force cache. Some of them still use Lee-Enfields.

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