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China slams Obama-Dalai Lama meeting


May 30, 2011
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BEIJING: China lashed out at Washington on Sunday after US President Barack Obama welcomed the Dalai Lama to the White House, saying the meeting had damaged relations between the two countries.

"Such an act has grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, hurt the feelings of Chinese people and damaged the Sino-American relations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a written statement, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Obama's meeting with the Tibetan spiritual leader on Saturday was a low-key affair, held away from the Oval Office where presidents traditionally meet world leaders.

Beijing regards Tibet as an "inseparable" part of China and the Dalai Lama as a "splittist" bent on dividing the country. It regularly protests over his meetings overseas.

The Dalai Lama says he is peacefully seeking greater rights in Tibet and accepts Chinese rule.

"We demand the US side to seriously consider China's stance, immediately adopt measures to wipe out the baneful impact, stop interfering in China's internal affairs and cease to connive and support anti-China separatist forces that seek 'Tibet independence'," Ma said.

The statement said the meeting had gone against US commitments, according to the Xinhua report, though no details of these were given.

The Chinese foreign ministry also issued an "urgent summons" to the US charge d'affaires in Beijing in the early hours of Sunday morning to protest at the meeting, according to a separate Xinhua report.

China had warned the United States not to receive the Dalai Lama and lodged an official protest after the meeting -- Obama's second in office with the Buddhist leader -- was announced.

After the meeting, the Dalai Lama said he felt close to the president at a "human level" and the US leader shared his concerns about the situation in Tibet, which the Buddhist leader fled in 1959 for safety in India.

China has held nine rounds of talks with the Dalai Lama's envoys, the last in January 2010.

But the dialogue has yielded no tangible progress, leading many Tibetans to believe Beijing is trying to wait out the 76-year-old monk's death in the hope that his calls for greater rights will wither away without him.

The visit comes at a delicate moment in US-Chinese relations, with rising tensions in the South China Sea between Beijing and five other countries in the region that also lay claim to strategic waters there.

The Obama administration has sought stable relations with China, a growing military and economic power and major holder of US debt. In January, Washington rolled out the red carpet for President Hu Jintao on a state visit. (AFP)
China slams Obama-Dalai Lama meeting
Us could care less to be honest, i have many Tibetan friends in my city there is a monastery and i beleve the tibeten peoples representation leade. they all want a free country they want no part in china and the people of china and there "representatives" dont get it they want to be free but china needs that buffer zone and water that tibet offfers .
Us could care less to be honest, i have many Tibetan friends in my city there is a monastery and i beleve the tibeten peoples representation leade. they all want a free country they want no part in china and the people of china and there "representatives" dont get it they want to be free but china needs that buffer zone and water that tibet offfers .
your friend is only American-Tibetan .they are not real Chinese-XiZang people.
Most likely he will pass away without his separatist goals fulfilled. ^^
one mans separatist is another's freedom fighter. like a lot of people here wish to tell us .

any way on topic its good that the US is not bowing to chinas demands.
one mans separatist is another's freedom fighter. like a lot of people here wish to tell us .

any way on topic its good that the US is not bowing to chinas demands.

True, it seems that China should also support those 'freedom fighters' of India as well, because we need people to hear their voice. :coffee:
BEIJING: China lashed out at Washington on Sunday after US President Barack Obama welcomed the Dalai Lama to the White House, saying the meeting had damaged relations between the two countries.

"Such an act has grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, hurt the feelings of Chinese people and damaged the Sino-American relations," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a written statement, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

"...hurt the feelings of Chinese people" or the Chinese government? :azn:
True, it seems that China should also support those 'freedom fighters' of India as well, because we need people to hear their voice. :coffee:

Well, your friend is doing it from last 63 years but nothing is working out for them. In fact we did it to them and freed some of their land (Of course you don't know all this because your media has no idea what's going outside China lol). So you can try your luck. We may end up having a new country called Tibet.
I don't like this word SLAMS.... what slam dunk.... lol...

nothing happens after these SLAMS ...lol either China slams US or US slams China.
True, it seems that China should also support those 'freedom fighters' of India as well, because we need people to hear their voice. :coffee:

Since when has China become a champion of people?

Look within!

The Uighurs have just attacked your police stations.

A few days ago it was the Mongolians.

Sichuan is a hotbed.

熊瞎子摘苞米,摘一个丢一个 (pinyin: xióng xiā zi zhāi bāo mǐ, zhāi yí gè diū yí gè)

variant: 狗熊掰苞米 (pinyin: gǒu xióng ba bāo mǐ)
Literally: Blind bear picks corn, picks one and drops one.
Meaning: You will lose what you already have if you keep seeking for more.
so the whining continues huh. what harm would that poor, old religious man do to China ? let him live his life his own way, who are you to tell what others have to do with him? stupid over reaction nothing else.
Since when has China become a champion of people?

Look within!

The Uighurs have just attacked your police stations.

A few days ago it was the Mongolians.

Sichuan is a hotbed.

熊瞎子摘苞米,摘一个丢一个 (pinyin: xióng xiā zi zhāi bāo mǐ, zhāi yí gè diū yí gè)

variant: 狗熊掰苞米 (pinyin: gǒu xióng ba bāo mǐ)
Literally: Blind bear picks corn, picks one and drops one.
Meaning: You will lose what you already have if you keep seeking for more.

well,then some terrorist have just attacked your Mumbai and it is a bigger terrorism too.so there’s really no reason you discuss these irrelevant issues in this thread.
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