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China should strengthen force on Indian border, researcher says

Talking about China, right. :devil:
China is already bigger than that,why we want something much smaller.and you can always be delusionally believing you have an advantage and it's always the defending side needs to do the maximum preperation casue they never knoww when they will be attacked,what they can do is passively waiting.
China is already bigger than that,why we want something much smaller.and you can always be delusionally believing you have an advantage and it's always the defending side needs to do the maximum preperation casue they never knoww when they will be attacked,what they can do is passively waiting.

Umm...i was just having fun with our neighbour who is on the forum to poke his nose in india specific thread. No hard feelings for China ;)

Well, 2002 standoff and kargil war are examples that how a minimum deterrence is enough to hold off ground invasion. Pakistan with its nuclear deterrent stopped India from committing any misadventure. I mean if India and China would go to war i8t would be nuclear in all probability. No sane leader would drag his nation into a nuclear war.

Economic war is a possibility, more so in the current century. China can wage a more successful economic war on India than a military one. I hope you agree on this.
In an all out conventional war, China can defeat and totally destroy the entire India military in less than a week.
In an all out conventional war, China can defeat and totally destroy the entire India military in less than a week.

with what?

with the tanks used in the battle of tiananmen square? :laugh:

Ahh.. I understand why you say so .... Pakistan's latest strategy: Push India against China, so that it gets some breathing time. :laugh:

appreciate pakistan's "statetigic thinking". :tup:
Ahh.. I understand why you say so .... Pakistan's latest strategy: Push India against China, so that it gets some breathing time. :laugh:

India's arrogance, hypocrisy and expansionist policy are enough, the neighbours don't have to push for it. On top of that now india has a warmongering army chief.

India's arrogance, hypocrisy and expansionist policy are enough, the neighbours don't have to push for it. On top of that now india has a warmongering army chief.

you are lucky you are not south east asia or SCS...

India's arrogance, hypocrisy and expansionist policy are enough, the neighbours don't have to push for it. On top of that now india has a warmongering army chief.

It is the best time for us, we are focusing on our major efforts on India-China border. :laugh:
In an all out conventional war, China can defeat and totally destroy the entire India military in less than a week.

Sure, China can conventinally beat Indian Army. But a week is over-estimating the Chinese and under-estimating the Indians.
Our new weapons are not for show, they can well defend the country. and the more the Chinese troops travel into India, more logistically it'd be difficult for them owing the himalayas whicha re hard to travel through winter and monsoon. It'll be difficult to supply food and ammunitions for more than 2 million men China would require to destroy IA completely.

So, your assumption about a week is wishful thinking nothing else. Going by your logic, USA can wipe out PA within 3 days.

India's arrogance, hypocrisy and expansionist policy are enough, the neighbours don't have to push for it. On top of that now india has a warmongering army chief.


you are funny
Indians have comprehension problem it seems. My condolences to your family. :cry:

Hahaha as if I care what you say or think. It's fun to read your posts which are attempt to please the forumers though.

No substance, just India bashing.

Get a life buddy.
It seems many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis support China against India.
Good to hear.
Thanks for the support guys.
It seems many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis support China against India.
Good to hear.
Thanks for the support guys.

No problem.

India feels very arrogant these days. It needs to be humbled and understand that smaller South Asian countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. will not be dictated to.

And thus we are fully within our rights to seek alliances with powerful nations like China to keep India in check.

I think China should open up military bases on all South Asian countries and encircle India.

Imagine 10 years from now, China has a Air Craft Carrier Battle Group stationed in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. :china:
It seems many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis support China against India.
Good to hear.
Thanks for the support guys.

If china hopes to walk on crutches provided by our neighbours ... eh.. sound good for us to have a deluded enemy.

Sun Tzu said, "If you can't win, place yourself in a delusion of victory".
No problem.

India feels very arrogant these days. It needs to be humbled and understand that smaller South Asian countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. will not be dictated to.

And thus we are fully within our rights to seek alliances with powerful nations like China to keep India in check.

I think China should open up military bases on all South Asian countries and encircle India.

Imagine 10 years from now, China has a Air Craft Carrier Battle Group stationed in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. :china:

It seems like India is making a strong impression with the people of South Asia. Have you guys checked out the India superpower video.

India In 2030 - YouTube
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