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China set to be Asia's steadiest economy


Aug 22, 2010
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United States
China set to be Asia's steadiest economy

HONG KONG — China ranks first among 22 emerging Asian economies as the country most likely to maintain steady and rapid growth over the next five years, according to the Bloomberg Economic Momentum Index for Developing Asia.

China scored 76.2 percent in a ranking of 16 areas including economic competition, education level, urban migration, high-technology exports and inflation that measure a country’s ability to continue delivering high growth. India was second with a score of 64.1 percent and Vietnam third at 61.9 percent. East Timor was last at 25.3 percent.

The index suggests China and India’s economic surge is durable and will likely continue to drive global growth as the United States, Europe and Japan lag.

Gross domestic product in each of the top three Asian countries in the index expanded at least 5.4 percent a quarter on average throughout 2008 and 2009 while the U.S., the eurozone and Japan fell into recession.

“China has a proven track record, as they have maintained superior growth for a long time,” said Dariusz Kowalczyk, senior economist at Credit Agricole in Hong Kong. In particular, the Chinese government “demonstrated their ability to manage the global crisis.”

In the past 30 years, China’s economy has expanded on average by 10 percent a year.

China set to be Asia's steadiest economy | | The Bulletin
What did Obama say, by the way? I also posted an article that busts may of the China-collapse myths prevalent in the western media.
What did Obama say, by the way? I also posted an article that busts may of the China-collapse myths prevalent in the western media.

Not many has said it will collapse. Most believe that lax intellectual property protection coupled with a rapidly aging population will impede technological and productivity growth after 2020.
Not many has said it will collapse. Most believe that lax intellectual property protection coupled with a rapidly aging population will impede technological and productivity growth after 2020.

That strand of argument is more prevalent in the Indian media. Supposedly India's superior democracy and high tech industries will allow india to over take china some time in the future. Maybe you are an Indian pretending to be a Canadian?

In the west, you more often read about China's property bubble that will soon burst, sending China into a depression. The evidence presented is the ghost cities. The article I post shows that the so called ghost cities will soon be filled by the millions of rural farmers moving to urban residence. Thus, ignorance of China's social condition is what is ultimately fueling the china threat theories.
That strand of argument is more prevalent in the Indian media. Supposedly India's superior democracy and high tech industries will allow india to over take china some time in the future. Maybe you are an Indian pretending to be a Canadian?

In the west, you more often read about China's property bubble that will soon burst, sending China into a depression. The evidence presented is the ghost cities. The article I post shows that the so called ghost cities will soon be filled by the millions of rural farmers moving to urban residence. Thus, ignorance of China's social condition is what is ultimately fueling the china threat theories.

Lol... now I'm an Indian. If only you were competent enough to check someone's posting profile before alleging nationalities...

In any case, India does not have a superior democracy to China. China is not democratic...

Contrary to what your parents teach you, the Chinese social condition is dire. Due to destructive construction competition, land developers are reluctant to construct low-cost homes in China. This has fueled the social outrage in China. Young blue collars and those without institutional connections are faced with a lack of permanent residence.

The myth that urbanization in China will bring perpetual housing demand will remain a myth. Farmers cannot afford urban homes. The housing demand is largely sourced from speculative transactions and government investment.
Lol... now I'm an Indian. If only you were competent enough to check someone's posting profile before alleging nationalities...

In any case, India does not have a superior democracy to China. China is not democratic...

Anyone can fake a profile. The truth is in what you write. You write like an Indian, and I called you out for it. Don't get upset, unless you're really a faker.

China does experiment with democratic governance at the local level. Check your facts.

You make the same mistake as pointed out by my other post, which you can see here.

An extract:

Yale historian Jonathan Spence has long cautioned that the West tends to view China through the same lens as it sees itself. Today's cottage industry of China doubters is a case in point. Yes, by our standards, China's imbalances are unstable and unsustainable. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has, in fact, gone public with a similar critique.

But that's why China is so different. It actually takes these concerns seriously. Unlike the West, where the very concept of strategy has become an oxymoron, China has embraced a transitional framework aimed at resolving its sustainability constraints.

Moreover, unlike the West, which is trapped in a dysfunctional political quagmire, China has both the commitment and the wherewithal to deliver on that strategy. This is not a time to bet against China.

You are nothing more than one more peddler of the China Collapse theory. China's history of development has proven you and your ilk beyond the pale of sane discussion.
Interesting things is no one can know what the Chinese economy will do. Its a "miracle" economy that has grown for years at 10% plus, no one has ever managed that with out a crash of some sort. If there is nothing to compare it to and economic theories designed to western free markets dont apply all anyone can really do is guess.

Mind you the guess will be wraped in prety prose and plenty of graphs becuase when your a well paid econimic comentator, coming out with we dont have the foggiest isnt well recived.
Interesting things is no one can know what the Chinese economy will do. Its a "miracle" economy that has grown for years at 10% plus, no one has ever managed that with out a crash of some sort. If there is nothing to compare it to and economic theories designed to western free markets dont apply all anyone can really do is guess.

Mind you the guess will be wraped in prety prose and plenty of graphs becuase when your a well paid econimic comentator, coming out with we dont have the foggiest isnt well recived.

Wrong. South Korea has up to the 90's and is still growing 6-7% today. No Asian economy practices free market capitalism. The closest we have is probably Taiwan/HK/Singapore. China, South Korea, Japan and later, North Korea, all industrialized with state directed planned economies. Samsung, Hyundai and other chaebol didn't get big on their own, they had huge government support.
chinese collapse theory has been said for 30 years, and for 30 years the doomsayers have been wrong.

china is a very dynamic and resilient economy.

only nations facing collapse back into the stone age are the western economies.
massive debts, high unemployment, collapsing industries, high inflaion, no growth, aging populations, bankrupt nations, political and social chaos.
chinese collapse theory has been said for 30 years, and for 30 years the doomsayers have been wrong.

china is a very dynamic and resilient economy.

only nations facing collapse back into the stone age are the western economies.
massive debts, high unemployment, collapsing industries, high inflaion, no growth, aging populations, bankrupt nations, political and social chaos.
:agree:agree on china part. :unsure:unsure about the western economies. but if the western economies above didn't include U.S, i may agree.
not optimistic about western economy though, the emerging nations should be wary of a sudden downturn in the midst of peaches and cream.
Chinese Economy definitely had grow for a long time. It had lifted more people out of poverty than anytime in history. Many countries are modeling its special economic zone concept, including India.

As for when it might collapse, we can say it happens once it take place. For 30 years, people had been saying that it will fall. But its still going on strong with no end in sight. That is why many regard China as the next super power.
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