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China seeks to enhance military cooperation with Thailand

Castocracy, Fake drugs, land of poverty and hunger.:whistle:

On topic, Thailand and China been having good relationship for a long time, like our Chinese friend had stated, we having common interest against Vietnam. People just don't realize the influence of Chinese origin Thais in Thailand on both political and commercial wise.
Long live Thailand and China Friendship:cheers:

we in deed have a lot of common interest, but i do not agree with the bold part.

a brief history review:

after WW2, Thailand side with US and Vietnam side with USSR.

1978-1989:Vietnam invaded Cambodia (backed by USSR), Thailand and PRC steped in in 1978 and 1979 accordingly (backed by US).

so i don't think this should be called common interest, all three countries were being used to fight a poxy war for the sake of other countries.

in fact, if USSR and PRC remain a good relationship through out the 1960-1990. there would be no wars for china in : 1962, 1979. and USSR would be still alive and kicking.
Some struggles in the past of Vietnam vs. China or Vietnam vs. Thailand and current dispute on Truong Sa/Nan Sa islands are not worth for Vietnamese, Chinese and Thai to be enemy of each other now. After all, we share many interests now.
We invaded Cambodia just because we needed to. Khmer Rouge is against the human race. Time will tell, but i think both Cambodia and Thailand should thank Vietnam for sweeping the Khmer Rouge away.
Some struggles in the past of Vietnam vs. China or Vietnam vs. Thailand and current dispute on Truong Sa/Nan Sa islands are not worth for Vietnamese, Chinese and Thai to be enemy of each other now. After all, we share many interests now.

I agree. :cheers:

Cooperation is the future. The best thing we Asian nations can do for ourselves, is to put aside our past disputes, and concentrate on our combined economic growth for a better future. :tup:
Isn't Thailand already a large purchaser of Chinese military equipments like tanks and warships? I recall reading an article on China Defence Blog which detailed the usage of vintage Chinese tanks as artificial reefs in Thailand.

I am also wondering if there is a market in Thailand for Chinese planes too in the near future.
We already have very friendly relationship with Thailand. I've read on this year's first or second issue of Asian Security journal a majority of Thai respondents to a survey put China ahead of U.S as Thailand's closest ally.

We also have no territorial dispute with Thailand, and both of us have disputes with Vietnam, so if America decides to support Vietnam militarily I think we and Thailand will have a lot to discuss.

Are you getting high man?

Thailand and Vietnam dispute base on what? Can you looking to the World map?
Thailand actually has pretty good relations gov-to-gov with US and India. The relations they have with China have been by large business to business. The US and Thai militarizes have frequent joint exercises together. Same with India and Thailand. But perhaps that is because there is more to learn from the US and Indian exercises.
Are you getting high man?

Thailand and Vietnam dispute base on what? Can you looking to the World map?

right now, VN is doing its best to pull a bunch of countries with them. in the short term, VN dares not show its true color and acts like a brown noser. in the history, 18th century, Siem troop had entered VN. during cambodia war, VN intruded far into thailand border after suppressing Kampot. that is why US still slates VN as an aggressive country in the region.
right now, VN is doing its best to pull a bunch of countries with them. in the short term, VN dares not show its true color and acts like a brown noser. in the history, 18th century, Siem troop had entered VN. during cambodia war, VN intruded far into thailand border after suppressing Kampot. that is why US still slates VN as an aggressive country in the region.
After making some Nuke bomb secretly with US's help, we will be more aggressive bcz we will tell Uncle Sam to leave ASEAN region alone, bro :lol:
right now, VN is doing its best to pull a bunch of countries with them. in the short term, VN dares not show its true color and acts like a brown noser. in the history, 18th century, Siem troop had entered VN. during cambodia war, VN intruded far into thailand border after suppressing Kampot. that is why US still slates VN as an aggressive country in the region.

Are you high? I believe so because you eyes problem, and you should check/read more docs before you come this debate.

If you are not get high, then your mentalist is probelm. Noone loves Polpot kill his own people.
After making some Nuke bomb secretly with US's help, we will be more aggressive bcz we will tell Uncle Sam to leave ASEAN region alone, bro :lol:

The only way Viet Cong can receive any nuke from the US is the one fired from a Ohio class sub.
After making some Nuke bomb secretly with US's help, we will be more aggressive bcz we will tell Uncle Sam to leave ASEAN region alone, bro :lol:

We will, but may be not now ,we should set up more guard points around it first, we have lots of time to do it , bro.:)

SCS(east sea) is not China's backyard, VN control the largest part there.Soon, we will demand Phillipine and Malaysia to return our islands back also:)

Uncle Sam will not allow this to happen neither will ASEAN, China, India or Russia support Vietnam if they pursue in expansionism. If Vietnam acts like that, they will find themselves isolated with the rest of the world, getting embargoed left, right and center and become another North Korea in the region, this time with no outside support. You have spent too much time dreaming and it's not wise bro. :lol:
Are you getting high man?

Thailand and Vietnam dispute base on what? Can you looking to the World map?

If you vietnamese keep seeking hegemony over Indochina penisula,
the dispute between vietname and Thailand will never disappear.



If you vietnamese keep seeking hegemony over Indochina penisula,
the dispute between vietname and Thailand will never disappear.

Thai Kingdom's policy was very flexible in the past, when all countries in neighboring (include China) was controlled by Western, Thailand is still independent in formality. Thai GOV is wise enough to know haw to make balancing, let he do his job.
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