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China seeks greater military cooperation with Pakistan


Jul 29, 2011
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China seeks greater military cooperation with Pakistan | The Indian Express

China sought enhanced “pragmatic military cooperation” with Pakistan to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability in the face of the “ever-changing” global security situation. Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquann, on an official visit to Pakistan, said the “all-weather” friendship between the two countries is a strategic choice of the two sides.
“China and Pakistan should continue to enhance pragmatic military cooperation to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability,” he was quoted as saying by China’s state-run Xinhua news agency. During his meeting with Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Chang said bilateral military ties “should become closer in the face of ever-changing international and regional security situations”.

Chang also called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who said Pakistan deeply values China’s support for its national security and territorial integrity. China has emerged the largest international investor in Pakistan, where it is pumping in billions of dollars in sectors like energy and telecommunications. The two countries are also working on the ambitiousKashgar-Gwadar trade corridor that will pass through Azad Kashmir, which borders the restive Xinjiang province.

The project includes construction of a 200-km tunnel that will facilitate trade and commuters. Sharif said the corridor would benefit both countries and transform the regional economy as it would dovetail with the strategy of connecting South and Central Asia.

”Solid foundation for our time-tested and all-weatherfriendship is provided by strong mutual trust, excellent cooperation and convergence of views on regional and global issues,” Sharif said. The premier expressed confidence that Pakistan-China cooperation, including defence, will continue to grow.

Chang reiterated his government’s support for Pakistan.
any big deal with Chinese in recent years ? except S-20 Subs ?
China seeks greater military cooperation with Pakistan | The Indian Express

China sought enhanced “pragmatic military cooperation” with Pakistan to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability in the face of the “ever-changing” global security situation. Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquann, on an official visit to Pakistan, said the “all-weather” friendship between the two countries is a strategic choice of the two sides.
“China and Pakistan should continue to enhance pragmatic military cooperation to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability,” he was quoted as saying by China’s state-run Xinhua news agency. During his meeting with Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Chang said bilateral military ties “should become closer in the face of ever-changing international and regional security situations”.

Chang also called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who said Pakistan deeply values China’s support for its national security and territorial integrity. China has emerged the largest international investor in Pakistan, where it is pumping in billions of dollars in sectors like energy and telecommunications. The two countries are also working on the ambitiousKashgar-Gwadar trade corridor that will pass through Azad Kashmir, which borders the restive Xinjiang province.

The project includes construction of a 200-km tunnel that will facilitate trade and commuters. Sharif said the corridor would benefit both countries and transform the regional economy as it would dovetail with the strategy of connecting South and Central Asia.

”Solid foundation for our time-tested and all-weatherfriendship is provided by strong mutual trust, excellent cooperation and convergence of views on regional and global issues,” Sharif said. The premier expressed confidence that Pakistan-China cooperation, including defence, will continue to grow.

Chang reiterated his government’s support for Pakistan.

China financed construction of the new major seaport of Gwadar, together with it's new connecting railroad lines intended to facilitate cargo and passenger movements within, thru, and out of Pakistan into both India, Afghanistan, and Iran.
The West has declared India chowkidar/numbaradar of SA. A Sino-Pak strategic deal must formalize their commitment to ensure peace in SA. That should keep India's adventurism in check.
Hey, these are the guys who built great wall of China.

what is 200 KM Tunnel ?
The "psychology" of the Great Wall of China was the keep the rest of the world "out." Today China is a mixture of a "free enterprise zone" which causes it to be the largest investor in US government bonds, stocks, and such, while at the same time trying to build a world power size military, army, navy, air force for China.

1. Recent Chinese expansion of it's new claims that it's territorial waters, to include largely unpopulated small islands which in most cases now belong to Free China, Formosa if you will. China's military is trying to push further off shore it's self protection zone(s) while also trying to find ways and means to "charge for" passage into and thru this alleged, expanded territorial waters. ***The real "militarist" agenda seems to be China trying to "shrink" the distance between mainland China and Nationalist/Free China (Formosa) to enable more mainland China claims to the land and peoples of Free China. ***It should be noted that Free China's total economy is among the 10 largest and strongest national economies is the world today.

2. Recent Chinese air space claims likewise intended to create more commercial air space which China can charge transit rights for, etc. has/have been declared/claimed by China.

I used to know a Dean of the mainland Chinese National Medical School who said in effect: "We are making great strides in the cities, in commerce, science, business...but the people in the provinces, the mass of the total Chinese population are still eating rice out of iron bowls!"

As in the case of India, China, too, has a long way to go to bring living, health, sanitary, and related standards up to a modern day safe and sound living standard. But China, and India, have come a very long way "up." India as a democracy in the long run will surpass China...unless China leaves it's current Communist form of government and moves into a national Republican form of government which fosters basic human rights in a democratic national and local setting.
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Hey, these are the guys who built great wall of China.

what is 200 KM Tunnel ?
you are right but u did't understand my point i was assuming it as a one 200km long tunnel because it is vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery difficult to maintain a thing like that.just think what will happen if god forbidden an accident happens to be inside tunnel a blast in the case of an earth quick what if tunnels air flow systems fails.a traffic jam or some technical fault things like that u know but @Bilal. sorted my dumb thinking out:crazy:

That is most likely 200 km tunnels as in cummulative length of tunnels that will be built.
okay its like that
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I think it is 200 km of tunnels,not a tunnel of 200km。:coffee:

Hell,we just completed a pair of 22km tunnels through difficult terrains in Xinjiang,so digging more is not that much of a problem,especially when the tunnels lead to our Pakistani brothers and sisters。:D

China completes tunnel to link Pak, plans another

Saibal Dasgupta, TNN | Mar 2, 2014, 06.31AM IST

BEIJING: China has completed constructing one of its longest tunnels which will help it build a rail link with Pakistan. It has also announced plans for building the world's longest undersea tunnel measuring 123 km to link two major cities.

The completed tunnel runs 22.24 km in the mountainous Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and will reduce the distance between Turpan with Korla in southern Xinjiang by 122 km. At present the distance between these two points on the Nanjiang Railway is 334 km.

Sources said the tunnel is part of China's efforts to prepare the relatively backward Xinjiang to take advantage of the planned China-Pakistan economic corridor. Chinese leaders are also betting that enhanced economic development will help soften the ongoing bloody movement among a section of Uygur Muslims in Xinjiang.

Chinese engineers have now announced a $30 billion undersea tunnel which will be more than double the size of the existing record holder, the Channel Tunnel. It will knock off nearly 1200 km of travel from the northern Chinese city of Dalian to Yantai on the east coast.

"Work could begin as early as 2015 or 2016," the China Daily quoted Wang Mengshu, an expert at the Chinese academy of Engineering, as saying. The tunnel will also form a vital link in a high-speed rail line from the frozen parts of northern China to the tropical island of Hainan in the south.

Construction of the ambitious tunnel will require epic engineering skills demonstrated by China during the building of Tibet railway over frozen mountains, sources said. The tunnel passes through two earth quake fault lines. This includes Tangshan city, which was destroyed in 1976 after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake.

China completes tunnel to link Pak, plans another - The Times of India
LOL.....the news is about China-Pakistan, but all the news sources are Indian.......looks like you guys know about each other and the world through Indian media......:p:
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LOL.....the news is about China-Pakistan, but all the news source is Indian.......looks like you guys know about each other and the world through Indian media......:p:


China reaches another milestone; completes the longest railway tunnel in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

PTIMar 1, 2014, 12.50PM IST


(Spanning 22.449 km, the…)

BEIJING: The longest railway tunnel in China's northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has been completed.

Spanning 22.449 km, the left part of the Zhongtianshan Tunnel was finished last morning, making the tunnel the longest of its kind in Xinjiang and the third-longest in China, according to the Urumqi Railway Bureau (URB).


Undertaken by the URB and the China Railway 18 Bureau Group Co., Ltd, the tunnel took about seven years to build. Its right section, 22.467 km in length, was finished in September 2013. The tunnel is part of Nanjiang Railway's second trunk that links Turpan with Korla in southern Xinjiang. The 333.864-km-long line, expected to begin operation at the end of the year, will slash train journeys by 122 km, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

China reaches another milestone; completes the longest railway tunnel in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region - Economic Times

China reaches another milestone; completes the longest railway tunnel in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Good work, you guys are really developing your infrastructure....:tup:
good we should have more cooperation with china so that we could get technology in joint ventures and spare parts from chines and repairs western make these a weak point of Pak army and causes delay
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