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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

Gyp 111

Oct 6, 2012
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China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region | Military.com

BEIJING - In its latest account of national defense efforts, China said Tuesday that the United States is destabilizing the Asia-Pacific region by strengthening its military alliances and sending more ships, planes, and troops to the area.

The U.S. policy known as the "pivot" to Asia runs counter to regional trends and "frequently makes the situation tenser," the Defense Ministry said in its report on the state of China's defense posture and armed forces.

"Certain efforts made to highlight the military agenda, enhance military deployment and also strengthen alliances are not in line with the calling of the times and are not conducive to the upholding of peace and stability in the region," spokesman Yang Yujun told reporters at a news conference marking the report's release.

"We hope that the relevant parties would do more to enhance the mutual trust between countries in the region and contribute to peace and stability," Yang said.

China has consistently criticized Washington's deployment of additional ships and personnel to Asia, along with increasing cooperation both with treaty partners, including Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, as well other countries such as Vietnam that aren't traditional allies.

The U.S. is winding down its fighting in Afghanistan and calls the restructuring a natural reallocation of resources to the world's most economically dynamic region.

Beijing, however, sees it as specifically designed to contain China's diplomatic, military, and economic rise, and has sought to reassure Asian nations that China poses no threat to them. Despite that, China's fast-growing military and increasingly firm assertions of its territorial claims have concerned many countries, pushing them to seek stronger relations with the U.S., the region's traditional military superpower.

The pivot will see 60 percent of the Navy's fleet be deployed to the Pacific by 2020. Singapore will be home to four new U.S. Littoral Combat Ships designed to fight close to shorelines, while Indonesia is looking to buy a broad range of American hardware and take part in joint maneuvers. The Philippines is seeking to host more U.S. troops on a rotating basis and Australia has agreed to allow up to 2,500 Marines to deploy to the northern city of Darwin.

Meanwhile, in the face of natural disasters and North Korean threats, U.S. military relations with treaty partners South Korea and Japan are closer than ever.

In its report, the Defense Ministry again sought to assuage concerns about its more than 500 percent increase in defense spending over the past 14 years. China's defense budget is now the second largest in the world after the U.S., allowing it to acquire everything from better submarines and missiles to state-of-the-art fighters, aircraft carriers and electronic warfare systems, and helping spawn an arms race across Asia.

Much of the report was devoted to the military's contribution to U.N. peacekeeping efforts and disaster relief, portraying the People's Liberation Army as a force for regional and global stability.

Yet it also asserted the PLA's role as a guarantor of China's core interests, vowing to tolerate no violation of those.

"'We will not attack unless we are attacked, but we will surely counterattack if attacked. Following this principle, China will resolutely take all necessary measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity," the report said.
China is the one destabilizing the Asia-Pacific region by claiming the whole South China Sea

6 carrier battle groups would scare any nation. :azn:

Bring that to 100!

even somali made missiles will hit the jackpot any given day.

or leave america on the fast lane of total bankruptcy by maintaining such a huge fleet of floating irons

China is the one destabilizing the Asia-Pacific region by claiming the whole South China Sea


you will get your grace period after we gain control
we want talk and co-operation, not confrontation and collusion with war-mongers
China really needs to up the pressure. Sanctioning usa or threatening us bases would make the us think 2wice.

Learn from how the soviets used to do things.
China really needs to up the pressure. Sanctioning usa or threatening us bases would make the us think 2wice.

Learn from how the soviets used to do things.

LOL how you suppose China to sanction the USA?? Force them all to eat rice?? LOL
Hundreds of DF-21D ASBM and CJ-10 cruise missiles are enough to sink America's precious warships.

What's the point of this "PIVOT'. Nothing new, Western Media is out to scare some people.

lol you are imply a total war with US if you wanna lobe 100 DF-21D to US warship.

Then we will use everything we got to destroy China, we may lose some warship but China lose their economy, try to imagine 5000 tomahawk heading to China. It take exactly 3 years and 4 months to build an aircraft carrier, it take 10 times that to rebuild the Chinese economy, you need to remember that
Then we will use everything we got to destroy China, we may lose some warship but China lose their economy, try to imagine 5000 tomahawk heading to China. It take exactly 3 years and 4 months to build an aircraft carrier, it take 10 times that to rebuild the Chinese economy, you need to remember that

Hi, how do you lose some warships, when you go to war with China your closest Air/Naval Bases/Assets would also come under attack all your assets would be at stake and not to mention if someone gets mad and ICBMs to the continental N. America. Going against taliban/aq had bankrupt your country and you want to go to war against China that would economically take your country into economic stone age. It take weeks to destroy your economy you haven't gone against the largest Armed Force likes Chinese and Russians. Just by going to war into Chinese backyard doesn't keep your country and economy safe it is 4th year US economy is suffering remember that.

PS. China has equivalent of systems like tomahawks wouldn't they be heading somewhere or sleeping in barracks. Again poor strategy.
Going against taliban/aq had bankrupt your country and you want to go to war against China that would economically take your country into economic stone age.

Social security, welfare systems and health insurance are twice the size of the US DoD budget. Just so you don't confuse yourself with myths. US was in deficit long before 9/11 and events that followed.

Additionally, China is not Taliban to disperse in the mountains. They have an army structure, with dependant infrastructure.

They have an army to destroy, that will fight in a conventional sense, NATO countries have been training for a bigger enemy for 50 years.


I also find it funny when you casually gloss over the ramifications for the Chinese economy. But then again, you are who you are...

Hundreds of DF-21D ASBM and CJ-10 cruise missiles are enough to sink America's precious warships.




TOKYO—Japan's air force scrambled fighter jets against Chinese aircraft a record number of times in the year ended in March, the Self-Defense Forces announced Wednesday, underscoring the sharp escalation in tensions in the East Asian sky as the two neighbors engage in a bitter territorial row.

Cases of such scrambles surged to 306 in the fiscal year that ended March 31, from 156 a year earlier.
The ministry data showed 146 of the year's 306 scrambles against Chinese planes took place during the January-March quarter. Even today, China keeps on sending patrol ships into and near the territorial waters around the disputed islands. China continues to send patrol ships into and near the territorial waters around the disputed islands, Japanese officials say.

Japan Sharply Increased Scrambling Jets Against Chinese Planes

So much about who is escalating. Even Taiwan is moving away from the "peaceful rise".

Here's another gem.....southern most part of the claim-ie James Shoal off the coast of Malaysia, where PLAN held an exercise recently is 22 meters below water.

Chinese navy exercises 'surprise' neighbours

James Shoal is a small bank in the South China Sea, with a depth of 22 metres

They are claiming land under the sea.....
LOL how you suppose China to sanction the USA?? Force them all to eat rice?? LOL

I'm just saying they should reallydo something. This is the lamest cold war. The soviets at least put on a show.
China is the one destabilizing the Asia-Pacific region by claiming the whole South China Sea
Instead of China throwing all UN treaties to the wind like the UNCLOS in the South China Sea, it must solve the problem in a peaceful and conducive manner with all the littoral countries affected.

It's no use trashing the accepted UN treaty and bulldozing all with claims that the South China Sea is a part of Chinese territory just because some ancient maps say so.
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