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China’s Trade Surplus Surges to $31.5 Billion as Exports Exceed Estimates


Dec 12, 2010
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By Bloomberg News - Aug 10, 2011
Victoria Ruan, Zheng Lifei. Editors: Nerys Avery, Ken McCallum

"China’s trade surplus surged to $31.5 billion, the highest level in more than two years, as exports rose to a record.

Outbound shipments climbed 20.4 percent from a year earlier in July, compared with the 17 percent median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of 25 economists. Imports jumped 22.9 percent, the customs bureau said on its website today. The surplus exceeded a median forecast of $27.4 billion.

The world’s biggest exporting nation faces the threat of weakening demand as developed nations from Europe to the U.S. and Japan struggle to rein in their debt burdens. The U.S. Federal Reserve countered a global rout in stocks by pledging yesterday to keep interest rates at a record low through mid- 2013 and to use additional measures “as appropriate.”

“The turmoil in global financial markets hasn’t hit China’s trade sector yet,” said Yao Wei, a Hong Kong-based economist with Societe Generale SA, who had the second most- accurate trade surplus forecast of 24 economists in the survey. “The real challenge is ahead.”

Twelve-month non-deliverable yuan forwards strengthened 0.6 percent to 6.3650 per dollar in Hong Kong as of 2:39 p.m. local time, set for the biggest gain since October on the trade figures and the Fed’s statement. The yuan touched a 17-year high of 6.4120 today.

Exports were $175.1 billion and imports were $143.6 billion last month, the customs bureau said. The expansion in imports compared with a median 22 percent estimate and a 19.3 percent increase the previous month.

Commodity Prices
The value of inbound shipments was boosted by higher global commodity prices. Imports of iron ore in the first seven months rose 7.9 percent to 390 million tons while average import prices jumped 39.1 percent to $162.8 per ton, the customs bureau said.

Soybean imports jumped 24 percent to the highest level this year, customs data show, as demand from hog farmers climbed as expanded their herds. A supply shortage boosted retail pork prices 57 percent in June and July from a year earlier. Net imports of crude oil fell to the lowest in nine months as refinery maintenance reduced demand.

Export growth, which accelerated for the first time in four months, compared with a 17.9 percent gain in June and a 38 percent increase in July last year.

Japan Recovery

“The export sector is benefiting from a V-shape recovery in Japan and strong growth in emerging Asia,” Societe Generale’s Yao said. Shipments to Japan jumped 27.2 percent in July from a year earlier while sales to the U.S. rose 9.5 percent and those to the European Union climbed 22.3 percent, customs data show.

China’s trade surplus, a cause of friction with trading partners including the U.S., was $22.3 billion in June and $28.7 billion in July 2010. The gap for the first seven months of the year was $76.2 billion compared with $83.9 billion in the same period last year.

The surplus is boosting China’s record $3.2 trillion foreign-exchange reserves and pushing more cash into the nation’s financial system, complicating the central bank’s efforts to rein in lending to cool inflation. The reserve requirement for the nation’s biggest lenders has already risen 450 basis points to a record 21.5 percent since November and interest rates have increased five times since mid October.

“The government is facing the challenge of weighing the risk of accumulating foreign-exchange reserves that have nothing attractive to invest in and the downside risks to growth and exports as external uncertainties rise,” said Chang Jian, a Hong Kong-based economist with Barclays Capital.

Yuan Appreciation
The government is “likely to allow continued yuan appreciation,” she said, as the trade surplus rebounds in the second half. Chang forecasts the yuan will gain 5 percent against the U.S. dollar over the coming year.

Exports from other Asian nations are also proving resilient amid faltering growth in Europe and the U.S.

South Korea’s outbound shipments grew 27.3 percent last month, the government said Aug. 1, rebounding from a 20-month low and beating forecasts for a 17.1 percent gain. Taiwan’s overseas shipments rose 17.6 percent in July to a record value, double the median estimate.

Still, Singapore today cut its forecast for export growth this year, saying that risks have increased amid “sluggish” growth in developed economies. Market sentiment remains fragile in the European Union amid concern that a debt crisis will spread from peripheral economies, the trade ministry said.

Recession Worries
“Concerns of a double-dip recession in the U.S. have emerged, as upcoming plans for fiscal consolidation and weak labor and housing markets dampen consumer and business sentiments,” it said.

U.S. quarterly economic expansion tends to lead China’s export growth by about two quarters, according to Lu Ting, a Hong Kong-based economist with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

“So the pain of U.S. growth deceleration could be gradually felt by China exporters in the rest of this year and early 2012,” he said. Lu estimates China’s export growth will ease to 16 percent in the second half from 24 percent in the first half, while the pace of expansion in imports will slow to 23 percent from 27.6 percent as commodity prices decline and domestic growth moderates.

Container-shipping rates have fallen on Asia-U.S. and Asia- Europe routes as the global fleet expands and demand cools. China Cosco Holdings Co., the world’s largest operator of dry- bulk ships, said yesterday that it probably made a loss in the first half, partly because of rising fuel costs." :cheers::cheers::cheers:

The Western predictors, the economist etc have all failed. In 2011, they have predicted that China real estate bubble would burst out, that the Shanghai stock exchange would crash and that China would be the next Greece multiply by 100 times and that in 2011 India would surpass China in economic growth given that Indian growth was more sustainable and that the economic growth of China was only powered by export, yuan devaluation and infrastructure investment etc. But in reality what we see now: China still stands good and reported increase in trade surplus despite world economic slowdown, that it is Italy and Spain which are falling apart and it is the US which is falling into deep economic recession that it is the US which is defaulting and losing its credit rating credibility worldwide. Again the western predictors had forecasted that China would be next in unrest following the Arab spring revolution. But what we see now, China is still calm despite call on facebook by CIA, exile tibetans and other terrorists to stage protest, rioting and killing. The rioting and looting are happening in the western predictors own homeplace that is UK and it is the UK which is witnessing the worst ever rioting, looting and racial killing even worst that what China had ever faced. Houses, stores, Sony depot, antique buildings etc are burning just like during the Nazi lufwaffe bombing of London during World War II. What we see again: India is still lagging far behind China in economic growth despite growth being so called more sustainable. Again China has already launched its own aircraft carrier to sea trail while India is still waiting its aircraft carrier to be delivered all ready by Russia and despite all the technological backing, support and technology transfer from the West and Israel. All these predictors should better look in the miror and take the resolution to stop predicting anything concerning China as they have always failed to predict. They are predicting doom and armagedon for China while its the contrary that happens and apocalypse happening in their own western countries. :china::china::china:
that in 2011 India would surpass China in economic growth given that Indian growth was more sustainable and that the economic growth of China was only powered by export, yuan devaluation and infrastructure investment etc

The Indian trolls will continue their non stop mantra on PDF by change the last two digits of the year repeatedly!
Didn;t know Ernest and Young, PWC, Morgan Stanley IMF, WB were Indian trolls.:woot:

When did any of them say that India will will surpass China in economic growth? Contrary to what you're dreaming of, the IMF Report for Selected Countries and Subjects states that Chinese GDP growth will stay well over 1% over the Indians for at least the next 5 years.

You Indians need to back your argument with statistics.
When did any of them say that India will will surpass China in economic growth? Contrary to what you're dreaming of, the IMF Report for Selected Countries and Subjects states that Chinese GDP growth will stay well over 1% over the Indians for at least the next 5 years.

You Indians need to back your argument with statistics.


^^ Learn how to use it.

My point was that Indian's don't come up with these claims. Its these organizations which do, not our fault is it? And I know about IMF predictions. I myself have posted it here on this forum a few times. :wave:
your point is?

I was replying to this
"When did any of them say that India will will surpass China in economic growth? Contrary to what you're dreaming of, the IMF Report for Selected Countries and Subjects states that Chinese GDP growth will stay well over 1% over the Indians for at least the next 5 years.

You Indians need to back your argument with statistics."
lol indian gdp growth is rising, but the indian debt is rising faster.

china's gdp is rising fast, but china dont go into debt to get growth.

india will have a massive crash very soon due to the massive debt load.
its deficit is close to 10% every year.
its debt to gdp is 70%.

when u go into debt to get growth, u are running a ponzi scheme economy.
thats what greece did, US did, etc.

u grow with savings, production, investment, underconsumption, and exporting.

indian economy right now is unsustainable, u cannot go into a deficit of close to 10% of gdp and add to an already high debt to gdp % and think it can last forever.

indians are very foolish thinking its the gdp number that matters.
its how u grow.
and whether u accumulate debt to get that growth.

most of these internatioal organisations are full of keynesian economists, their way of growth is debt based growth, thats why they are constantly wrong.

the chinese economy has done the best job of any economy over the last 30 years, that is living within ur means and increasing ur wealth and decreasing ur debt.
the only time china went into debt was in the 2008 global financial crash, that was once in a lifetime moment. the stimulus package and deficit spending was needed during that emergency.

but china has run a budget surplus so far this year.
india runs a CHRONIC budget deficit, thats a one way ticket to economic ruin, just ask greece, just ask the US.

watch these videos, u might learn something.

Peter Schiff: How gov't stimulus spending & deficits impact capital markets (Full Version) - YouTube
How Should the United States Address Its Chinese Trade Imbalance? (Video) - YouTube
When a guy has 100 dollars, earning extra 20 means his wealth grew 20%. A guy with 500 dollars earned 80 dollars, netting 16% increase. The guy with 120 told the guy with 580 that he is the faster of the two, despite actually earning 60 dollars less.

Some African countries grow more than 50% in nominal GDP a year, they're bound to exceed China some day. At least that's the weird logic here.
When a guy has 100 dollars, earning extra 20 means his wealth grew 20%. A guy with 500 dollars earned 80 dollars, netting 16% increase. The guy with 120 told the guy with 580 that he is the faster of the two, despite actually earning 60 dollars less.

Some African countries grow more than 50% in nominal GDP a year, they're bound to exceed China some day. At least that's the weird logic here.

exactly, china adds more than $1 trillion worth of gdp every year to the chinese economy.
thats china adding an entire india every year (indian gdp is around $1 trillion).

even the US growing at 2% adds way more gdp to its economy every year than india growing at 8%.
China is bound to cross US GDP within next 3 years easily nomatter what....Insha-Allah.....:)
When a guy has 100 dollars, earning extra 20 means his wealth grew 20%. A guy with 500 dollars earned 80 dollars, netting 16% increase. The guy with 120 told the guy with 580 that he is the faster of the two, despite actually earning 60 dollars less.

Some African countries grow more than 50% in nominal GDP a year, they're bound to exceed China some day. At least that's the weird logic here.

No one claims that India is a bigger economy than China, and people know that 20% of 100 is less than 16% of 500. So what is your point?
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