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China’s hawks demand cold war on the US

I agree with this. I do not think China will go the Russia way. There are several reasons to that.

1. China has allowed and grown certain safety valve pockets by opening up the economy partially.
2. That has also created a slightly openness in governance also.
3. Unlike Russia the economic condition across the population and geography is more varied. Disparity can take more shock than homogenous distribution.

There can be some more.

So the implosion (as rightly said - suicide incited by Yeltsin) may not be full blown.

The shocks, at the best, will affect a narrow band of people mostly in urban areas. Rest will have means to survive.

But again the pressure will be there both internally and externally to open up further.

Newbie, better paid more attention to the problems in India thats

burning your a@s before pretending to be a expert of China.

Now go and save your crap to yourself only !
The biggest challenges for China are the following :

1. To resist internal pressure in the view of the emerging success of the alternate model of governance (India), which has more open society and economy.

2. To resist the demands of religious groups like Tibetians and Uighurs. The present control on information and lack transparent justice may not remain the tools in future.

3. There is an artificial trade gap created due to unrealistic exchange value of Yuan. The economic heating up due to exchange rates - USA and others might be putting restrictions on import to save their jobs and economy. This might result in less export and lots of unemployment.

4. Also the trend, which shows that Western countries are slowly realising the potential risks of setting up manufacturing in China (due to lack of protection and high intrusion) might also hit the economy. Actually now they have better choices in eastern Europe, Africka and also in India. This also will, in long term, reduce the availability of the cutting edge technologies.

5. Being seen in support of the pariahs of the world, is also creating discomfort amongst the countries. This might be because of the lack of transparent policies and goals.

I do not think energy will be an issue as both India and China are investing hugely in Green energy. Another 100 years they will be leaders in this area.

Only time will say what China would be but again it's achievement is something to be followed.

Though India does not want to be China (governance wise), but China's economic growth is a driver for India. I should say that China's growth has a huge effect on the transformation of governance culture in India.

Hope China sustains its growth and also opens up to a full open society and economy. :cheers:
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Cold war!! It may seem easy to say but its consequences cannot be imagined.
I guess china needs to be more careful in giving such statements
It's amazing to see what happened here. An american posted something which became a trigger that start heated arguments between Chinese and Indians right away. This is exactly what US wanted and US plays this kind of tricks many times already. Read history.
The biggest challenges for China are the following :

1. To resist internal pressure in the view of the emerging success of the alternate model of governance (India), which has more open society and economy.

Internal pressures are always exiting in any country of any system. The point is which pressure prevails: for good or for bad.

I am sorry to let you know that India hasn’t been able to demonstrate that India system would remotely be worthy an alternative to China, given vast horrendous facts such as 2,000,000 children die of negligence yearly, high illiteracy, etc.

To be frank, in Chinese websites, India system is in general viewed as more a failure than a success. Don’t take me wrong, they do appreciate some merits in your system.

2. To resist the demands of religious groups like Tibetians and Uighurs. The present control on information and lack transparent justice may not remain the tools in future.

China needs to maintain a thoroughly secular society, where leaders must be non-religious, to give an event hands to all religions in China.

Tibetans and Uighurs are not religious groups. Don’t think Dalai lama = Tibetans.

I agree with you on some transparency in judicial areas, though.

3. There is an artificial trade gap created due to unrealistic exchange value of Yuan. The economic heating up due to exchange rates - USA and others might be putting restrictions on import to save their jobs and economy. This might result in less export and lots of unemployment.

Western source is your only information of China, thus, it won’t surprise us by your feeble arguments.

If US or EU were to impose trade sanctions on China, US/EU inflation would be sky-rocked, the economy would be badly damaged, their job would be lost more than ever. Thus, Mr. Obama announced in his State of Union speech that US must maintain trade with China.

So please feel easy that ex/import won't be reduced, and jobs will be there.

4. Also the trend, which shows that Western countries are slowly realising the potential risks of setting up manufacturing in China (due to lack of protection and high intrusion) might also hit the economy. Actually now they have better choices in eastern Europe, Africka and also in India. This also will, in long term, reduce the availability of the cutting edge technologies.

Unlike India where its political system is a copy of Great British, China has its unique system. "Politics of India take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary multi-party representative democratic republic modeled after the British Westminster System...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_India" Westerners know completely how India system works to the core, not the Chinese system. They never worried their student India, for all India can do is to follow the western norms. There will never be a surprise from India: it is always trite, no innovation. They thus feel cozy with India.

Westerners however never bothered to learn China in the past and have not been able to learn China now. Thus, the mixture of hate and love of China is obviously natural. Fear arises from lack of knowledge.

Business activities follow profit. If India could offer a profitable market for business, Westerners would have set up shop in India for a long while.

5. Being seen in support of the pariahs of the world, is also creating discomfort amongst the countries. This might be because of the lack of transparent policies and goals.

I do not think energy will be an issue as both India and China are investing hugely in Green energy. Another 100 years they will be leaders in this area.

Only time will say what China would be but again it's achievement is something to be followed.

Though India does not want to be China (governance wise), but China's economic growth is a driver for India. I should say that China's growth has a huge effect on the transformation of governance culture in India.

Hope China sustains its growth and also opens up to a full open society and economy. :cheers:

Profit always comes with risk. Apparent discomfort means potential profit. Sleeping at home is the most comfortable action, but the least profitable.

Transparency doesn’t necessarily mean succumbing to trade pressure.

Sincerely hope India would be able to outperform China in most areas, and thus to set a model for all developing countries in Asia. So, we would learn to appreciate Indian limbs in addition to the mouth.
It's amazing to see what happened here. An american posted something which became a trigger that start heated arguments between Chinese and Indians right away. This is exactly what US wanted and US plays this kind of tricks many times already. Read history.

It wasn't a trick! I posted something that should have been about US/PRC relations. INSTEAD, Indians and Chinese made it into their own food fight. No American trick involved, just the typical behavior of some posters. Don't blame America for every stupid thing that other people in the world do ..... (Blame us only for OUR stupid things).
China needs to maintain a thoroughly secular society, where leaders must be non-religious, to give an event hands to all religions in China.

Tick. From my own personal point of view leaders should ALWAYS be non religious

Tibetans and Uighurs are not religious groups. Don’t think Dalai lama = Tibetans.

Tick. Subtle but very important distinction. The pope don't speak for europe either.

I agree with you on some transparency in judicial areas, though.


Western source is your only information of China, thus, it won’t surprise us by your feeble arguments.

There is some truth to it. All words come from people, who comes with different background and education levels with different bias or lack of.

If US or EU were to impose trade sanctions on China, US/EU inflation would be sky-rocked, the economy would be badly damaged, their job would be lost more than ever. Thus, Mr. Obama announced in his State of Union speech that US must maintain trade with China.

So please feel easy that ex/import won't be reduced, and jobs will be there.

Tick. A property of tied system is that once one side is profiting too little to care and imposes sactions etc. the other side prob. has very little to lose anyway. Do not underestimate a win-win arrangement.

Westerners however never bothered to learn China in the past and have not been able to learn China now. Thus, the mixture of hate and love of China is obviously natural. Fear arises from lack of knowledge.

westerners (as in governments) hadn't learned about africa either. No need to learn when you are on top. They hadn't really learned about India either, just made them copy their system. That is hardly learning. Is there any secret that China is doing well in Africa ?

Business activities follow profit. If India could offer a profitable market for business, Westerners would have set up shop in India for a long while.

Profit always comes with risk. Apparent discomfort means potential profit. Sleeping at home is the most comfortable action, but the least profitable.

Transparency doesn’t necessarily mean succumbing to trade pressure.


The perceptions have to be different as we all are unique and have different environments for living.

So I neither defend nor counter the arguments as I am not a prophet.

There is another perception which we have. Again it is only a perception which might not be agreed upon.

Communism is a religion which does not believe in God. It has its own rules and regulations. Just like any other religion, it does not encourage secularism (openess in thoughts and beliefs) and is sceptic about its ability to hold on to this principle. Due to this insecurity, it has stricter laws and tries to align to countries with similar doctrines (which includes proclaimed non secular countries like the ones ruled by Sharia laws). To support this they hate openess in information and believes in conspiracy theories.
Nor that one has to have belief in God but if you deeply introspect there are uncanny similarities in terms of human freedom between Communism and Islamic countries. Generally people from both these environment cannot think beyond whatever they have been taught.

Again this is only a perception developed over a period of time which may be wrong.

A country with all sorts of beliefs including communism might have better checks and balances.
It's amazing to see what happened here. An american posted something which became a trigger that start heated arguments between Chinese and Indians right away. This is exactly what US wanted and US plays this kind of tricks many times already. Read history.

Who fcuking care USA and India.

They have right to make intimate relationship with each other.

But they have NO RIGHT to intervene with China's internal affairs! :china:
If you look at the U.S.-China relationship of past 20 years, the last three months was not that bad at all.

PS. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone.
If you look at the U.S.-China relationship of past 20 years, the last three months was not that bad at all.

PS. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone.

no not as bad as at some points in the past, but the relationship is more important now...to the whole world so more focus is on it

Communism is a religion which does not believe in God. It has its own rules and regulations. Just like any other religion, it does not encourage secularism (openess in thoughts and beliefs) and is sceptic about its ability to hold on to this principle. Due to this insecurity, it has stricter laws and tries to align to countries with similar doctrines (which includes proclaimed non secular countries like the ones ruled by Sharia laws). To support this they hate openess in information and believes in conspiracy theories.

Looks you are profoundly confused yourself with religion and science.

Religion is based on miracle(s). Science is based on experiments. Miracle can’t repeat itself even if the environments are seemingly repeated. Scientific data and experiments can be repeated if the environments are repeated.

Communism does not promote, nor condemn religions. Communism condemns those who utilize the religion to fool ordinary people. Read carefully what Marx originally wrote:
“Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man—state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion. Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.“ Opium of the people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The interesting part is that, Marx’s writing has been repeatedly miss-quoted by haters of communism and pseudo-communists (who, among other motivations, use the slogan of communism for their own profit), in an attempt to deliver a twisted picture, or justification for cruelty.

No religion advocates secularism, as secularism is an antonym of religion. According to your theory, every religion should feel this insecurity.

In China, there are 5 main religions. Pray tell, with which religion CPC is trying to align itself, due to CPC’s “strict” laws?

If Communism hates openness, why CPC opened up China decades earlier than non-communist India? Doesn’t that mean religious India hates openness more than communism? Doesn’t that mean democratic India is more inferior to communism in opening-up? Shouldn’t therefore India embrace communism and condemn religions/democracy?

Nor that one has to have belief in God but if you deeply introspect there are uncanny similarities in terms of human freedom between Communism and Islamic countries. Generally people from both these environment cannot think beyond whatever they have been taught.


Do you imply that Hinduism always think beyond what Hinduism taught? Is that the reason that your country tops the world in terms of communal violence and killing due to religious hatred?

I saw numerous posts taking pleasure in calling, for instance, China a godless country, by neglecting the facts that there are hundreds of millions of godful people. Now you equal the godless to Islam. :lol:

The puzzling part is that a man from a country where the largest portion of people in the world are denied access to the freedom of feeding themselves is preaching other countries over humanity and freedom. :lol:
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Cold war!! It may seem easy to say but its consequences cannot be imagined.
I guess china needs to be more careful in giving such statements

Exactly........people here think its like bidding on a car in an auction......WTF, this will mean huge investments into the military structure.....which by the way both cannot afford to do......China is growing and getting stronger, but thats the line, its getting stronger......the US has sent someone to the moon and back, that is how far ahead they are in technology to everyone else.......lets not get too emotional.........a cold war scenario is not something anyone needs AGAIN......

China is clearly Pee'd off with the US who has been on opposite ends recently, and China can always hurt the US diplomatically and on other fronts, i.e. Iran sanctions, WoT and their growing influence in the UN and other organisations, as well as weapon sales to friendly nations of China but not so friendly to the US. Surely the US will make concessions and brinkmanship to dealwith outstanding issues, that is how the world works........not by coming out with COLD WAR rhetoric.....
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