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China’s contribution to Japan’s defeat

Ohh please, don't lie. It was India who just broke Japanes Morale in 2nd World War... As per wikipedia here is what India did in this South East Asian Theatre

South-East Asian theatre
The British Indian Army's Gurkha Rifles crossing the Irrawaddy River on 27 January 1945.

The British Royal Indian Army was the key British Empire fighting presence in the Burma Campaign. The Royal Indian Air force's first assault mission was carried out against Japanese troops stationed in Burma. The British Indian Army was key to breaking the siege of Imphal when the westward advance of Imperial Japan came to a halt.

The formations included the Indian III Corps, IV Corps, the Indian XXXIII Corps and the Fourteenth Army. As part of the new concept of Long Range Penetration (LRP), Gurkha troops of the Indian Army were trained in the present state of Madhya Pradesh under their commander then krishnasamy (later Major General) Orde Charles Wingate.

These troops, popularly known as Chindits, played a crucial role in halting the Japanese advance into South Asia.[11]

Gurkha is not a Indian proud, but Indian traitor.

Who sold the whole India to British.

It is the effective perfect tool to colonize and enslaving India.
Ohh please, don't lie. It was India who just broke Japanes Morale in 2nd World War... As per wikipedia here is what India did in this South East Asian Theatre

South-East Asian theatre
The British Indian Army's Gurkha Rifles crossing the Irrawaddy River on 27 January 1945.

The British Royal Indian Army was the key British Empire fighting presence in the Burma Campaign. The Royal Indian Air force's first assault mission was carried out against Japanese troops stationed in Burma. The British Indian Army was key to breaking the siege of Imphal when the westward advance of Imperial Japan came to a halt.

The formations included the Indian III Corps, IV Corps, the Indian XXXIII Corps and the Fourteenth Army. As part of the new concept of Long Range Penetration (LRP), Gurkha troops of the Indian Army were trained in the present state of Madhya Pradesh under their commander then krishnasamy (later Major General) Orde Charles Wingate.

These troops, popularly known as Chindits, played a crucial role in halting the Japanese advance into South Asia.[11]

South-East Asian theatre
The Japanese had advanced to Burma as her army had steamrollered all before it between 1942 and 1943. The British had surrendered at Singapore and the Americans, lead by Douglas MacArthur, had left the Philippines. As the Japanese advanced west, they came to Burma. Here their supply lines were stretched to the limit and only a minority of the Japanese Army was stationed there – the majority were in the Pacific region.

The main threat to the Japanese came from the Chinese Army in India (CAI). The Indian Army, under the British, had lost their best men to the campaign in North Africa. The British military hierarchy was also only prepared to take on the Japanese when it felt that British troops were sufficiently trained in jungle warfare.

In January 1943, Indian troops were given the task of advancing along the Burmese coast to the port of Akyab. This was done by the 14th Indian Division. They found only light Japanese resistance and many Japanese posts were manned by just a few soldiers. The real problem for the Allies was the environment. Burma was criss-crossed with jungle, mountains, rivers and mangrove swamps. Moving equipment was a nightmare across such hazardous terrain and worse was the constant threat of disease. Malaria was a very real problem.

Where the Japanese were stationed, they had dug themselves in. This made attacking them difficult as their bunkers had been well constructed and well camouflaged. Most could only be destroyed by heavy artillery and moving such equipment about in Burma was extremely difficult. Combined to the well-placed and well-built bunkers, was the fighting spirit of the Japanese who fought until death.

The 14th Indian Division launched a series of attacks against the Japanese at Akyab but after six weeks they had to pull back as a result of a Japanese counter-attack. The 14th Division returned to India – apparently highly demoralised as a result of their experience.

Capture of Indian territory
Main articles: Invasion and occupation of the Andaman Islands during World War II, Battle of Kohima, and Battle of Imphal

By 1942, neighbouring Burma was invaded by Japan. By then it had already captured the Indian territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As a major possession of the United Kingdom, Japan looked to invade India, as it provided natural resources and could possibly be used as a staging post for an advance into the Middle East and the British oil fields in Persia and Iraq. Japan ceded the Andaman and Nicobar islands to the Provisional Government of Free India on October 21, 1943. In March 1944, Japan initiated an offensive into India and advanced as far as Kohima in Nagaland.
In the middle and later stages of the war (after 1939) when the Japanese advanced to Central China, the Nationalists were very effective at fighting the Japanese. For instance, the Chinese fought the Japanese to a stalemate in Shangsha in 3 major battles (the battles of Changsha) in the span of 4 years (1939-1942). Note that this was NOT some guerilla fighting involving a company or two, but huge fighting involving army groups that totaled in close to half million troops from both sides in each one of these battles.

Further, the Chinese fought Japan on a second front in Burma and India. Nationalists sent the Chinese Expeditionary Forces to Burma/ India in 1942 and fought the Japanese in Southeastern China in 2 campaigns for 3 years 'til the end of the war. This was also large battles between army groups. China and Allied forces (mainly British colonial forces) lost badly in the 1st campaign. However, Chinese forces alone came back and defeated the Japanese thoroughly and effectively in the second campaign. The Chinese forces were able to push Japanese almost completely out of Burma in 1944/45.

Japanese casualties

The Japanese recorded around 1.1 to 1.9 million military casualties (which include killed, wounded and missing). The official death-toll according to the Japan Defense Ministry is 480,000 men, which some historians claim is an understatement due to the length of the war.[103][104][clarification needed] The combined Chinese forces claimed to have killed at most 1.77 million Japanese soldiers during the eight-year war.

Another source from Hilary Conroy claim that a total of 447,000 Japanese soldiers died in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China.
The main thing was breaking the Japanese naval code. Thats when it became a cakewalk for the US to take out Japanese assets.
Many Chinese dont think like you. Ur corrupted govt. just wanna enslave more poor Chinese to take more money, they dont care if China is united or not. poor Chinese hate ur corrupted Govt, and they hope to have a chance to get away from those evils. Look at Taiwan-HK-Xinjiang-Tibet , u will find the correct answer of what those poor Chinese want now:pop:

No poor Chinese wanna live under the current Govt. any more . they'd rather be butchered by Filipino than living in same board wt those 50cent warriors and those evils officals

And poor Vietnamese women become mail order brides.

Without the help of Britain, America and USSR, China couldn't have defeated Japan.

The Soviet Union attacked China in Xinjiang in 1937 and with the help of their puppet Governor of Xinjiang, Sheng Shicai, they stationed an army right in the middle of China in the Hami oasis near Gansu. In 1942, tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers were not fighting Japan but working on infiltrating Xinjiang to wrest it back from Soviet control and succeeded in forcing the Soviets to withdraw.

The Soviet Union then supported Communist Uyghur separatists under Ehmetjan Qasim in the Ili Rebellion in 1944. They sent the Red Army to directly support the Second East Turkestan Republic against China. China committed 100,000 soldiers including Hui and Salar Muslims to fight the Soviets and their Uyghur Communist puppets.
Let me put this to rest once and for all.

China claiming to have beat Japan is equal to BD claiming to have defeated pakistan
only japanese had not commited mistake of attacking pearl harbor, they would have been Japanese empire of east asia for several decades...

Not really, the battle field in China was a giant meat grinder and started way before WWII. Japan was losing a war of attrition, this is the whole reason it invade southeast Asia in the first place and in order to invade Southeast Asia, Japan had to get rid of the US pacific fleet, which was blockading Japan at the time. This is why the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred.

The allied victory in WWII is a team effort. USSR, US, Britain, China, France, Canada, etc, all these countries contributed.
Defeating Japan was a team effort. Many nations make contributions, including China, US, Australia and Britain. India, being part of the British empire, contributed because it was part of the British empire. So what ever Indians did in WWII, the credit goes to its master, as the commanders were all British and India itself has no right at the time to declare war. Its role was to supply manpower and raw material to the British.

Hi Wholegrain, you have underestimate India's cowardice. Malayan campaign was lost because most troops here were Indians, not white man. There is no contribution of Indian in WW2 against fascism. The only contribution of India is negative contributions.

The Indians delivered the biggest humiliation and military defeat to the British empire in her entire history. Not only Indian run or surrender without fighting, they even lynch their British senior commanders.

Then most Indians soldiers changed job and work for Japanese. They raped white women POW.

The most profitable thing the world should do is to attack India as in 1962. India is just a bully. Her soldiers will flee or join the enemies.

India as a nation state is a curse to mankind and humanity. It has always sided with evil. The Indian congress elites even help Japan and fight for Japan.


Above is Subhas Chandra Bose, a leader of Nazi Congress Party, and friend of Indians' father like Gandhi and Nehru. He raise an army to fight for Japane in SE Asia, and till date, he is still worship as a hero. India is nothing but a Nazi Hindu theocracy and in many ways worse than Nazi Germany.

At an airfield near Kota Bharu, Indian troops who received incorrect intelligence that the Japanese were far ahead than where they actually were killed their own commander Lt. Col. Hendricks and fled the airfield without destroying anything, providing the Japanese invaders a fully working airfield along with fuel and ammunition.
after 8 years fierce fighting and even with the fact that China was a very divided nation back then,Japan only managed to control less than one third of China,which only included cities,not vast country region. China had long fought Japan into a stalemate and Japs failed to go any further.just like what happened in WW2 Russia to Germans,Japan had already overstretched itself far and thin and shown the losing sign in a war of attrition. and fractious China was already working its way to form a united coalition. even without help from other allies,China would soon turn the tables.
nearly half of the Japanese soldiers died in WW2 were killed in China,it wouldn't be long before all of them be killed.

Subhash Chandra Bose speaking in public, Tokyo, Japan, 5 Nov 1943. His status in Congress Party is on parity with Nehru.


With Gandhi


With Hitler


With Himmler

In short, Nazi Congress of India is ally of all genocidal regime in the planet. Today, Nazi India is still screwing humanity.
India is just like a kid, without his parents, he will screw up everything.
Ohh please, don't lie. It was India who just broke Japanes Morale in 2nd World War... As per wikipedia here is what India did in this South East Asian Theatre

South-East Asian theatre
The British Indian Army's Gurkha Rifles crossing the Irrawaddy River on 27 January 1945.

The British Royal Indian Army was the key British Empire fighting presence in the Burma Campaign. The Royal Indian Air force's first assault mission was carried out against Japanese troops stationed in Burma. The British Indian Army was key to breaking the siege of Imphal when the westward advance of Imperial Japan came to a halt.

The formations included the Indian III Corps, IV Corps, the Indian XXXIII Corps and the Fourteenth Army. As part of the new concept of Long Range Penetration (LRP), Gurkha troops of the Indian Army were trained in the present state of Madhya Pradesh under their commander then krishnasamy (later Major General) Orde Charles Wingate.

These troops, popularly known as Chindits, played a crucial role in halting the Japanese advance into South Asia.[11]

Ohh please dont lie, there was no country known as India during WW2.
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