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China, Russia support India's UNSC bid

just wait till chinese dragon come here he will be attracted to this thread the moment he sees the words india and unsc
God damn it...Chinese members are become very predictive now a days...I think they should have a complete revision of there strategy...
Very True. I don't understand how our media can manage to derive two meanings from the same sentence. We all were hearing that China doesn't explicitly support India's bid for UNSC based on the same statement made previously, weren't we? The statement itself is ambiguous to say the least..its neither here nor there.

The Indian media loves to write such headlines, that are not backed up by the actual statements.
i dont hate you guys i like obambam he is a very nice guy and a chinese to you on other hand god knows what happend to force you to be so anti india these days
@tp lets just wait and see what happens

I just realized that being friendly to Indians, just results in me being called a "slanty-eyed chink"... by the very same Indians.

Their hatred is just too strong, based off the "victimhood" narrative of the 1962 war.

I do NOT speak for my government though. Let their statements speak for themselves.
I just realized that being friendly to Indians, just results in me being called a "slanty-eyed chink"... by the very same Indians.

Their hatred is just too strong, based off the "victimhood" narrative of the 1962 war.

I do NOT speak for my government though. Let their statements speak for themselves.

well can you categorize all the indians on the basis of some indians no you cant though i agree with you such kind of articles are not correct i wont believe them until there is statement from you foreign office
Only country in Africa capable of representing Africa outside Africa...

Yes but a position on the security council should be earnt on merit not the best of a bad situation. The security council is meant to be made up of th emost powerful and influentional countries in the world as such India deserves this place rightly given its military,social and economic power. Yes for Africa SA is a success story but globally? I think not. It seems that everyone is trying to jump on the bandwagon as India is being weighed up for a place everyone is trying to take advantage of the open door- there were even calls for a Muslim seat!!
I still couldn't understand what is so great about it having a security council seat with veto power. When Libya is attacked Russia & China both veto powers simply abstained from voting, if they wanted they could have vetoed it, if you have power, you should be able to utilize it. Russia & China saw nothing advantageous vetoing, US & its allies know where to give advantages to them like Russia might be given a promise for WTO, China might be something else. There is no need for India to run behind political corridors asking for Permanent seat, With a billion population, strong democratic foundation it has every qualification to deserve a seat, if the present veto powers doesn't want to accommodate us, let it be, we just have to focus more on our economy and grow to stage where no one makes us unnoticed, it will come to you without asking. We have more issues to work on, instead of spending vast amount of time & resources on only this issue, this is my opinion.
I don't understand why India gives such importance to this UNSC seat. I see the UNSC seat as less of an advantage and more of a responsibility and headache. Just imagine the dilemma of the Indian representative in the UNSC when it comes to issues like voting on Libya and Iran emargoes.
The UN needs reformation to be relevant in this age and this reformation will be meaningless without a country like India in top echelon of UN.
India being in UNSC is its right and not some charity that world is offering it. UNSC reformation without Indian in it, will be a big sham and it will only discredit the organisation furthers, and everyone know its.
If UNSC seat is seen as a prestige issue, then we need to earn respect than demand it. This respect we are earning slowly, but surely with our development and rock solid democratic institutions and defence & technological capabilities.
I feel, India should not put too much energy & efforts into this issue, but sit back and relax and watch the fun.
Manmohan Singh, in his plenary address to the summit, asked other countries to "join hands in ensuring a peaceful and orderly transformation of the world order that reflects contemporary and emerging realities".

"This should be the case whether it is the reform of political and security governance structures in the United Nations or the international financial, monetary or trade system," he said.

it's a bitter truth that world financial and trade systems has been hijecked by the US...
there is urgent need for a alternative Crude oil stock exchange in asia to counter the pure speculative movements in oil at NYSE...
I just realized that being friendly to Indians, just results in me being called a "slanty-eyed chink"... by the very same Indians.

Their hatred is just too strong, based off the "victimhood" narrative of the 1962 war.

I do NOT speak for my government though. Let their statements speak for themselves.

Hatred is too strong a word. Didn't India support China while becoming a permanent member of UNSC?
it's a bitter truth that world financial and trade systems has been hijecked by the US...
there is urgent need for a alternative Crude oil stock exchange in asia to counter the pure speculative movements in oil at NYSE...

agreed!!!!!! The Wall Street regime has indeed hijacked the trade of oil. Iran has started an oil stock exchange already, we should try to use it more. However, the long term solution is to escape the oil trap. Brazil has surplus agriculture for biofuels. Russia has its own oil/gas/coal in huge amounts. China has a large solar panel manufacturing industry thanks to our investment in semiconductors, as well as nuclear. Other than nuclear, what alternative energy is India looking into?
India should upgrade its nuclear deterrent & missile capabilities and keep a low profile. UNSC is in fact not desirable at this stage.
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