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China Russia relations

First of all if you need to operate J-11 you have to depend on Russia for engines and secondly SU-35 is not offered to China because of copyright issues with the J-11. Thirdly China has not matured enough to produce fighter aircraft engines and lastly stop derailing the thread with your superiority complex over Indians.

So whats the problem with you, did you read the information i

provided, WS10 -J11B, Even flying with russian engine, whats wrong

with that, We have plenty of money to buy, and the Russians love to


You know what, untill this moment, you haven't support your claim

that Russian not going to sell us SU-35, LINK PLEASE !!

So far i did provided the information and LINK why China not

interested buying SU-35.

Conclusion; You are nothing but a 100% Indians troll.:smitten:

Russia cancels sale of Su-33 fighters to China to prevent their pirate copies

Here is the link for SU-33 and will post about the SU-35 later..

Conclusion: Better read something worthy than of crap..:lol:

You are WRONG;

China to Buy Su-33 Carrier-Based Fighters from Russia?
26-Mar-2009 08:46 EDT

SU-33s: folded, landing
(click to view full)Near the end of October 2006, Russia’s Kommersant newspaper revealed that Russian state-run weapon exporter Rosoboronexport is completing negotiations with China to deliver up to 48 Sukhoi SU-33 (NATO codename: Flanker-D) carrier-capable fighter aircraft in a purchase deal reportedly worth $2.5 billion. The SU-33 is a variant of Sukhoi’s SU-27 Flanker with forward canards, foldings wings, an arrester hook, a reinforced structure, and other modifications that help it deal with carrier operations and landings.

At present, reports regarding the sale and China’s aircraft carrier intentions both remain somewhat murky. China’s intent to field aircraft carriers is becoming clearer and clearer, but aircraft availability could be a problem. Russian media are reporting a breakdown of negotiations, citing past pirating of Russian designs, while Jane’s says that the long negotiation process :smitten:
P.S. We are debating SU-35 not SU-33.
China to Buy Su-33 Carrier-Based Fighters from Russia?
Russia cancels sale of Su-33 fighters to China to prevent their pirate copies

Here is the link for SU-33 and will post about the SU-35 later..

Conclusion: Better read something worthy than of crap..:lol:

Better read your own so call support (BLOG) before shooting trash;

Russia declined China’s offer to increase the purchase to 14 jets: at least 24 aircraft must be shipped to overbalance the production of planes.

PLease stop trolling before you make a fool of yourself. :smitten:
I repeat quote a valid source. So far Russia has not approved the sale of Su-35 to China.
I repeat quote a valid source. So far Russia has not approved the sale of Su-35 to China.

Thats a BLOG, troll; Its never mention anything about SU-35 !!

The source I provided was quoted from the Russians and Janes,

the talk still in process !!!

Now where the hell is your so call SU-35 LINK ??

At least save yourself some dignity and move on !!! :smitten:

Hey Kiddo You first talked about SU-27 then Sukhoi-30 and Su-35.. You are nothing but a troll and nothing knew about the aircrafts...pravdu.ru is a blog ?? grow up peanut brain...
Russia cancels sale of Su-33 fighters to China to prevent their pirate copies

Here is the link for SU-33 and will post about the SU-35 later..

Conclusion: Better read something worthy than of crap..:lol:

never cancel ,they even proposed both two fighter in the recent russian air show ,medvedev also proposed SU-34 in the recent meeting with Hu,they ask the china to buy at least 45 to restart the production line of SU-33,we only need like 20,china is still considering it,india is not even the first one russia asked about your pak-fa project,you think SU-35 will be a problem?india's VISA is more like a backup plan for russia's military enterprises,china is decreasing the overdraft year by year,india fill the blank,india spend the money like a upstart,china is a much more pragmatic country
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I repeat quote a valid source. So far Russia has not approved the sale of Su-35 to China.

WISE GUY; Tell me where the hell it mention anything about SU-35;

Front page / Russia / Economics
10.03.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru

Pages: 12

A large arms deal between Russia and China has not taken place over a possible violation of intellectual property rights. Russia has refused to sell Su-33 deck-based fighter jets to China, The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper wrote.

Su-33 deck-based fighter jets
The talks about the deal began quite a while ago. China intended to buy up to 50 jets for its aircraft carriers, although the country originally wanted to buy only two Su-33 jets on a trial basis. This intention became the bone of contention in the talks between the two countries: Russia believed that the Chinese customers could copy the Russian technology for the production of their own clones of the Russian fighters.

Russia had a motive to think so, the newspaper wrote. In 1995, China received a license for the production of 200 Su-27 fighters of specific modification, complete with Russian avionics, radars and engines. However, Russia terminated the agreement for the purchase of 95 planes in 2006, because Chinese aircraft-makers began to produce a similar fighter, although it was equipped with Chinese avionics and systems.

To put it in a nutshell, China has an experience of cloning the fighters of Russia’s renowned Sukhoi jets. The problem was discussed at the 13th meeting of the Russian-Chinese Committee for Military Cooperation in December. It is obviously highly unprofitable for Russia to let cheaper Chinese analogues of its reputable jets appear in the region.

Russia declined China’s offer to increase the purchase to 14 jets: at least 24 aircraft must be shipped to overbalance the production of planes.

It is too early to say that the problem has been entirely solved. China is extremely interested in the deck-based aircraft for its aviation. The nation plans to complete its conventional destroyer in 2010 and pass into service a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in 2020. It is worthy of note that China used to purchase a number of incomplete Soviet vessels of a similar class, which were also reportedly used to copy Russian defense technologies.

China purchased a fair amount of used and incomplete aircraft carriers of the Soviet production within 25 years, BFM business portal said. China could reportedly use the vessels to borrow Russian defense production technologies. :smitten::pakistan::china:
j11b,mki and su35 are all classifled as 4.5G ACs. so why would china go for another 4.5G fighters, it doesn't make sences. this is true for india too, mki is good enough.

and i have to said that, the chinese achievement was not done all by her own. besides reverse engineering and the chinese scientists' effort , a huge amount of elite russian scientists are now working in china since the fallen of USSR, they make huge contributions too.
j11b,mki and su35 are all classifled as 4.5G ACs. so why would china go for another 4.5G fighters, it doesn't make sences. this is true for india too, mki is good enough.

and i have to said that, the chinese achievement was not done all by her own. besides reverse engineering and the chinese scientists' effort , a huge amount of elite russian scientists are now working in china since the fallen of USSR, they make huge contributions too.

china's not so proud that it'll refuse help, the government knows its not the most advanced engineering power, itll take all the smart russian scientists it can get, of course while their in china i feel like they'll be doing quite a bit of teaching too. reverse-engineering, subterfuge, spies whatever they'll take what they can get where they can get it.
"China Russia relations"??? :disagree:

Don't be too optimistic about the relation, the Russian treat the Chinese is no different the West treat the Chinese. China is a big opponent to Russia both in economy, world politic power and arm export. Yet the two countries have a long connected border lines which forces them to wars many times. Russia is not different with the West on viewing the Chinese of low life inferiors, "Sick Chinamen", they look down on Chinese more than you could image. Russia in the past almost want to nuke China; Russia today creates skin heads who used to beat , rape and torture Chinese in Russia. In the sea the Russian Navy used to blame Chinese fishers are pirates and kill them brutally without warnings. In political issues they support China's enemies such as Vietnam or India and sell dangerous weapons to these countries to counter China. All we can see in visible signs, no thing can't challenge the truth!!!

P.S: In the second clip, just look how they treat Chinamen when cover their eyes and dragging them like a dog. That's what Russian calls "friendship"!!!
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