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China, Russia block UN condemnation of Iran missile tests


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Council split over whether Iran's missile tests violated UN sanctions imposed on Tehran, according to Australia's UN envoy.

UNITED NATIONS - A UN Security Council committee is split over whether Iran's missile tests last year violated UN sanctions imposed on Tehran because of its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, Australia's UN envoy said on Monday.

That division effectively rules out any expansion of sanctions against Tehran over the tests for the time being, UN envoys said on condition of anonymity.

Diplomats said it was Russia, backed by China, that refused to declare Tehran's missile launches a violation of the UN restrictions, as a UN Panel of Experts on Iran said was the case.

The rift on the Iran sanctions committee, which consists of all 15 Security Council members, highlights the difficulties Western powers face in persuading Russia and China to join them in keeping up the pressure on Tehran to halt banned nuclear and missile work.

Iran rejects allegations by the United States, European powers and their allies that it is developing an atomic weapons capability. It says the UN sanctions against it are illegal and refuses to comply with them.

As long as the sanctions committee remains divided, it will be difficult for the Security Council to add names of any Iranian individuals or entities linked to the missile tests, Security Council diplomats said on condition of anonymity.

Australia's UN Ambassador Gary Quinlan, chairman of the Iran sanctions committee, told the council that "a number of committee members expressed the view ... that the launches constituted a clear violation of (UN sanctions) and that therefore all member states should redouble their efforts to implement ballistic missile-related sanctions on Iran." "At this stage some committee members cannot share this view," he added in his latest three-month report to the council.

The tests involved the launch of Iranian Shahab missiles in July 2012 during the "Great Prophet 7" military exercises.

"These included launches of the Shahab 1 and 3, Zelzal, Fateh-110 and Tondar missiles, as well as an anti-ship ballistic missile, the Khalij Fars," the Iran Panel of Experts said in its May report to the Iran sanctions committee.


The panel said those exercises were conducted by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Russia, diplomats said, led the dissenters in rejecting the view that the tests were a clear violation of UN sanctions.

A Russian delegate explained Moscow's position to the Security Council, saying "hasty conclusions not based on facts must be avoided." A Chinese delegate reiterated Beijing's stance: "We are not in favor of increased new pressure or new sanctions against Iran."

US Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo told reporters, "We're disappointed that the (Iran sanctions) committee was unable in this case to state the obvious." "There is nothing ambiguous about the ban imposed by the Security Council on such ... missile launches," she said. "Most of the Security Council members agree with us on this issue." Quinlan's report also referred to alleged arms embargo violations.

Western powers accuse Iran of supplying arms to Syrian President Bashar Assad and militant groups like Lebanon's Hezbollah, which has been fighting alongside Assad's troops in Syria to defeat rebels in the civil war there.

"Several committee members stated that the evidence presented in the report was sufficient to assert that Iran was in violation of its obligations, illustrating a pattern of sanctions evasion through arms smuggling in the Middle East," his report said.

"Other committee members stated that the lack of stronger evidence as to the provenance of the arms, such as documentation, justified the lack of a definitive conclusion," his report added.

Russia and China were the "other committee members" who opposed finding Tehran in clear violation of the UN ban on Iranian arms exports, council diplomats said.

China, Russia block UN condemnation of Iran missile tests | JPost | Israel News
Russia and China are going a great job in puncturing the ambitions of the Anglo Saxon bully. The world today needs a balance of power much more than ever before.
china and Russia also blocked several UN resolutions on Syria , did that help stop the war in Syria? I guess not
^^ me too , the name china has been flying around so much recently thanks to American rednecks posting figures about Chinese GDP and PPP , so they can't stop raising their hand at the UN security council
It's all political. I could understand why China is doing that.

As for Syria, China could stay neutral, but when it comes to West vs Iran, China will side with Iran since the West has too much power. We need the balance in the World and Middle East.
As for Syria, China could stay neutral, but when it comes to West vs Iran, China will side with Iran since the West has too much power. We need the balance in the World and Middle East.

Nah dude , it's all because of ahmedinajad and his business with china ; when rohani's second term starts things are gonna look much different
As for Syria, China could stay neutral, but when it comes to West vs Iran, China will side with Iran since the West has too much power. We need the balance in the World and Middle East.

I understand why Chian is blocking NATO from taking a military action in Syria. And I don't think China vetoed two reslotions to appease the Russians, China wants to keep the US in check. As for Iran, I don't believe that KSA has as much of a trouble as the West and Israel, the Saudi-Iranian Cold War will continue for decades.

Of course it is political. What is USA's interest in Iran if not political.

No, the US's beef is different than what China is doing.
Nah dude , it's all because of ahmedinajad and his business with china ; when rohani's second term starts things are gonna look much different

If Iran wanna turn to the West, then China has no oligation to block the sanction and to veto for you anymore.

When you are turning to the West, you will automatically be forced to abandon the nuclear/missile program.
I understand why Chian is blocking NATO from taking a military action in Syria. And I don't think China vetoed two reslotions to appease the Russians, China wants to keep the US in check. As for Iran, I don't believe that KSA has as much of a trouble as the West and Israel, the Saudi-Iranian Cold War will continue for decades.

No, the US's beef is different than what China is doing.

You got Iran as a long time unhappy neighbor, but the West is the imminent threat and invader for the Muslim World.

I know that the Sunni World and Iran can never become friend, but you can't be sure that the West won't turn their gun at the Sunni World after they destroy Iran.

Remember Saddam, he was once an archenemy of Iran, meanwhile the West supported him, but they immediately turned on him when he was trying to build his own Sunni/Arab Empire.
^^ me too , the name china has been flying around so much recently thanks to American rednecks posting figures about Chinese GDP and PPP , so they can't stop raising their hand at the UN security council

Well, would you like to know why China is being looked at a bit differently?
#25th min
BBC WikiLeaks- The Secret Life of a Superpower Ep. 2) - YouTube - YouTube

You got Iran as a long time unhappy neighbor, but the West is the imminent threat and invader for the Muslim World.

I know that Sunni World and Iran can never become friend, but you can't be sure that the West won't turn their gun at Sunni World after they destroy Iran.

It's not about Sunni vs Shia bro. Check this out and you will know what's going on..
first lick there shoe
then get retirement package which is for free and very generosity of USA :)

If Israel can then Iran can test missiles at different range , Russian and China is doing right this time
Who the West is to say that Iran cannot make missiles
Iran has the right Militaryly and or even another country who does not threaten other and attack can make this
Well, would you like to know why China is being looked at a bit differently?
#25th min
BBC WikiLeaks- The Secret Life of a Superpower Ep. 2) - YouTube - YouTube

It's not about Sunni vs Shia bro. Check this out and you will know what's going on..

Syria is becoming a heat spot between Saudi/Sunni and Iran, Saudi wants to make Syria pro-Saudi/Sunni, while Iran wants Syria to remain as a pro-Shia state.

But i don't think that Sunni/Saudi is seeking the ultimate destruction of Iran, because all Sunni Muslims understand that as long as Iran is alive, the West cannot fully turn their gun at them.
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