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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

Trust me, the US has indirect support in anything Israel does. The fact the US guarantee to defend Israel is enough to give Israel confidence to go after its interest, such as the case you mentioned attacking Iran/Syria nuclear reactor. Nobody wants to attack the Israel but there is a tacit understanding that Israel has the US's backing.

Arabs will defeat Israel without the US's led West backing. It is that simple. No amount of air power will withstand regional Middle-east power who is growing at a high rate and has the manpower and resources to suffocate Israel in a long extended war.

Wrong. We can seek other port from Iran or elsewhere but we chose Pakistan because there is a level of trust and strategic alliance. I don't know where you heard the story that we get richer through the exchange. It is mutually beneficial. Why don't you consider our 50+ billion investment in Pakistan energy sector and infrastructure? The only reason Pakistan is slow to develop is due to internal politics and terrorism. You have our full support but Pakistan is the only one that can utilize to its advantage. Please ask us for soft loan or anything if you need help. We never say no to Pakistan. If we can help Pakistan developed a military industrial complex through various joint-collaboration, TOT, and assistance, then we sure can help build up Pakistan economy. Of course, all this depend on Pakistan government determination to get rid of terrorism so economic development can go ahead without security threat to investors.

You have to understand that in '71, it was Soviet-India vs US-Pakistan with China indirect support, especially diplomatically. We are weak ourselves. Show some consideration. In Korean War, we fought ourselves but we never blame anyone that didn't come to our aid. Like I said, you have our support.

I am so tired of everyone treating us as sucking blood monster. We are not into that. We are into mutual beneficial relationship, not colonial relationship. What we did in Pakistan is not about money. I can assure you that. We make more money elsewhere in the world than Pakistan but we stick with Pakistan because it is one of the very few country that give us moral support to continue our rise. We will remember Pakistan when we succeed our transformation.
Israel attacked Iraq nukes, not Iran. Also Israel felt very isolated, US didn't block anything going against it in the UN. Also remember how Israel kept Sinai under its control (for long time)? Despite France and Britain withdrawing due to US and soviet pressure, they didn't budge.

stop your whinning. it didn't happen yet. Even it did happen, doesn't mean we don't care about Pakistan's interests. Don't we have the right to settle border issues with india?

Don't conpare us with america. I was wondering in what way you think we used Pakistan. Did we create or manipulate your tension with india? No. you should express a little grateful for what we did to you rather than accuse us of using you.
You haven't used us fully :D

China has much bigger trade with India. Also I'm not blaming China entirely, it's Pakistan fault too. It relies on others too much. If Pakistan had big economy, China wouldn't have such big trade with India. So bam, China goes where the interest is. It went to India despite reservence of Pakistan.

In the end, I want Pakistan to be strong. For it to understand that if tomorrow, world is no longer giving donation or loans, it is able to survive. It is Pakistan's OWN interest to survive and there are many who wish to see it break apart.
Problem can be solve. But there must be give and take. China has hinted in the past to exchange South Tibet for Aksai Chin. China have solved all land borders with all its other 13 neighbors. Its up to India now. Can India give and take ? That is the problem.

Aksai Chin is not related to this.
India should settle it with Pakistan too... sacrifice for peace, stability, and economic progress of the region... !
Peace cannot happen between India and Pakistan until the permanent solution of Kashmir dispute and the end of terrorism from South Asia including Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-taiba :agree: and Pakistan have to take serious steps about other terrorists groups too not only Taliban :partay:
Peace cannot happen between India and Pakistan until the permanent solution of Kashmir dispute and the end of terrorism from South Asia including Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-taiba :agree: and Pakistan have to take serious steps about other terrorists groups too not only Taliban :partay:
Why can't they agree on current borders? Or let Kashmir become independent and then after 50 years or whatever decide who it wants to join, or not join at all.
seems like china going to leave Pakistan as USA did, if border disputes are settled.

Why Pakistan loves being used up and thrown afterwards like dirty underwear is beyond me.
we did nothng for chinese .. we got a lot from them .. it would be in there loss .. Pakistan is never short of friends ..
Israel attacked Iraq nukes, not Iran. Also Israel felt very isolated, US didn't block anything going against it in the UN. Also remember how Israel kept Sinai under its control (for long time)? Despite France and Britain withdrawing due to US and soviet pressure, they didn't budge.

You haven't used us fully :D

China has much bigger trade with India. Also I'm not blaming China entirely, it's Pakistan fault too. It relies on others too much. If Pakistan had big economy, China wouldn't have such big trade with India. So bam, China goes where the interest is. It went to India despite reservence of Pakistan.

In the end, I want Pakistan to be strong. For it to understand that if tomorrow, world is no longer giving donation or loans, it is able to survive. It is Pakistan's OWN interest to survive and there are many who wish to see it break apart.
cut off your bullshit, first give the facts to support your claim how we used you? be specific. otherwise don't bring your loser mentality moaning here.
Why can't they agree on current borders? Or let Kashmir become independent and then after 50 years or whatever decide who it wants to join, or not join at all.
Because you guys want IOK and we want Azad Kashmir simple as that :enjoy:
I am agree with independent Kashmir but the problem is that we don't trust each other what if you guys try other attack like in 1947 on Kashmir again and other problem is that after free Kashmir you guys will lose interest of China :partay:
Why can't they agree on current borders? Or let Kashmir become independent and then after 50 years or whatever decide who it wants to join, or not join at all.
why would be accept the current borders ??? they ar ready to accept this deal ..
but the intresting fact is .. there is no one who say jay hin but on their side of kashmir many people say Pakistan zindabad .. we cant ditch them .. Pakistan has the history of messing with power way beyond his capacity .. we won or lost is another thing .. Pakistan has the rightful claim on Kashmir ... we cant sell the blood of our martays...

Without the US's support and backing, Israel would not survive against regional middle east powers. Israel is too small to fend off itself for long. Nuke is the only option after the USA's support. Now my Pakistini brother, you must understand that China has a global strategic interest to safeguard, otherwise we would be entrap into endless fighting. Our support to Pakistan is UNCONDITIONAL. We only need Pakistan to maintain stability and keep terrorist operation from taking over the country. Everything else, you need to trust us. Pakistan today can fend off any threat and power on its own. It is one of the top 15 strongest countries in the world and it is only maximize about 30% of its full potential. If Pakistan economy can developed further, you will have more money to buy weapons from us at very low cost and on a soft loan basis. We didn't ask anything in return. We have promise to protect Pakistan from any threat. So don't worry, brother!

bro he is a troller from canda .. dnt understand Urdu as well .. hates army... dont take him seriously ..
Ok let's see - what do you say about this?

1. India gives up claim on all/most of Aksai Chin. China has G219 Highway going through there - which is incidentally a crucial link to Sinkiang/Xinxiang. It will be difficult for China to give this up.
2. China gives up it's claim on Arunachal Pradesh in the East. China holds no territory here and India has a long term presence there, just like China has in Aksai Chin.

why would be accept the current borders ??? they ar ready to accept this deal ..
but the intresting fact is .. there is no one who say jay hin but on their side of kashmir many people say Pakistan zindabad .. we cant ditch them .. Pakistan has the history of messing with power way beyond his capacity .. we won or lost is another thing .. Pakistan has the rightful claim on Kashmir ... we cant sell the blood of our martays...

bro he is a troller from canda .. dnt understand Urdu as well .. hates army... dont take him seriously ..
Dear friend. There are people in Delhi or Hyderabad also who say Pakistan Zindabad. :coffee:
why would be accept the current borders ??? they ar ready to accept this deal ..
but the intresting fact is .. there is no one who say jay hin but on their side of kashmir many people say Pakistan zindabad .. we cant ditch them .. Pakistan has the history of messing with power way beyond his capacity .. we won or lost is another thing .. Pakistan has the rightful claim on Kashmir ... we cant sell the blood of our martays...

bro he is a troller from canda .. dnt understand Urdu as well .. hates army... dont take him seriously ..
Lol, I must be some weird alien. I hate PTI, pml, and now army too!
And Yes, I get called american agent :(
Ok let's see - what do you say about this?

1. India gives up claim on all/most of Aksai Chin. China has G219 Highway going through there - which is incidentally a crucial link to Sinkiang/Xinxiang. It will be difficult for China to give this up.
2. China gives up it's claim on Arunachal Pradesh in the East. China holds no territory here and India has a long term presence there, just like China has in Aksai Chin.

Dear friend. There are people in Delhi or Hyderabad also who say Pakistan Zindabad. :coffee:

Zhou Enlai already made that offer in 1960, of a mutual recognition of each others held territories.

Nehru responded with the Forward Policy. :P

And in this situation today, it is China again who is making the move to compromise.

There is something in the Indian government that opposes any sort of settlement or compromise in this region, I wonder if it still exists now that Modi is in charge.
Ok let's see - what do you say about this?

1. India gives up claim on all/most of Aksai Chin. China has G219 Highway going through there - which is incidentally a crucial link to Sinkiang/Xinxiang. It will be difficult for China to give this up.
2. China gives up it's claim on Arunachal Pradesh in the East. China holds no territory here and India has a long term presence there, just like China has in Aksai Chin.

Dear friend. There are people in Delhi or Hyderabad also who say Pakistan Zindabad. :coffee:
That's the problem with Pak. It can't get over its history. Look at bhutto, it's history, but no, their generations must vote ppp for what it did in 70s.

Pakistan lost wars, lost 2/3 territory of Kashmir (because it was busy looting captured territory and India landed troops in sirinagar meanwhile). Pakistan has tonaccept fact that USA sucked it up dry, and one day so will China when it no longer needs Pakistan. It'd give free donations here and there etc, like USA.

This is international political economy. Everyone is out there for their own interests. There's no free lunch. To apply it to business or person, Adam smith said "
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.


American agent, Army hater, PMLn slave,
Yours truly
Ok let's see - what do you say about this?

1. India gives up claim on all/most of Aksai Chin. China has G219 Highway going through there - which is incidentally a crucial link to Sinkiang/Xinxiang. It will be difficult for China to give this up.
2. China gives up it's claim on Arunachal Pradesh in the East. China holds no territory here and India has a long term presence there, just like China has in Aksai Chin.

Dear friend. There are people in Delhi or Hyderabad also who say Pakistan Zindabad. :coffee:
na most of them are busy saying stuff about Pakistan to prove their loyalties ... the best way out is to ask the people of kashmir what they want ... if they want freedom , both Pakistan and India should leave .. if they want to be with India ,
Ok i'm not coming off as leaving entirely, like soviet left afghan. I compared to USA. Like how USA and Pakistan best relationships and how they're now, that's how I'm comparing. US continues to support Pakistan and treat somewhat ok, but it's not as same as before, as it no longer have deeper interests.

China-Pakistan relationship won't change at all. China's deeper interest in Pakistan is preventing India from controlling the entire South Asia subcontinent. That interest won't change as long as India exist as a country.

Nowadays China has more interests in Pakistan than ever. For example, China is interested in developing new trade routes to Africa and Middle East independent of Southeast Asia. China also interest in developing trans-continental railroads that run through Pakistan. Basically, China-Pakistan cooperation will be cooperating more than ever. This is what fundamentally sets China apart from US. US doesn't have economic ties with Pakistan, China does.
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