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China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

contributing slave labor to ships owned by Chinese companies (COSCO and China Shipping are 2 of the largest shipping companies in the world) is not "contributing to maritime trade" in the way most people think of it.

Are you sure most ship we go with be English or other European not chink well Chinese propaganda strikes again and as much i like skewering because you jerks deserve that form of treatment i going to honor the forum.

A Chinese journalist has planted a Chinese on Huangyan Island and dare anyone to remove it.

Do you know that the Americans planted a flag in the moon??? Does that make the moon a territory of the US??? NO!!!

In 1957, the Philippine government conducted an oceanographic survey of the area and together with the US Navy force based
in then U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay in Zambales, used the area as an impact range for defense purposes. An 8.3 meter high flag
pole flying a Philippine flag was raised in 1965. A small lighthouse was also built and operated the same year.

Once "gutless" China opens fire, the cheerleaders will run away like rats running away from the quake zone!

When the bullets start flying the Chinese navy will have the biggest "Chinese fire drill" in the world!

Once China launches our nuclear attack on Vietnam, india and Philippines, nobody will come to help them. Nobody wants to absorb China's multimegaton nukes!

I doubt these Chinese posters realize what it means by Nuclear war, they keep posting this rubbish, no one wins in a nuclear war.
They should read about US nuclear umbrella before first thinking of launching nukes.

The US won't go to war with China over the territorial claims. They'll talk with the Philippines and threaten, cajole, until they agree to back down. The corporate interests in China are far too great. You think GM won't talk Obama's ears off if their largest selling region is in jeopardy?

America will not go to war to defend Philippine's territorial claims (or Viet Nam's). There's nothing in it for America. You can count on that.

Do you know that the united states has a lot to gain by helping the philippines?

Natural Gas. 2.7 trillion cubic meters on one existing site. 4 major areas with potential natgas deposits that i know of, estimates on one site will exceed 2.7 trillion cbm, studies show.

Oil. South china sea disputed area is said to contain large deposits of oil. Majority of deposits are contained in the areas where it should be philippine territory.

Gold, plus resources like copper, nickel, manganese, chromite, molybdenum, etc. the philippines is one of the most richest countries in the world un terms of resources. Rough estimates peg our gold deposits at more that us$1 trillion. Lol. I personally believe
there is more.

Location. The us views china as a threat. Because of our location Having a foothold in the philippines means you can have a
more secure hold on the south east asian region.

And many more...(WAR ERASES DEBT!!!!)

The US...just by saying they will help defend the Philippines if another country attacks us is probably China's biggest deterrent
right now from declaring war.

But with or without the US, the Philippines will still stand and face China on their illegal intrusions in our waters and will fight for
our territories in court.
I think the Philippines need to shore up its Navy.

Building a Strong Marine Force with a strong supplement of anti-ship missile batteries on the Philippine Archipelago.

What the world need is a stronger UN that can police the world and prevent aggressive states from bullying smaller and weaker
Do you know that Chinese wu mao's...so just that they can say or post something they resorts to insults.

salamat kabayan if you are really (no insults intended) anyway sir china today if that's true then you people are bigger losers than i because you have been insulting people like us Southeast Asians since time and memorial and advocating for Nuke warfare just because you have nukes is as stupid as they come because weapons like that are cowards weapons that kills not only enemies but all (sorry for being like this to non-Chinese countries with nukes but its true) Any if you people really have rights to the area why not solve this properly like a real civilized state to the UN only a nation who has no fate in its diplomatic skills and evidence would support war. Or is it you people know your so called evidence has no water to hold in the UN and its easy to fight a weak nation like the Philippines but make no mistake we are not going to leave our rights unprotected.
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