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China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

I really think that it is China who is making these things worse. I just hope the Philippines will not ride into this provocative acts of China. Let them keep blabbing unless they fire first. Just remember that the world is watching and the United Nations are standing by. :coffee:

And who is stupid enough to take a case against China to the Security Council. This issues need to be settled by the countries involved. All countries need to show restraint instead of escalating the situation.

You brought up nukes so u cool it.
Btw better ask the CCCP to open a 'warning wing'.

You are asking the soviet union to open a warning wing? cccp is soviet union in Russian.
Meant the communist party anyway.

CCCP mean soviet union, not communist party of a country. I think what you are trying to say is CCP, which is Chinese communist Party. However, Chinese communist party as a whole is the one element that is preventing conflict with other countries, as they seek stability. The People's liberation army is more like a business than an army these days. But China is going through a power transition now. So I do not see the stand off in SCS escalating or decreasing unless there is a shift in the transition process. Believe me, this stand off is just the surface. The real battle going on is not in SCS, but among the leadership in Beijing.
not really, rather busy drilling in SCS. where is the next megafail warning?
Look at the cowardly indians backstab their "ally" Vietnam because they are terrified!

Vietnamese diplomats expressed disappointment considering that Hanoi had stood up to Beijing for the past six years whenever it disputed the contract given to India for oil exploration in the Phu Khanh Basin. They wondered whether this was due to pressure from China which was “always against any foreign company” conducting oil operations in the South China Sea.

The Hindu : News / National : India finds oil drilling off Vietnam a losing proposition
CCCP mean soviet union, not communist party of a country. I think what you are trying to say is CCP, which is Chinese communist Party. However, Chinese communist party as a whole is the one element that is preventing conflict with other countries, as they seek stability. The People's liberation army is more like a business than an army these days. But China is going through a power transition now. So I do not see the stand off in SCS escalating or decreasing unless there is a shift in the transition process. Believe me, this stand off is just the surface. The real battle going on is not in SCS, but among the leadership in Beijing.

Don't get us confused with certain militaries with 1000 dollar toilets and 50000 dollar coffee machines.
A lot of country's are on the side of the Philippines, including India, China is just gutless, watch them run away soon enough.

Are you on the side of Sarkozy or Hollande, dude?:mps:

I really think that it is China who is making these things worse. I just hope the Philippines will not ride into this provocative acts of China. Let them keep blabbing unless they fire first. Just remember that the world is watching and the United Nations are standing by. :coffee:
Ganbatte, Seediq bale!:meeting:
Once China launches our nuclear attack on Vietnam, india and Philippines, nobody will come to help them. Nobody wants to absorb China's multimegaton nukes!

For every discussion, YOU always mentioned about China nukes. We (Viet Nam) does not affraid China nukes at all, and that is also why we spank Chinese Soldier real bad in 1979. (I remember, on that date China already has nukes).

We (Vietnamese) only affraid that our land lost without giving a fight, and believe me all Vietnamese are feels that way. No matter if they are living in or out of the country.

Here is the list of the countries we been fight which was has "nukes"

1. French

2. U.S.A

3. China (This is the most weekest armies in the World besides the numbers)
For every discussion, YOU always mentioned about China nukes. We (Viet Nam) does not affraid China nukes at all, and that is also why we spank Chinese Soldier real bad in 1979. (I remember, on that date China already has nukes).

We (Vietnamese) only affraid that our land lost without giving a fight, and believe me all Vietnamese are feels that way. No matter if they are living in or out of the country.

Here is the list of the countries we been fight which was has "nukes"

1. French

2. U.S.A

3. China (This is the most weekest armies in the World besides the numbers)

USA - killed 3 million Vietnamese civilians and used chemical weapons to poison you for 30 years, refuse to help you clean up or compensate the victims, then stole all your wealth and moved it to the US, and are brainwashing your descendants to hate you.

After adding insult to injury they kick you while you're down again and make a movie about how Vietnamese women all love US marines.
USA - killed 3 million Vietnamese civilians and used chemical weapons to poison you for 30 years, refuse to help you clean up or compensate the victims, then stole all your wealth and moved it to the US, and are brainwashing your descendants to hate you.

After adding insult to injury they kick you while you're down again and make a movie about how Vietnamese women all love US marines.
USA is right. That's how you need to deal with Vietnamese. Now Vietnamese love USA. Agent orange is an aphrodisiac for Vietnamese.
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