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China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff
Beijing, May 8, 2012 (AFP) -Chinese vice foreign minister Fu Ying said Beijing was ready for "any escalation" of a tense maritime standoff with the Philippines over a disputed shoal.
The month-long flare-up is one of the most high-profile incidents for years between the two countries over their competing territorial claims to parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to sit atop vast oil and gas deposits.
"The Chinese side has... made all preparations to respond to any escalation of the situation by the Philippine side," Fu told a Philippine diplomat Monday, according to a statement posted on China's foreign ministry website Tuesday.
The two countries have been locked in the row since April 8, when Beijing's vessels blocked a Philippine warship from arresting crews of Chinese fishing boats near the disputed Scarborough Shoal -- or Huangyan island in Chinese.
Both Beijing and Manila have sent ships to the area, racking up tensions in the region.
Currently, four Chinese surveillance ships and 10 fishing boats have anchored off the disputed shoal, facing off against two Philippine coastguard ships and a fisheries bureau vessel.
On Monday, Fu summoned Alex Chua, charge d'affaires at the Philippine embassy in China, so that she could make a "serious representation" over the situation, according to the statement.
"It is obvious that the Philippine side has not realised that it is making serious mistakes and instead is stepping up efforts to escalate tensions," she told him.
"The Philippine side... repeatedly made erroneous remarks which misled the public in the Philippines and the international community, played up the public feelings, thus severely damaging the atmosphere of the bilateral relations between China and the Philippines.
"Therefore, it is hard for us to be optimistic about the situation."
The Philippines argues the shoal is well within the country's 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, as recognised by international law.
But Beijing claims almost the whole of the South China Sea as its historical territory, even waters close to other countries' coasts and hundreds of kilometres from its own landmass.
Manila last week vowed to show restraint in the standoff.
"We do not wish to escalate any tensions right now," President Benigno Aquino's spokesman told reporters.
"Therefore, what we're doing for now is to just to document the situation... and consequently, raise it before the (international) tribunals."
Fu said Monday Chinese government vessels would "continue to be on alert" near the shoal and urged the Philippines to withdraw its own ships, but she stressed Beijing still wanted to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
A commentary in the overseas version of the People's Daily -- the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece -- concurred, but warned that the Philippines should not "view China's goodwill as a sign of weakness".
"We have enough wisdom and means when facing with such rivals to subdue the enemy without fighting and make them stop," it said.
Yes, I understand as Phillipines doesnt have a A5 like missile to turn Beijing into ashes ;)
CPC should be disbanded and tibet declared an independent state... problem solved :woot:

i think the delhi regime should be disbanded and independence given to all the states of India with totally different cultures and languages.

India is, like the Soviet Union, an artificial jumble of unrelated states. Unlike the Soviet Union, India isn't strong because of it, but rather extremely feeble and weak.
China is becoming aggresive bully big nation troubling and forcing smaller nations around it.

The smaller nations need to form an alliance with bigger powers like America to protect their interests.
Aquino Open to China Sea Oil Deal Separate From Territory Spat - Bloomberg

I feel sorry for the weakling, Aquino, backing down like a spineless worm when he's being sell outed. What happen to his bellicose bravos when he thought Uncle Sam would stand firm behind him.

For the meantime, prior to this stand off, China has repeatedly called for shelving disputes in favor of joint development, with the latest appeal coming from Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in March. (bold part is from the article)
China is the Uncle Sam of South Asia. Nothing to do. It wants to be Uncle Sam's duplicate( they re gud in making cheap duplicates) . I guess they will do well to become Uncle Sam's duplicate
really ? what is it with you people that hate smaller states and we did not back down again chinese propaganda at work but never expected it from HK well its mainland china still so mainlands are always troublemakers even here in binondo chinaboys always causing trouble driving drunk and selling fake products from china but going back us cowards sir we beat you once in the Korean war we do that again and second we are going to the UN to solve this problem and will do all diplomatic means to protect ourselves from your kind we may be lacking in arms but we are still fight in the diplomatic stand point so say what you want do whatever you want you evil $on of B*** but in the end you still arrogant and a stupid bunch of brainwash puppets of communist party and your claim since ancient times are illogical, stupid arrogantly made map that has no basis on International law.

We don't care we stand for our stand you people can just go to the UN courts and settle the Issue or the Mighty Chinese dragon is actually a chicken! Us spineless? We are standing up to a bully of nation with no morals have nuclear arsenal and Aircraft carrier which they told the world they be using as a casino but end up using it as fully functional ship and your calling us Filipinos spineless we people are noting but courageous standing to a bully weak and afraid of death but still we are here stand our ground to arrogance that is china.
China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff
Beijing, May 8, 2012 (AFP) -Chinese vice foreign minister Fu Ying said Beijing was ready for "any escalation" of a tense maritime standoff with the Philippines over a disputed shoal.
The month-long flare-up is one of the most high-profile incidents for years between the two countries over their competing territorial claims to parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to sit atop vast oil and gas deposits.
"The Chinese side has... made all preparations to respond to any escalation of the situation by the Philippine side," Fu told a Philippine diplomat Monday, according to a statement posted on China's foreign ministry website Tuesday.
The two countries have been locked in the row since April 8, when Beijing's vessels blocked a Philippine warship from arresting crews of Chinese fishing boats near the disputed Scarborough Shoal -- or Huangyan island in Chinese.
Both Beijing and Manila have sent ships to the area, racking up tensions in the region.
Currently, four Chinese surveillance ships and 10 fishing boats have anchored off the disputed shoal, facing off against two Philippine coastguard ships and a fisheries bureau vessel.
On Monday, Fu summoned Alex Chua, charge d'affaires at the Philippine embassy in China, so that she could make a "serious representation" over the situation, according to the statement.
"It is obvious that the Philippine side has not realised that it is making serious mistakes and instead is stepping up efforts to escalate tensions," she told him.
"The Philippine side... repeatedly made erroneous remarks which misled the public in the Philippines and the international community, played up the public feelings, thus severely damaging the atmosphere of the bilateral relations between China and the Philippines.
"Therefore, it is hard for us to be optimistic about the situation."
The Philippines argues the shoal is well within the country's 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, as recognised by international law.
But Beijing claims almost the whole of the South China Sea as its historical territory, even waters close to other countries' coasts and hundreds of kilometres from its own landmass.
Manila last week vowed to show restraint in the standoff.
"We do not wish to escalate any tensions right now," President Benigno Aquino's spokesman told reporters.
"Therefore, what we're doing for now is to just to document the situation... and consequently, raise it before the (international) tribunals."
Fu said Monday Chinese government vessels would "continue to be on alert" near the shoal and urged the Philippines to withdraw its own ships, but she stressed Beijing still wanted to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
A commentary in the overseas version of the People's Daily -- the ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece -- concurred, but warned that the Philippines should not "view China's goodwill as a sign of weakness".
"We have enough wisdom and means when facing with such rivals to subdue the enemy without fighting and make them stop," it said.

If your so called historical records and legal documents are RECOGNIZED AROUND THE WORLD then i would probably believe that China owns Scarborough shoals and Spratly Islands. This is the very reason why its disputed. It means YOU DON'T OWN IT. China is just a MODERN BULLY. He knows the Philippines don't have naval and military capabilities to protect its territories. A good example is TAIWAN. They are claiming that it is part of China but until now can't do about it because Taiwan has the MILITARY CAPABILITIES to defend their country.
We have already escalated. We now eject Philippines fisherman from Scarborough Shoal, and increased our ships.

Soon we will declare military exercises in the Scarborough Shoal and take this opportunity to attack and destroy all Filipino ships.
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