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China paper condemns Vietnam-India energy cooperation


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
By Michael Martina

BEIJING, Sept 22 (Reuters) - A joint energy project between India and Vietnam in the South China Sea infringes on China's territorial sovereignty, an official Chinese newspaper said on Thursday in the first reaction to the operation by China's state media.

The report in the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party, said the oil and gas exploration project between Indian and Vietnamese state-owned firms west of the disputed Spratly islands put at risk the two countries' relations with their chief trading partner.

"Two sections enter waters under China's jurisdiction, constituting a violation of China's sovereignty," it said.

The report said that if Vietnam and India pursued any joint interest that damaged relations with China "as well as the stability and peaceful economic development of the entire South China Sea region, the losses will outweigh the gains".

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Thursday repeated earlier statements that any such project without China's consent was "unlawful and without efficacy", but named no specific countries or companies.

India's foreign office said last week that Indian companies, including ONGC Videsh (OVL) and Essar Oil subsidiary Essar Exploration and Production Limited, were expanding energy cooperation with Vietnam.

India has sought to increase its involvement in the region, and an Indian navy vessel was challenged off Vietnam's Nha Trang port earlier this year by a radio caller claiming to be from China's navy.

Analysts also say India's increased engagement with Vietnam is partly in response to Chinese projects boosting Beijing's presence in South Asia, particularly in port construction.

Both India and Vietnam have fought brief border wars with China -- India in 1962 and Vietnam in 1979 -- but relations are now more stable. However, Hanoi and Beijing are locked in a tussle over ownership of parts of the South China Sea.


China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan all have conflicting claims in the South China Sea. China's claim is the biggest, based on what it says is indisputable sovereignty since ancient times.

In May and June, Vietnam accused Chinese vessels of harassing Vietnamese ships within Vietnam's exclusive economic zone. China denied that its ships had done anything wrong.

Businessmen and diplomats say China has pressured foreign firms in deals with Vietnam not to develop oil blocks.

In 2007, BP Plc halted plans to explore off Vietnam's southern coast due to the dispute between Hanoi and Beijing.

Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi, in a statement on Monday, said such joint projects were "within the sovereign rights and jurisdictional rights of Vietnam".

Any view opposing cooperation on Vietnam's continental shelf and within its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic, was "completely devoid of legal basis and worthless".

China and Vietnam agreed to speed up negotiations towards ending the South China Sea spat, Chinese media said after the country's top diplomat, State Councilor Dai Bingguo, visited Hanoi in early September. (Additional reporting by Chris Buckley, Manoj Kumar in NEW DELHI and John Ruwitch in HANOI; Editing by Ron Popeski)

UPDATE 1-China paper condemns Vietnam-India energy cooperation | Reuters
please no more drama, send the drilling platform there,PLAN will give you a warm welcome

And seriously risk their rapport and the CBMs in south east Asia? I dont think the CCP is that dumb to deploy their navy.

Doing that will push more SE. Asian nations into the US camp.
Throw that toilet paper in the toilet.

Best of luck for the India Vietnam friendship.

India which have suppressed Free Tibet movement should allow Tibetans to have protects and agitation for the Free Tibet. :devil::devil:
Throw that toilet paper in the toilet.

Best of luck for the India Vietnam friendship.

India which have suppressed Free Tibet movement should allow Tibetans to have protects and agitation for the Free Tibet. :devil::devil:

This article is from Reuters
And seriously risk their rapport and the CBMs in south east Asia? I dont think the CCP is that dumb to deploy their navy.

Doing that will push more SE. Asian nations into the US camp.

you are right,it's too much,surveillance ship is enough:bunny:
you are right,it's too much,surveillance ship is enough:bunny:

You can create as much infrastructure you want in Pakistan's Kashmir, but we can't drill a tiny hole in the South China sea.

Main karoon to salla character dheela hai. Uncool.
We have 3 guard points inside your Red Line, and you can not do anything already, now, we will set up some Oil rig bcz it's our EEZ.

Bãi cạn Tư Chính
Cụm nhà giàn Tư Chính được thành lập chính thức từ ngày 4 tháng 7 năm 1989, xây dựng trên bãi cạn Tư Chính (Vanguard Bank) trên vùng biển Trường Sa. Cụm hiện tại có 3 nhà giàn đang sử dụng.

VN have three guard points in Tư Chính Vung May ( Vanguard Bank ).
The best part of the thread is that some Chinese people think that China is invincible and the big bro in Asia. But the reality is that they did nothing for any country in SE Asia other than claiming territories. Does China know what sovereignty means? Bullying tinny countries and claiming the whole South China Sea indicate that China is unable to feed its people with its own resources. May God help China and its people (Living miserable life under CCP)
hahahaha interesting times ahead its good to see we are taking the much awaited stand that we should have taken sometime back
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