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China outpaces Japan, US on patent filings

This is really amazing news. :cheers:

No time to be complacent though, we still need to keep working harder.

You are a hard working honest hard working and peacefull people. With the size of your population and quality it should come as no surprise. Chinas rise is inevitable. (Cry enemies of China. You know who you are.)

Well done from your pakistani brothers and neighbours :china::pakistan::china:
Nah of coursee not. We're known as Taiwanese and have nothing to do with China and Chinese. look, if China's the US, we're the UK.

Taiwan is the Republic of China. I just checked the website of your government, it says Republic of China. China is Chinese. You are Chinese! The official name of the US does not contain anything British or English.

Oh, funny analogy, the US was a colony of the UK. Does it mean Mainland China was a colony of Taiwan?
Götterdämmerung;2413895 said:
Taiwan is the Republic of China. I just checked the website of your government, it says Republic of China. China is Chinese. You are Chinese! The official name of the US does not contain anything British or English.

Oh, funny analogy, the US was a colony of the UK. Does it mean Mainland China was a colony of Taiwan?

Come on man he is not taiwanese and we all know who he is dont fall for the trap.
Götterdämmerung;2413895 said:
Taiwan is the Republic of China. I just checked the website of your government, it says Republic of China. China is Chinese. You are Chinese! The official name of the US does not contain anything British or English.

Oh, funny analogy, the US was a colony of the UK. Does it mean Mainland China was a colony of Taiwan?

yeah It's officially called the Republic of China. however, i've gotta say over 70% Taiwanese ppl are in favour of changing the name to the Republic of Taiwan. but u know the bully China's threatened to kill us if we do that. This's just so ridiculous. The majority of Taiwanese ppl have agreed with the change, but we can't do that because of China's bullying. I'm hoping China could collapse as soon as possible.

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Come on man he is not taiwanese and we all know who he is dont fall for the trap.

bullshit. I'm pure Taiwanese, u stupid Chinese. I hate your bully communist regime.
Nah of coursee not. We're known as Taiwanese and have nothing to do with China and Chinese. look, if China's the US, we're the UK.
I prefer your saying like this,really relevant analogy.
Taiwan is a province of China.

That's all I know. No offense.

up to u. but Our ppl will never agree with that. It's reasonable for u ppl to please the big bully Dragon since we're just a small country from which u could get much less benefit.
yeah It's officially called the Republic of China. however, i've gotta say over 70% Taiwanese ppl are in favour of changing the name to the Republic of Taiwan. but u know the bully China's threatened to kill us if we do that. This's just so ridiculous. The majority of Taiwanese ppl have agreed with the change, but we can't do that because of China's bullying. I'm hoping China could collapse as soon as possible.

How many millions of refugees would you like to give asylum if China indeed does collaps? 20, 30 0r 40 millions? Imagine, most of them would come from nearby Fujian and they speak the same language as most people do on Taiwan.

BTW, your correct anylogy would be like the former East and West Germany. Intead of a wall, there is a stretch of water. Both kept Deutschland/ Germany in their official name. But unlike the ROC, East Germany was a member of the UN.
Götterdämmerung;2413989 said:
How many millions of refugees would you like to give asylum if China indeed does collaps? 20, 30 0r 40 millions? Imagine, most of them would come from nearby Fujian and they speak the same language as most people do on Taiwan.

BTW, your correct anylogy would be like the former East and West Germany. Intead of a wall, there is a stretch of water. Both kept Deutschland/ Germany in their official name. But unlike the ROC, East Germany was a member of the UN.

c'mon u r living in Germany and could have appreciated cruelty of communism. Collapse of China would be a positive event as the fall of Berlin Wall. The Chinese could enjoy the freedom and democracy while Taiwan would be a country, which are dreams of both Chinese and Taiwanese people.
c'mon u r living in Germany and could have appreciated cruelty of communism. Collapse of China would be a positive event as the fall of Berlin Wall. The Chinese could enjoy the freedom and democracy while Taiwan would be a country, which are dreams of both Chinese and Taiwanese people.

I have experienced both the former East Germany (as a tourist) and China (tourist and business). China is by far more relaxed and free than East Germany by far. We were even forced to exchange 20 Deutsch Mark for East Mark, but there was nothing to buy. Really nothing.

Do you really think that the collapse of the current system in Mainland China would lead to a peaceful transition to a different system? Are you really that stupid?

Tell me, how many millions of refugees from the Mainland can you absorb?
yeah It's officially called the Republic of China. however, i've gotta say over 70% Taiwanese ppl are in favour of changing the name to the Republic of Taiwan. but u know the bully China's threatened to kill us if we do that. This's just so ridiculous. The majority of Taiwanese ppl have agreed with the change, but we can't do that because of China's bullying.
That's right. Taiwanese are too weak to stand up to China's powerful bullying. China is a strong, sovereign nation and "Republic of Taiwan" is just fantasy.


I'm hoping China could collapse as soon as possible.

bullshit. I'm pure Taiwanese, u stupid Chinese. I hate your bully communist regime.
Ha ha ha...... hate all you like. It doesn't change the fact that you are subservient to China's iron will.
yeah It's officially called the Republic of China. however, i've gotta say over 70% Taiwanese ppl are in favour of changing the name to the Republic of Taiwan.

lol.liar liar,which Taiwan are you from?????

Ma leads Tsai by 8% in latest opinion poll
Central News Agency
2011-12-02 03:28 PM

Taipei, Dec. 2 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang (KMT) has an 8 percent lead over his main competitor Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, an academic survey showed Friday, 44 days before the presidential election.

The results suggest that Ma would garner 34 percent of the vote, Tsai 26 percent and People First Party (PFP) Chair James Soong 10 percent, said Peter Gries, director of University of Oklahoma's Institute for US-China Issues that conducted the survey. Meanwhile, 30 percent of the respondents said they have not yet decided who to vote for in the Jan. 14. election, said Gries, a visiting scholar at National Taiwan University.

If Soong drops out of the race, leaving the KMT and DPP battling for the presidency, Ma's support will rise to 45 percent and Tsai's to 30 percent, he said. The percentage of undecided voters would then decline to 25 percent, he added.

The undecided group is mainly composed of individuals who are female, younger, less wealthy, but slightly more educated, Gries said. Although the support rates differ little from polls commissioned by the local media and think tanks in recent months, Gries' study tapped into voter's gender, ethnic backgrounds, and identity profiles.

He found it interestingly that more female than male voters favored Ma, while Soong had more support among males. However, gender was not a significant factor among Tsai's supporters, he noted. In terms of ethnicity, the Hakka group was warmer toward Ma, he said, noting that people of mainland China origin tend to vote for pan-blue candidates.

Those of Hoklo origin are more ambivalent about their ideal president, he added. Gries noted that the partisanship is driven by many issues, some of which are identity and cross-strait relations. Ma supporters, for example, identify themselves more as "Chinese" than "Taiwanese." Tsai's supporters, on the other hand, think of themselves more as Taiwanese, and Soong's supporters identify least as Taiwanese. On cross-strait issues, Ma's supporters identify more closely with his stance and see Tsai as taking an extremist independence stance. Meanwhile, Tsai's supporters see Ma as being on an extremist path toward unification. The online survey was conducted among 500 adults nationwide from Nov. 17 to 28. It was one of the larger Internet polls on political trends in Taiwan. (By Nancy Liu)
1. it's just about no. of patent filings, not patent granted.
2. China becomes the largest sources of junk patent applications.
look at those exciting chinese morons

Wat he said is absolutely true. They just applied for patents that's it ,there is nothing to proud of
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