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China Only BRIC Country Currently Worthy of the Title -O’Neill


Aug 20, 2011
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SAO PAULO–Former Goldman Sachs Asset Management Chairman Jim O’Neill, who coined the BRIC acronym describing four burgeoning emerging market countries, stands by the term he invented more than a decade ago, but admits that three of the countries have disappointed him in recent years.

The acronym created in 2001 groups Brazil, Russia, India and China, and has become a reference for a perceived shift in economic power toward developing economies.

“If I were to change it, I would just leave the ‘C,’” Mr. O’Neill said in an interview. “But then, I don’t think it would be much of an acronym.”

Economic growth in other BRIC countries has been disappointing, and the economic outlook for developing economies in general has changed in the last few years amid the end of a commodities boom and a slowdown in Chinese growth–which nevertheless remains high compared with that of its counterparts.

Meanwhile, signs of a recovery in the U.S and expectations the Federal Reserve will soon reduce its bond-buying program have helped strengthen the U.S. dollar, sucking money out of emerging markets and putting even more pressure on their less developed economies.

It has become “fashionable” to say the developed world is recovering while emerging markets are all slowing down, Mr. O’Neill said. “But what people don’t understand is the size of China,” he added.

The economist said that if China’s economy grows 7.5% this year, as he expects, that would create an additional $1 trillion in wealth, in U.S. dollar terms. “For the U.S. to contribute at the same level, it would have to grow around 3.75%,” Mr. O’Neill said.

Economists currently expect the U.S. economy to expand 1.5% in 2013, down from 2% projected in May, according to a recent survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

From 2011 to 2020, Mr. O’Neill said he has assumed average growth for the BRIC countries of 6.6% a year, less than the 8.5% average in the previous decade. Most of it up to now has come from China.

India has been the biggest disappointment among the BRIC countries, while Brazil has been the most volatile in terms of investor perceptions, the economist said.

“Between 2001 and 2004, many people told me I should never have included Brazil. Then, from 2008 to 2010, people told me I was a genius for including Brazil and now, again, people say Brazil doesn’t deserve to be there,” he said.

Brazil’s economic growth, which reached 7.5% in 2010, has been weak since then in spite of multiple government stimulus measures. The country seems doomed to growth of 2% or so in both 2013 and 2014, according to economists’ forecasts.

Brazil’s rapid growth in 2010 raised expectations, but many people forgot that the country is vulnerable to big moves in commodities prices, Mr. O’Neill said.

Another problem, he said, is that private investment remains a small share of the country’s gross domestic product. Brazil’s investment rate has been stuck at around 18% of GDP, the lowest level of any BRIC country, for a decade.

Brazil’s problems in recent years were compounded by the strong performance of the Brazilian real, which made the country uncompetitive outside of commodities, Mr. O’Neill said.

The trend for the Brazilian real has changed in the last few months and the currency recently slid to its weakest level in four years, amid slow growth, declining exports and high inflation. So far in 2013, the real has retreated 14% against the dollar.

The currency’s weakness has more to do with what’s happening outside of Brazil than inside, Mr. O’Neill said. A weaker real “will help Brazil into competitiveness,” he said.

His advice for the Brazilian authorities, who have shown unease with the rapid depreciation of the currency, intervening repeatedly to try to slow the real’s move, would be “relax,” he said.

“They should only worry if there’s a pickup in inflation expectations; otherwise, they should relax,” he said, before the central bank late Thursday unveiled a massive intervention program to provide relief for the currency.

Brazilian inflation is currently 6.15%, close to the 6.5% ceiling of the central bank’s target range for 2013.

Even in the face of weak growth, Mr. O’Neill says he doesn’t plan to add or subtract letters from his famous acronym.

“If, by the end of 2015, there is persistent weak growth in Brazil, India or Russia, then I might,” he said, noting, however, that he expects Brazil to surprise positively in 2015, possibly even in 2014.
I think China' GDP in US$ term may reach a little more than 10 trillions this year, after strong appreciation of the yuan, together with relatively good growth.
I think China' GDP in US$ term may reach a little more than 10 trillions this year, after strong appreciation of the yuan, together with relatively good growth.

Pretty close to the 10 trillion mark only if HK and Macau are added but Taiwan(a 480 billion USD economy) excluded。

China can certainly grow faster than it currently is,but a shift of growth focus from quantity to quality dictates that some industries that used to be the largest contributors to GDP must be reined back。Rebalancing and restructuring are the watch words for at least the next decade。Urbanization,with all its implications for rapid expansion in related sectors,is just unfolding;and consumption will slowly but surely become the new growth engine of the Chinese economy:the potential is huge,the future is orange。
there two fundamental issues about what guys are discussing:

why the GDP should be measured in USD. It is a currency of yesterday.
10 trillion USD economy is nothing to be excited about, 100 trillion will be more fun.
If China's economy is very sick, then Taiwan's economy is pretty much dead.

No more 100 billion trade surplus from China, then let's see how Taiwan is going to end up well.

If sick China earn 100Billion surplus then i have to say get well soon:china: and add one zero more :tup:
Even though I doubt China's data....I still agree with Mr O'Neill :D

If sick China earn 100Billion surplus then i have to say get well soon:china: and add one zero more :tup:

A very sick man can not say a healthy man to get well soon....Funny
Doubt the data, but does it matter? You can say China's GDP is 10 trillion or 1 trillion, but the nation's growth is evidented by record profit multinational corporations rip from the Chinese market. Unless corporations like GE, Mercedes are cooking their China books, too, the doubting China game is not going to affect investor confidence in the country as a whole. Go ask Walmart how they are doing in China and how they are not doing in India you got the picture of the difference.

China is indeed to going to slow as the country enters middle income category, and will need to find new growth point besides urbanization which had been the primary drive along with export. China needs to boost consumption and technological innovation which admittedly are hard to achieve under the current system. However, comparing that to the crap you have in India is like a cakewalk; it is like comparing a guy with flu to a guy with terminal cancer.

Even though I doubt China's data....I still agree with Mr O'Neill :D

A very sick man can not say a healthy man to get well soon....Funny
If China's economy is very sick, then Taiwan's economy is pretty much dead.

No more 100 billion trade surplus from China, then let's see how Taiwan is going to end up well.

Speak rationally plz!

7.5% is very hard to achieve for China now.

Unlike years ago.

Yes, it is sick.
This is from the guy who invented the term "BRIC" in the first place.

And he is a WESTERNER so Indians can't argue against it. If it was any kind of Asian (Chinese/Pakistani/Bangladeshi) who said this, they would be screaming against it all day.
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