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China-Myanmar pipeline to open in May


Nov 4, 2011
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China-Myanmar pipeline to open in May
By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing and Gwen Robinson in Yangon

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A pipeline connecting the Indian Ocean coast of Myanmar with southwest China will begin pumping gas at the end of May, according to the Chinese company that built it.
The new pipeline will help free China from its over-dependence on the Strait of Malacca as transit way for its energy imports, giving the country an alternate and shorter supply route.
CNPC, the parent of publicly listed PetroChina, published state media reports on its website on Monday saying that the 793km pipeline would be fully operational by May 30, less than three years after construction began.

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A parallel pipeline that will transport crude oil imports from the Middle East and north Africa across the width of Myanmar and into China is expected to be finished by next year, the reports said.
At present, about 80 per cent of China’s crude oil imports are transported through the strategically important Strait of Malacca, but the new oil pipeline is expected to reduce China’s reliance on that route by about one-third.
The new pipeline should cut the transport distance for African and Arabian oil shipments by about 1,200km.
But far more important to Beijing than the shorter distance will be reducing the vulnerability that comes from so much of the country’s energy supply being transported through a geographical chokepoint that is effectively controlled by the US, which remains the strongest naval power in the region, despite China’s growing investment in its own military.
The new pipelines “provide China with an alternative supply route should the Strait of Malacca ever be blocked because of piracy, terrorism or conflict”, said Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, northeast Asia director at International Crisis Group. “Beijing also fears that the straits could be threatened or cut off by the US if there was ever a conflict between the countries in the Taiwan Strait or elsewhere.”
The new gas pipeline will have the capacity to carry 12bn cubic metres of gas a year to China, with most of that supply to come from Myanmar’s gasfields in the Indian Ocean.
As China tries to diversify away from a heavy reliance on coal, its natural gas demand is forecast to grow by an average of 20 per cent a year between 2010 and 2015, with the main constraint being a lack of supply.
The crude oil pipeline scheduled to go into operation next year will be able to carry 22m tonnes a year of imported crude to China. The country imported a total 271m tonnes of crude oil in 2012.
Myanmar will take no more than 2m tonnes of crude oil and 2bn cubic metres of gas a year from the pipeline for its domestic consumption.
Human rights and environmental groups have criticised the pipeline for safety concerns, environmental damage and inadequate compensation for residents affected by its construction.
Chinese state media reports laud the project for contributing to the economy of Myanmar and solidifying the “brotherly” bond between the two countries.
What about the situation with other investments? Like the copper mine, the hydro-electric project?
that's indeed a good news,in the future the main supply of oil to China will be through land pipelines running through west and mid Asia into Xinjiang,South East Asia into Yunnan and Siberia into North East China.
that's indeed a good news,in the future the main supply of oil to China will be through land pipelines running through west and mid Asia into Xinjiang,South East Asia into Yunnan and Siberia into North East China.

I only hope rail link between Gwada port to Xinjiang is completed so China Pakistan will have a great future with this new silk road. People like to curse China stateting that we have to face alot of enemies of all side and directions, but also a blessing for China for the accessibility and connectivity with more that half population of this world for trade and business.
What about the situation with other investments? Like the copper mine, the hydro-electric project?

Most of the investments are running so far from what I have read except the electric project which will be started again.

that's indeed a good news,in the future the main supply of oil to China will be through land pipelines running through west and mid Asia into Xinjiang,South East Asia into Yunnan and Siberia into North East China.

China is already been experimenting with sending oil through arctic routes do not forget that.
Sometimes I was thinking that why can not China think about linking Tibet with gas pipe line through any port of Gujurat.or any eastern side port of Kilkotta or Paradeep..This will be the shortest distance to cover to reach any supply and pipeline for the people of Tibet...
Sometimes I was thinking that why can not China think about linking Tibet with gas pipe line through any port of Gujurat.or any eastern side port of Kilkotta or Paradeep..This will be the shortest distance to cover to reach any supply and pipeline for the people of Tibet...

The Terrain of Tibet plays a factor in it, Qinghai railway to Tibet is an example of it.
I only hope rail link between Gwada port to Xinjiang is completed so China Pakistan will have a great future with this new silk road. People like to curse China stateting that we have to face alot of enemies of all side and directions, but also a blessing for China for the accessibility and connectivity with more that half population of this world for trade and business.

Doubt that happens until after 2014 Afghanistan becomes somewhat stable then it is unlikely it would happen, railway/pipeline from Pakistan could be possible in 2020's.
Sometimes I was thinking that why can not China think about linking Tibet with gas pipe line through any port of Gujurat.or any eastern side port of Kilkotta or Paradeep..This will be the shortest distance to cover to reach any supply and pipeline for the people of Tibet...

China and India is no longer "Chini India Bhai bhai", we're both competitors for energy resource nowaday, We rather use longer road such Burma or Pakistan than to depend on India...as you use Iran port to access to central-Asia.
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