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China launches world's first methalox-powered rocket


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China launches world's first methalox-powered rocket
11:10, 12-Jul-2023

China launches ZQ-2 Y2, the world's first methalox-powered rocket, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, July 12, 2023. /CGTN

China's Zhuque-2 has become the world's first rocket using methalox as propellant to successfully fly into orbit, marking a major breakthrough in the cutting-edge technology previously dominated by the U.S. SpaceX and Blue Origin.

Codenamed "ZQ-2 Y2," the rocket, the second in the series, was launched Wednesday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi Desert.

The success of this mission has verified the various schemes of the rocket and laid a solid foundation for the development of reusable rockets in the next stage, according to its developer, LandSpace, a Chinese private space launch provider.

The rocket uses liquid methane as fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer. They are reusable, nontoxic and powerful, and central to recyclable rockets.

The carrier rocket has a two-stage configuration, with a diameter of 3.35 meters, a height of 49.5 meters, a takeoff weight of 219 tonnes and a takeoff thrust of 268 tonnes.

This is the second test flight of Zhuque-2 after a failed attempt last December. The current mission took a number of improvement measures and verified their effectiveness through simulation, ground tests and engine test.

LandSpace said that after the success of the test flight, they will further optimize the rocket, accumulate experiences for its reliability and safety, and lay the foundation to provide low-cost and high-performance products for the market.

A private Chinese company launched into orbit on Wednesday the world’s first methane-liquid oxygen rocket, beating US rivals in sending what could become the next generation of launch vehicles into space.

Published: 12 July ,2023: 07:33 AM GST

The Zhuque-2 carrier rocket, a methane-liquid oxygen rocket by Chinese company LandSpace, takes off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, near Jiuquan, Gansu province, China July 12, 2023. (Reuters)

A private Chinese company launched into orbit on Wednesday the world’s first methane-liquid oxygen rocket, beating US rivals in sending what could become the next generation of launch vehicles into space.

The Zhuque-2 carrier rocket blasted off at 9 a.m. (0100 GMT) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China and completed its flight according to plan, state media reported.

It was the second attempt by Beijing-based LandSpace, one of the earliest firms in China’s commercial launch sector, to launch the Zhuque-2. A first attempt in December failed.
Wednesday’s launch put China ahead of US rivals, including Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, in the race to launch carrier vehicles fuelled by methane, which is deemed less polluting, safer, cheaper and a suitable propellant in a reusable rocket.

LandSpace also became the second private Chinese company to launch a liquid-propellent rocket.

In April, Beijing Tianbing Technology successfully launched a kerosene-oxygen rocket, taking another step towards developing rockets that can be re-fuelled and reused.

Chinese commercial space firms have rushed into the sector since 2014, when the government allowed private investment in the industry. LandSpace was one of the earliest and best funded of the entrants.

But China's original sin is being the first country in centuries challenging the west's global domination in all fronts, this will draw lots of fury from the whites and their loyal slaves.

China beats SpaceX with world’s first methane-powered rocket launch

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